see you next week!

See You Next Week



Scrolling, scrolling and scrolling. I stare at my phone’s screen flatly, wishing something interesting will show up on my newsfeed. Seriously, it’s been 2 hours I’m waiting, when will the freaking bus arrive?

I let out my breath in a long sigh. I miss my bed and the fact that I’m still wearing my uniform does not help at all, it’s so uncomfortable. If my house wasn’t that far, I’d probably choose to walk than waiting for the bus to come every day.

My phone vibrates all of sudden, making me jump a little. Then after few seconds, the screen slowly turns off by itself.

“Great,” I talk to myself with a sarcastic tone after knowing that I can’t play with my phone anymore because of its low battery. “Now, I just have to—“

I couldn’t finish my sentence as someone interrupts by sitting next to me. Not that close of course since the bench is pretty long.

I steal a glance at that person then look back to the road in front of me. Ah, he’s my senior. I rarely see him around, though. But that’s all I know.


“Hey. Do you have a lighter?”

There’s no one here except me so maybe he’s talking to me. “I don’t have. I’m sorry.”

“It’s alright,” he smiles slightly.

It’s indeed awkward here. All I can do is praying for the bus to come quickly. I’m just not used to talk to my seniors, I’m…just…shy.


Maybe because I’m the type of person who’s not good at socializing or maybe because he seems like the popular kid in class. Okay, I’m thinking too much, he probably doesn’t even know my name either—



I know right? What a good time to sneeze! I cover my nose incase I’m going to sneeze again. I probably sounded like a mice.

“Use this.”

I look at my senior’s hand who’s offering me tissues. “T-thank you, sunbae,” I say as I take it.

He doesn’t reply me after that. Maybe, he’s disgusted with the way I sneezed. I don’t blame him because I feel the same.

Or what if he doesn’t like being called sunbae? Oh gosh. I’m thinking too much again.


“That was cute.”


“Huh?” I stare at him confusedly.

“The way you sneezed,” he fixes his collar then looks at me, smiling.

Is he saying that my sneeze sounds cute? Oh god.

I can feel my cheeks are starting to burn already because of his words. I look away to avoid his face. I just want to scream loudly.

“I’m Yuta Nakamoto, by the way. What’s your name?”

I turn my head to him again slowly and nod. “I’m Hana. Hana Shin.”

“You’re waiting for your bus, right?” He raises his brows.

I nod again. “Yeah.”

“It’s not going to come.”

“How’d you know?” I tilt my head.

“I just know.”


He stands up from the bench and stretches his neck. “Let’s go?”

“I’d like too but I can’t, sorry.”

“As you like, then,” he shrugs as he slings his bag over his shoulder. “It’s getting cold at night. Hope you brought your jacket.”

This guy…

I glance at my watch and it’s already 5 pm. I’m not going to follow him, especially when I just knew his name.

I’m just gonna stay here because the cold never bothered me anyway.





“So, what’s your favorite subject?”

“It’s art, I guess,” I nod. I know that I promised myself to stay and wait for the bus but I just couldn’t help. The wind was getting colder and colder so here I am, walking beside him.

“I see.”

“How about you?”


“Ah…” I nod.

“Actually, I only come to school when there’s P.E,” he chuckles lowly.

“You’re lying,” I laugh.

“You think so?”

“Yes, I’m sure. Like how can you go to school once a week or only when you have a P.E?” I shake my head in disbelief.

“Alright alright. I’m not going to force you to believe me.”

I kinda believe him, though. Since I rarely see him around so maybe he only attends school when there’s P.E. That lucky guy. “Anyways, where are we heading?”

“No idea.”



“Don’t copy me,” I look at him flatly and hit his shoulder.

“Ouch! That hurts,” he groans. I didn’t even hit him that hard...

Ignoring him, I look ahead instead.

“This is another reason why I don’t come to school often,” he rubs his arm.

“What do you mean?”

“I broke my shoulder along with my arm when I was a child. I still can’t even write properly now.”

“…Really, oh gosh... I am so sorry,” I cover my mouth, feeling guilty for what I’ve done.

“It’s alright…” he nods. “But…just kidding.”

