First Sign

The Space Between Us


Love at first sight. Well this was such a cringe way to start a story, but believe it or not this was what really happened. His face was a little above average, but not to the point that made every woman would have a crush on him at first sight. He wasn’t even that mesmerizing when she saw him that day; she didn’t even know why he caught her eyes. If she really had to point out one reason, after all the bad guy she had dated, probably because he looked like a kind person. He had these quite thick glasses like a smart nerd with his long-sleeved shirt rolled up that revealing his skinny white arms. He was actually skinnier than most men usually. He wasn’t stunning or anything close to that, but Irene couldn’t stop thinking about him.

It was not that long to finally found out his name, it’s rather easy and no sweat at all. In the midst of unfamiliar face on her first day of work, she finally saw him again at staff briefing and his name was called by the scary looking manager as he was in charge of something that she couldn’t even bother to understand about.

Park Bogum. Park. Bogum. She finally got his name. That’s all that matter.

Months turned years and nothing happened. She was still single and crushing hard over him. Even she couldn’t believe herself that she still did, but her heart still pounding loud every time their eyes met. When he smiled or just greeted each other with a simple hi just because they passed each other in the hallway, she would go to the restroom and jumped in joy. After that she would be like “what the hell I’m not even seventeen anymore”, but whatever the circles kept going.

Honestly, she didn’t even have any expectation. She could care less if he already had a girlfriend or even fiancée, in which the rumors said, because he obviously didn’t have any interest in her. It’s almost two years for her working in this office with him but they were still far from close. Moreover, in this Bank where they worked, fellow employees couldn’t get married unless one of them resigned. But let’s not go that far. This relationship wouldn’t get that far anyway.



Something unexpected always happened when you least expected it. What would you feel when your long time crush suddenly, out of nowhere, asked for your number?

That holy day, Irene was just gloomily working on her unending works on her computer like usual. She glanced at the clock hanging on the wall right in front of her and made a crying face as the clock strike 8. A few of her colleagues had already gone home.

“Why are you still here?” A very familiar voice asked.

Irene tried her best not to grin.

“Um… You see… I’m not done with works.” She cursed her trembling heart, hands, and mouth. How come they were so cooperative at time like this?

She thought he would just leave after that like usual but suddenly he sat in an empty chair in front of her.

“Just do it tomorrow. We will never be done with works, it’ll just keep filling up no matter how much time you spend working on it.” He gave her a small smile.

“Wow. What an advice. Totally not expecting you to say that.”

“Why…?” He purposely tried so much to show his confusion in his face.

“You look like a hard worker… and diligent…” She trailed off.

He laughed and she stunned. She could hear that laugh all night. 

“Yeah, you’re right. I look like I work hard.” He emphasized whilst laughing. “Work smart. Don’t work hard. Eh by the way...” He pulled out his phone, “I think I don’t have your number.”

Play it cool Irene. She tried to calm herself so her hands weren’t shaking as she took her own cell phone. “Yeah, I don’t have yours either. What’s yours?”

God knew how much she tried so hard not to blush and felt giddy in front of him as they exchange their phone number.

“Are you sure you are not going home?” He stands up, obviously going to leave.

So here’s the question. What would you do if your crush asked you to go home?

“Of course, I’m going home.” She grinned and immediately tidied her desk, put aside a bunch of unfinished files, and turned off the computer.

“That’s fast.” He chuckled. “Let’s go.” He motioned with his head.

She grabbed her bag and started walking beside him.

Good job Irene, that was natural. She was proud of herself.



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