Bus trip home

To be or not to be

Tiffany POV

We’re on our way back from shooting, and I’m really tired. We were all in the bus on the way back, so we got a bit more room. The shoot was a lot tougher than I thought it would be today, and I think everyone else is having the same reaction. All sleepy. All hungry. I am kinda surprised that no one has suggested we have dinner, even though it’s 10pm. Everything was quite, and I don’t know why, so I decided to break the silence.

“What do you guys think we should have for dinner? I’m in the mood for jjajangmyun. What about you guys?”

“I could go for jjajangmyun. I haven’t really had it in a while.”

“I want pizza.”

“Why don’t we go to the markets in Hongdae? The street foods there are amazing.”

“Because we’re all tired, and that will take us a while to get there. We’re hungry now.”

“I’m surprised you haven’t tried to eat your own arm yet.”

“What’d you say Soonkyu?!”

Oh no. Sooyoung only uses Sunny’s real name when she’s mad.

“Soo, chill out, I’m just playing. Let me go. Seriously, you’re stretching my shirt.”

I could hear Yuri and Yoona behind me whispering and laughing in the seats behind me.

“Sooyoung really needs food, or she’ll eat Sunny.”

“Ew that’s gross Yoong.”

“Not like that you weirdo.”

“I know what you meant, but it’s still weird.”

Yuri has such a dirty mind. Jesus Christ. At least Tae didn’t hear any of it. I slightly turn to the side and just see her sleeping against the window. Wow she looks really cute. It’s still funny how some people think she’s the maknae. I still think it’s funny how she plays into that sometimes. I guess she does that for the fans, because she never does it at the dorm. It’s always on tv and never off. With everyone either fighting or laughing, we still can’t decide what to have for dinner. At the rate that everyone is going, Taeyeon will wake up.

“Hey, everyone. Keep quite, or you’ll wake up Taeng.”

“We’ll keep quite, when we figure out what we’re having for dinner.”

“Oh for god sake. We’ll order some boneless fried chicken or something when we get home.”

“That’ll do. Now let’s quite down.”

“Ok fine.”

It shouldn’t have even come to that. I look back over at Tae to make sure she hasn’t woken up, and just as I suspected, she hasn’t.

“You’re so beautiful when you sleep.”

I don’t think anyone heard me, but I do see a smile go across her face. Is she really asleep or faking? I can’t tell sometimes. Maybe she’s smiling about something she’s dreaming about. Sometimes I wish I knew what those dreams were about. Knowing what she’s like, being a byuntae and all, maybe I don’t want to know what those dreams were about.

Taeyeon POV

I woke up as we’re getting dropped off to the dorm. I had such a strange dream, and I remember it vaguely. Tiffany and I were married, we had 2 dogs, and were the new directors of SM. It was really nice though, and I think I smiled whilst I slept. At least I didn’t fall asleep on Fany, like she did on me this morning. We get inside the dorm, and both Yoona and Sooyoung head for the fridge.

“Guys, chill. I said we’ll order chicken.”

“Wait. When did this happen?”

“While you were asleep”

“Oh ok. So what are we getting?”

“Boneless fried chicken. Any flavour you want?”

“They still have bulgogi sauce flavour, right?”

“Yeah. I’ll get you that. Everyone! What flavour chicken you want?”

Almost like programmed, everyone turns around and answers Tiffany.

“Cheese please Unnie.”

“Yeah, I’d like that too.”

“Same here.”

“Extra spicy for me please Tif.”

Jessica only calls Tiffany ‘Tif’ when she really wants something.

“Fany, I’ll have a fruit flavour.”

“There’s like 4 flavours Yul. What do you want?”

“I don’t know, surprise me.”

How could Yuri be so random? she never wants fruit flavoured chicken. I guess she's too tired to care tonight, or something like that.

“I’m gonna be basic, and get original flavour.”

“Me too.”

“Alright, now that I got everyone, I’ll order.”

As Fany does that, we all go to the living room and turn on the TV. There’s like nothing on right now, so we all just sit and talk. It’s just the usual stuff. But it went from sleep, to when our performances are. We only just finish the video today, and we’re somehow got onto the performances that are probably soon. It’s still kinda funny though, because the video isn’t even gonna be out for almost 2 full weeks.

“Alright guys, the food will be here soon.”

“Unnie, do you know how long they’ll be? I think we’re all getting really hungry.”

“About 35 – 40 minutes. Remember, there are 9 of us.”

“Oh damn.”

Seohyun did look disappointed. I just guess she’s really hungry. We all were. To kinda change the mood up, I put some music on. I put on Super Juniors latest song Sorry Sorry. It came out today, and it’s already popular.

“Oh hell yeah. Let’s dance.”

I didn’t think that Jessica would be the one to instigate the dancing, but one by one, everyone started dance. And we all just kept going, even though we’re all really tired. It really felt like an eternity before the chicken got here, but we were all grateful. Everyone takes their food and leaves to go to their rooms. Only Tiffany and I were left in the living room, which was kinda weird because of that dream that I had earlier. I kinda zone out without realizing it.

“Tae, you ok?”


“You’re not eating, and you look kinda zoned out.”

“Sorry Fany. I’m just tired.”

“Ok Tae. If you need anything don’t hesitate to ask me.”

“Thanks Fany. I’m just gonna go to my room and eat.”

“Oh. Ok. Goodnight Tae.”

“Goodnight Fany.”

I really am tired. I take my chicken, head to my room and finish it off. I am tired, but going to bed on an empty stomach isn’t good for your health. After I finish, I decide to make a new entry in my diary, because I do need to put that dream somewhere.

“Dear Diary

I know, another entry today, but there’s something I need to tell you. On the bus on the way back from the Gee shoot today, I had a really weird dream. Tiffany and I were married, and were starting a family. It was really weird, but I don’t want to tell her. That could ruin my relationship with my best friend. I might talk to someone about this soon, because I don’t really know what this means. Does it mean I have feelings or something? I really don’t know. I’ll try and figure it out on my own.

Lots of Love
               From Taeyeon”

I put my diary back in my desk, lay down and try and sleep. I’m so tired, even with that nap in on the bus. I wonder if I’ll go back to that dream.


Sorry that I haven't been posting much. I've not been in a good place these last couple of months. I started this fic to give myself something to do. There's not gonna be a scheule for this, and new chapters will be added when I think of something to write about. I'm still trying to put the story together in my head, and I don't really know where I want to take this yet. But I still hope that you guys enjoy it. Let me know what you think should happen, or what you want to happen. Anything helps. Thank you guys for reading my stuff..

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1122 streak #1
Chapter 8: Yes finally Taeny ^_^
1122 streak #2
Chapter 7: Way to go Fany you said what you should've said to him long ago and I hope his mind omalready absorb your words and regret everything...
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Chapter 6: So how long is tiff gonna stay there? and ivthinkvthats a love letter hehe
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Chapter 6: Is that a confession from Taeyeon?
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Chapter 5: Tae tell her tag you feel the same way now before something unexpected happens
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Chapter 3: I hope they confess to each other.
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Chapter 3: Continue please TT