What the heck. I shut my eyes tight and let out a super duper long sigh. Why is he kinda irritating.

“Don’t be mad, hey,” he suddenly messes my hair.

“Who? Me? I’m not mad at all,” I force a smile. “No worries~”

“Who says I’m worried?”

…This guy, really. I don’t wanna talk to him anymore.

“Ah, you’re mad again,” he shakes his head slowly.

I stay quiet and continue walking instead.

I can hear him chuckling lowly as he walks a bit faster and now I’m facing his back. It’s funny how I just met him and he already seems like the most annoying person ever.

But, then, I’m still curious over the fact that he’s rarely going to school and I know that’s none of my business.

I keep looking at his back until he decides to turn around. This time, his facial expression changes. He looks… cold.

I stop walking as his eyes meet mine. I don’t know what’s wrong with me but I can’t stop staring at it.

“Come here.”

I rub the back of my neck, feeling nervous all of sudden. Slowly, I take three steps forward until I stand in front of him. “What’s wro—“

He grabs my hand immediately and continue walking. “Jeez. You’re so slow.”

“What do you mean? You walk too fast,” I say loudly and then look down to our hands, holding.

“And we’re here,” he says as we enter some shop. I couldn’t read what kind of shop it is since he drag me inside quickly.

We both take a seat near the window. I look around, scanning the place until I realize it’s a ramen shop.

Knowing that I’m gonna eat makes my face brighten. I love food, especially ramen or any kind of noodles.

“Now you’re quiet,” he let out a soft chuckle as his eyes scan through the menu.

I ignore him and grab the menu.

“Oh god. Everything looks delicious here…”

“Just choose anything you want,” he says.

I nod and call the waiter.

No matter how everything looks delicious, I can’t choose the expensive one since I’m probably the one who will pay for my own.

“One spicy ramen please and...” I turn the page to the drinks section. “…and one water.”

“Alright, how about you sir?”

“I’ll have a seafood ramen and ice tea, please,” he closes the menu.

The waiter repeats everything and say that the food will be served in five minutes. I put the menu away and smile to myself.

After few seconds, the waiter comes back again to bring the water bottle along with a glass full of ice cubes.

“Thank you,” I smile.

Yuta sees the bottle then grabs it immediately.

“Hey--You didn’t order that.”

“I know,” he nods. “Let’s play! If you win, I’ll pay for everything but if I win, you’ll be the one who pays for it.”

“Are you challenging me?” I furrow my brows.

“I don’t know. Am I?” he emphasizes.

“Spin it.”

He smirks slightly before he starts spinning the water bottle. I stare at it with a serious expression, hoping that he will lose.

The bottle keeps on spinning and spinning until it points at…him.

I let out a deep sigh and lay my head on the table. Jeez.

“It’s just a simple game. It’s not that deep,” he says calmly. “Or are you thinking that I was going to treat you?” a light chuckle escapes his lips. “C’mon. We’re not in a kdrama, miss.”

“Yeah, it’s not that deep since you’re not the one who loses,” I gasp. “And I didn’t say that I was in a kdrama.”

“As you say~”



The waiter guy comes again to place our orders on the table carefully. “Enjoy~” he bows.

“Thank you!”

I grab my ramen and smell it. “Hmm. It smells so good!”

Yuta looks at me strangely before take a sip of his soup.





We both finish our food after about fifteen minutes. I wipe my mouth with the nearest tissue as I look at Yuta whose busy playing with his phone. How I wish my phone is still alive.

His lips stretch into a smile as he keeps looking at his phone, probably chatting with his girl. He lifts his head up and lays his eyes on mine.

“Stop staring and play with your own phone,” he says.

“Excuse you but you’re sitting across from me, how can I not see you?” I roll my eyes. “And my phone’s battery died already.”

“Ah…” he nods, more like mocking me. “You still hungry?”

“Yes but I’m just going to eat at ho—“

“One more spicy ramen, please!” he raises his hand all of sudden.

“What, why?!” I almost yelled. This guy always do anything he wants.

“You said that you’re still hungry.”

“But you can’t just order my food without my permission.”

