One Two Three


One, two and three..

Things can change in different timing..

One, two and three seconds..

One, two and three minutes,,

One, two and three hours..

Not long until he realised it's become,

One, two and three years later..



I decided to do this little one shot story out of nowhere for a while. It may be the same story as squishyxstyle's "Only for you, I'm All In" but just to let you know, that account is actually mine but it's just that i'm little busy at the moment. Hope you guys like this story, sorry if it's short for you. 


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Chapter 1: THIS. IS. BEAUTIFUL. AS .

I mean yeah the ending was not the type of ending id usually like, but damn it was worth the read it was written beautifully i was hit with the feels....

Thank you for the storyy !