The Heirs Secret





Hayvons, the beast who's size threefold bigger than them, with dark green moss like hard skin, living in the dark cave among many mountains. Some of them even have small horn along their forehead and some with scale on parts of their bodies. They scattered dirty but sharp teeth making they didn't look any better. They have kidnapped human, making them their slave, killed them just for their fun or worse eating their hearts for their leader.

The Human race has been fighting them for many years, their king, in every generation, has always managed to repel them out every time they launch an attack. But unfortunately, it didn't last forever. One night when the royal troop's traveled to the frontier, they were attacked, no one knows by who, killing all the troops including the young king, leaving his pregnant wife and his unarm kingdom has to face the Hayvons attack. They didn't stand any chance, the attack was so well prepared. They didn't have any choice except to run away for their life, hiding deep in the forest.

Not many of them succeed flew away. With the remain people, including the pregnant queen they made a shelter on their hiding place. Not long after, the queen gives a birth to a girl for their disappointing. The remain people, lead by one of the general, agree to take the rule until the princess growing up and give a birth to a boy. With their poor and hectic situation, the queen also didn't last long, leaving the little princess all alone except a young maid who has always been by the queen side.

Years has passed by, the young princess has been forgotten by the hectic situation, having to move from one place to another, the urge to stay alive and the greed of the general who was chosen to be their leader.



Lin has been living with her mother and her grandmother, well more like her grandmother friends, on their hiding place since she was born. They had managed to stay at one place by sending their soldiers leading the Hayvons away from them. She has heard her grandmother telling her the war stories between the Hayvons and the Human, the victory and the fail. She also has been told that she was the King heirs, but it seems like the people has already forgotten about it. They prefer A Man that can lead them fighting the Hayvons. That, until their highest lord, who has considered his self as the king, choose his daughter as the heirs. Many had sound their protest but get shut down immediately. Until the day when they celebrate her coronation and also her wedding wich lead to a big disaster, waking up the rage deep inside Lin and the secret of the King heirs involved nine magical mans. 




English is not my first language so please forgive me for the mistake

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