
When the Worlds Collide

Jiwoo walked through the campus. She just finished her class. Then she saw Jimin from afar who typing on his phone. He looked up and saw Jiwoo. He gave her little smile and walked to her.

“Hi, Just finish your class?” Jimin put his phone into his pocket.

“Yea, you too?”

“Yup… So alone?”

“Yea, Ahyoung has extra class today. Where is Taehyung?”

“He had to pick up his family. They are coming to Seoul today.”

“Oh, how nice..”

“Yup, Are you busy after this?”

“Not really. I don’t have work this week. Everyone go outing, just intern and part-time who aren’t going.”Jimin nodded.

“Good. Are you up for coffee?”




They arrived at coffee shop nearby. Jimin ordered caffe latte and Jiwoo ordered caramel macchiato. Being a nice guys, Jimin paid. Jiwoo sat at a table near the window while Jimin was waiting for orders.

“So, how’s classes?” Jimin spoke as soon as he brought the order to the table.

“Well, it’s pretty good, I think. It’s still in the beginning of the term, so okay. How about you? Moving here? Is everything alright?”

“Well it’s pretty good. Everyone is nice. Well I have Taehyung, so it’s okay.”

“Nice to hear that.” Both of them  just silently drank their coffee, enjoying jazz music that was played by the cafe.

“So… are you up for dinner?” Jimin broke the silence. Jiwoo just nodded her head and smiled.

“Pizza?” Jimin asked her.

“Pizza sounds good.” They grabbed their belongings and went to the nearest pizza place.




“Dang, it’s so crowded.” The place was cramped by people.

“Should we change place?” Jiwoo asked while Jimin texted someone.

“The boys are having pizza at Hoseok’s place. Wanna join?” At first, Jiwoo was hesitant but she nodded afterwards.

On their way to Hoseok’s sharing apartment which was few walk away, they stopped at the coinvinence store, grabbing some chips and sodas. When Jimin opened the door, he found Hosoek was munching pizza.

“Oh, Ji-hoobae! You come!” Hoseok let them came in. The apartment smelled pizza. There were bunch of pizza boxes and couple of soft drinks bottles. Jiwoo looked around, searching for a certain figure, but she couldn’t find one. Thank goodness, Jiwoo exhaled.

“Oh, Jiwoo-noona?” Jungkook just came from the kitchen with a box of popcorn in his hand.

“Yeah, the pizza place is too crowded, so I and Jimin go here. Here we brought some chips and soda.”

“Well, cool! Let’s watch something!”

“Let’s watch star wars!!” Hoseok jumped into the couch, slung his arm around Jiwoo and Jungkook, while Jimin sat next to Jiwoo. They did star wars marathon, from four to six, one to three and the last movie. Hoseok already sound asleep, while Jungkook still into the film. Jiwoo slowly lean on Jimin’s shoulder. The boy, too, slowly wrapped his arm around her shoulder, until the girl sound asleep. When Jungkook looked around, he found two sleeping body next to him. When he wanted to wake them up, Jimin stopped him, shaking his head.

“I will bring her home. Let Hoseok sleep.” With that, Jimin piggy back Jiwoo back to her apartment. When he arrived at her apartment, he didn’t know the passcode. So he contacted Ahyoung. Thirty minutes, he waited for Ahyoung, but no reply. In the end, he went to his apartment.






Jiwoo was waken up by a alarm, which wasn’t hers. She looked around and she realized she wasn’t in her room. She looked at her left and she found Jimin who slept while searching for his phone with his left hand and turned off his alarm. Then he turned around and looked at Jiwoo.

“Ah, Jiwoo-ah, good morning.” The  cute  smile that plastered on his face unmatched with the husky voice that sent chills to Jiwoo. Jiwoo just smiled back.

“Well, me and Taehyung didn’t really stock much food on our fridge. Let’s go out and get some breakfast.”

“Sounds good.”

“Wanna wash up?”

“Yes, please.” Jimin got up and slid his wardrobe’s door.

“Here new towel, toothbrush and some changes.” He lend her his white t-shirt and boxer. While washed up, Jiwoo was wondering how could she end up at Jimin’s place. When she come out, she found Jimin was laying in the couch playing his phone.

“You done?” Jiwoo bite her lips and nodded at the sight in front of her, messy bed hair Jimin with eyeglasses on, white t-shirt and shorts. Then she sat on the couch. She looked around and found mini figures and photos. Moments later, she found Jimin walked to the couch and put his wallet on his back pocket.

“Let’s go!”






“So, tell me about you.” Jimin asked when Jiwoo came back from the cashier with her subway sandwich. They finally decided got some sandwiches for breakfast.

“So suddenly?” Jiwoo laugh a bit before took a bite.

“Yeah, we always hang out but we never talk about ourselves. Well, we talk about our classes, but not who we are.” Jiwoo nodded, she kind of agree with Jimin this time. They sat down, talked for hours and enjoyed coffee, but they barely talk about themselves.

“So, I’m from Daegu. I moved to Seoul when I went to high school.”

“That’s new. I’m from Busan.”

“Cool! And I know you just moved here.”

“Yeah, I have younger brother. Jungkook’s age. He stays at Busan with my parents, helping with the restaurant. You?”

“I.. don’t really have anyone.” Jiwoo laughed a bit. Jimin looked at the girl in front of him. Her features soften, thinking about the past.

“Parents?” Jimin asked carefully, didn’t want to hurt the girl.

“Well, they always work abroad. So… yeah. I used to live with my grandmother. I moved here because she was gone.” Her note dropped. Jimin noticed and he wanted to hug her in his embrace. So he just held her hand, and it made Jiwoo relaxed a little bit.

“Hey, it’s okay. I wanted to talk about it to you. It’s okay, don’t look at me like that.” Jiwoo laughed, making Jimin soften. This girl is really strong.   

“Sorry, I dropped the mood.” Jiwoo smiled and sipped her lemon tea. Both of them finished their breakfast. Then Jimin thought of something.
“Hey, let’s go to the arcade!” Jimin grabbed her hand and dragged her out to the arcade. They played for hours.

“Here, for you.” Jimin got her a medium sized penguin plushie.

“Thanks. Hey let’s go to the photobooth!” Jiwoo smiled and dragged the boy to the photobooth. Jimin stood behind the girl and put his arm around her. She nervously hid her face on his arm while smiling.

“Hey, don’t do that, smile at the camera.” Jimin whisped at her ears, sent chill all over her body. Then, the photo came out. There are two pieces, so Jiwoo took one and Jimin took one.

“Let’s go get an ice cream. My treat!” Jimin led her to an artisan gelato shop. Jiwoo always felt butterflies every time Jimin held her hand. They went to a gelato shop nearby. They tried some flavors and in the end Jimin got tiramisu and cheesecake while Jiwoo got strawberry sorbet and hazelnut almond. They sat near the window and talked for hours till the sun set. Without Jiwoo knowing, someone looked at them from across the street.


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