That Jealousy

I'm not jealous
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"Byulie, are you jealous?" I asked, second time today, out of curiosity.

"I'm. Not. Jealous. So. Not. Jealous." Byulie glanced outside the car windows, avoiding any eye contact with me. Her cheeks were all puffed up as though she was sulking like a little kid. Or maybe... She actually looks more like a hamster with food stored in ...

Why is my girlfriend so utterly cute today?

Did she get all that ODA** from me?

**ODA refers to Ozone Depleting Aegyo and anyone who loves mamamoo should be able to remember that fateful day when Byul said Wheein always show ODA to her right? 

"Yeah yeah... Byulyi unnie is sooooooo not jealous..." Hyejin's voice trailed off with the knowing smirk planted on her face as she turn back to face the front.

It has been really long since Hyejin and I sat together in the car. With Byulie's constant want for cuddles, we have been literally sleeping on top of each other at the backseat. Now that I'm changed to the front seat, the blinding sunlight streaming through the windows were definitely not allowing me to fall asleep.


I miss lying on her soft chest...

I miss interlocking with her playful hands

I miss her slender arms that kept me in her embrace...

Even though it's just one time without her... 

"Byulie is really weird today... But she says she's not jealous though..." Leaning my back into the seat, I didn't even realise that my thoughts were escaping from my lips.

"You believe her?" With an eyebrow raised, Hyejin asked. Her face clearly showed how much disbelief she has in Byulie's reaction just a moment ago. "Seriously Wheein-ah?"

"Well, I'll admit it's pretty unusual for her to give up our cuddling session in the car... But I guess it's probably because she's angry that I didn't return last night when she waited." I shrugged my shoulders at Hyejin in reply. As I leaned closer towards her, I brought my voice down as well. "Talking about that, you really have to kick that habit of yours! You have gotten me into so much trouble!"

"Well if I could, it would have been gone long ago~ It has been there since the longest time you've known me, Wheein-ah~" With that non-apologetic smile up on her face, Hyejin poked at my cheek fats. "You're so cute Wheein-ah~"

"But still..." Grabbing at her wrist, I brought her attacks to a halt as I shot her a serious look. "I can't even tell Byulie about it!"

"Why? So you didn't tell her a thing?" Eyebrows raised, I could see that Hyejin was pretty much surprised. Nodding her head lightly, she was trying hard to contain her laughters. "No wonder she asked me about yesterday!"

"Shhh~" Quickly, I covered with my hand in order to prevent her laughters from reaching the backseats. "She will be angry that I did it again."

"Why do you and Byulyi unnie, both like to ruin my makeup early in the morning?" Pulling my hand away, she was slightly annoyed that her red lipstick was smudged on my palms. However, the frown was instantly replaced by an evil snicker as she continued. "But well... To be honest, Byulyi unnie looks even more pissed off now~"

"Are you laughing at her?" I asked, at the same time wondering about the wicked thoughts that must be brewing up in her head.

"She looks unusually funny today, I don't know why." Her teasing towards my girlfriend continued. "You know... Kinda like a puffed up hamster hahahahahaha~"

"Actually... I agree~!" Somehow, I could not stop myself from chuckling at Hyejin's comments.

"No I'm not jealous! Why would I be jealous? They are just best friends! I'll never be jealous!" Hyejin tried to imitate Byulie's response while puffing up her cheeks.

"Yah~! Don't tease my Byulie like that~" Even though I was pretty defensive for my girlfriend, I can't hep myself from laughing at Hyejin's funny face either.

But what exactly is wrong with her today though?

She sounded jealous... But she says she aren't?

Not once... But twice since the morning?

The car incident...

"Wheein-ie~" I was about to fall asleep while scrolling through my ipod until the owner of the voice jolt me awake.

"Yeah Byulie?" Laying comfortably on Hyejin, I continued to look through my ipod.

Really Really or New Face?


"Get up. Don't do that." A hand landed on my forearm and started to pull me into sitting. However, my exhaustion after this afternoon's event was not helping Byulie today. 

"Why? Don't we always do this?" I asked putting down my ipod, faced filled with confusion due to her actions.