“If I ask for your permission, would you let me?” he raises his brows.

“Of course, no.”

“See,” he shrugs.

And the waiter comes again with one bowl of ramen on his hand. I stare at Yuta and he immediately avoids my eyes.

“Thank you~” I say to the waiter and he bows. Whatever, I’m just gonna eat it.


“, I’m late!” he suddenly stands up from his chair, looking at his watch.

“Late…?” I look at him and blink.

“I have to go now. You, finish your ramen, alright?” he pats my head like I’m his pet or something.

I fix my hair. “A-alright. Take care,” I smile.

He smiles back and makes his way to the door. I swear that was the sweetest smile I’ve ever seen.



After finish eating my ramen, I quickly walk to the cashier since it’s getting late.


“Hello,” the cashier lady greets nicely. “Which table are you?”

“Hello,” I smile. “Table number five. Right there,” I point to the table where I was sitting.

“Number five, number five…” she looks at something that seems like her note. “Oh--someone paid already.”

“Huh?” I furrow my brows.

“A guy with a similar uniform like you has paid already. That’s what I remember, ma’am.”

“Ah…” I nod. “Alright, thanks you,” I make my way to exit the shop.

Yuta paid already even though he’s the one who won the game. I giggle to myself as I touch my cheek. Why does it make me blush?





After a week.



It’s been a week after I met my senior, Yuta. That guy really is serious about not coming to school often and I still think his excuses are weird. He must be that rich to be allowed to skip so many days at school…or what if he’s the son of the owner of this school?! Woah…

Anyways, if I ever meet him again, I would like to say thank you for treating me last week.

I stand beside the bus stop sign as I wait for my bus to come. Hopefully, it won’t take a long time to arrive like last week.

I unlock my phone and check the battery immediately.


Yup, I can survive here.




“Hey, ramen girl!”




I turn around slowly to a familiar voice.

A smile appears on his face. That sweetest smile again. Somehow, I can’t stop looking at him. He raises both of his hands in the air and wave it, still walking his way to my direction.

“The hell you staring at? This isn’t kdrama.”

…And that wakes me up.

I blink as I run my finger through my hair. “Yeah…I know.”

“Miss me?” he raises his brows.

“Nope. Did you?”


“I knew it,” I chuckle. “Thank you for last week, by the way.”

“Last week?” he slips his hands into his pockets. “Oh—no problem.”



“So, I just wanna say,” I glance at my watch.



“Do you wanna go to that ramen shop again? It’s my treat this time since I lost last week but you were still the one who paid. And no, I’m not saying this in order to get closer to you because I know you have someone already, I just feel bad because I think it’s unfair for you. So, please, let me treat you, sunbae nim,” I bow. Woah, I don’t think I ever talked this fast.


“Oh,” he looks at me. I bet he can’t even understand what I was saying.

“Yes…” I reply. Why is this so awkward?

“Let’s go,” he grabs my hand all of sudden and walks in front of me.

“I can walk by myself.”

“No, you can’t. By the way…” he turns his head to look at me and smirks. “I don’t have that ‘someone’ or whatever you think it is.”

I blink.

“And thanks for calling me ‘sunbae nim’. I like it,” he smiles.

Oh gosh.

That smile again.

That sweet smile again.


I guess I’m screwed.





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Chapter 1: Woaaaaah it was so cute ^u^ I liked it how Hana and Yuta were so comfortable with each other from the start even if Hana was shy at first ^^ I wonder why Yuta skipped so much school and was he actually a son of the headmaster? He asked Hana if she has a lighter at first so he probably smokes right? That could mean he's in a rebel phase. And so he doesn't care about his grades. Low grades + low attendance = being kicked out of school BUT! not if your father's a headmaster. Hm, seems legit. And how the hellhe knew the bus won't come O.o wut
Lol what I just blabbered about hahah
But back to the topic,the story was nice ^^ do you plan on writing something more to this one shot? Like a bonus or something? I'm curious about the two to be honest haha
Thank you for this one shot, you did a great job in here :3
Chikaaisya #2
Chapter 1: Goddd shooo cute this made my dayyy!