"The car is still moving, Byul-ah! It's dangerous!" Yongsun unnie shouted as she tried to separate us for our safety.

"Just don't!" She raised her voice and whatever that was said were almost like screams. Knowing that this was getting serious, I pulled out my earphones.

"Are you jealous, unnie?" By this time, Hyejin has awoken from her slumber due to the tug of war between Byulie and I.

"I'm not!" As though Hyejin's words were thunderbolt that struck her, Byulie immediately released my hands that she was grabbing onto tightly. "I'm not jealous. Why would I be?"

"You sound like you are though..." Even though she has sensed the rising tension in the atmosphere, Hyejin continued to tease Byulie unnie with that smirk etched on her face. Tugging at the hem of her shirt, I shot her an uncomfortable look. Knowing what I was hinting at, Hyejin reluctantly adhered to my pleading eyes. "Okay okay! If you say so Byulyi unnie~"

Taking Byulie's words seriously, I sat up across Hyejin and kept an arm's length away from her. The atmosphere in the car was unusually weird for there was no music playing in the background and the air was so still, it sent chills down my spine. Neither of us spoke, and it seems like the whole car ride is going to remain in this suffocating silence.

"Okay... I'm certain she's jealous. It's the first time I've seen her this way... We lie on each other like this everyday and she says nothing, but today it's actually getting on her nerves..." I whispered towards Hyejin who was lying on her back comfortably.

"Let's make it go further~!" The evil smirk was on her face once again. "It's fun to see Byulyi unnie all flustered over you~"


So this has been the evil thought that is up in your head the whole time...

But still...

"That commotion just now was pretty frightening though..." Looking towards the back view of the silver-haired hamster, I was hesitant over agreeing with the plan. Well, usually I would never say no to Hyejin's request but today...

She's out of the norm...

No one knows what she will do...

And she's really terrifying when she gets angry...

I don't really like seeing Byulie angry though...

"You can't deny that it's pretty hilarious to see her acting like a little kid losing her precious toy." Hyejjin delivered a light push at my shoulder, signalling me to be in for the 'game'.

"Well, it's indeed quite interesting to see her act like a spoilt brat..." I nodded, still deep in thoughts.

But do I really want to see her anger unleash?

"That's because you spoilt her, Jung Wheein." Pointing her accusing finger at me, Hyejin shook her head teasingly.

"I'm just being a good girlfriend, Ahn Hyejin." I grabbed hold onto her finger and threw her hands back. 

"Whatever." Looking at the smile on my face, Hyejin knows that I have agreed to her plans in silence. As such, her lips arched upwards into a bright smile like the mischievous child she is. "You know what? This is gonna be so entertaining."

"Just don't go overboard o

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cyner9 #1
Chapter 2: jealous byul is cute and funny! omg! can’t stop laughing! hahaha ty
Icecream013 #2
Chapter 3: I will never not love this fic because duh jealous byul is cute and scary like really scary hehe just re-reading fics
Chapter 3: I swear this is full of cuteness! Haha
Jealous Byul is so cute! Wheebyul FTW!
Seriously, I had a good time reading this =DD
Chapter 2: I'm dying of cringey-ness.. >.<
Thank you, author-nim! ^^
WheeByultheStars #5
Chapter 3: They are so cute~ You write fluffies well too author-nim! I shall go read the story update for 24 hours too XD
Treating123 #6
Chapter 3: Soooooooooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeee I'm dying! XD
Icecream013 #7
Chapter 3: Cute and scary but adorable i enjoyed reading this and Wheein surely is spoiling byul hhahaha i need a wheein for myself
cjmoo_ #8
Chapter 3: Hyejin was pushing it a little too far ahahah but it's all good in the end~
I laughed at Yongsun stuttering in fear xD Protective!Byul's kinda scary though. A knife??? :O
I like it that there are indicators like 'At the apartment...' etc which is easily linked to the previous part.
Thanks for this second part!!!
katmieu0926 #9
Chapter 3: That was way too cute...swear down lol!!!
Chapter 3: Lol this is cute~<3
Finally we know what happened! Props to hwasa for being such a caring best friend!!!