
Now & Then

Taemin's POV

It had been years since we saved the world. Me, Minho,Asla and Yoogeun were now a happy family. Today is Yoogeun's first day and I planned to take him but when he saw that Tae,Aria and this unknown he told us he rather go off with them.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" I asked one more time.

"It's okay. I have Tae their to help me and if anyone trys to hurt me. I'll just get Aria noona to hurt them!" Yoogeun cheered.

"That's the way,son." Minho said.

"Violence is never the answer." I told them

"Says the person who hits me whenever I forget our anniversary," Minho mumbled.

I glared the umma glare at him and he shut up immediately,"Come on. Let's go over and say hi!"

"Wow. Aria has grown into a beautiful young lady," MInho said his mouth dropping open.

I rolled my eyes. Aria has always been pretty anyway."Aria?" 

"Cousin Taemin! Cousin Minho!" She yelled excited."What are you guys doing here?"

"Taking Yoogeun to school. He is only two years younger than you," Minho explained.

"Who's this gentleman?" I asked.

"I'm Sung Jong. Aria's friend," He said polite.

"Well nice to meet you but Taemin and me have to go. Take care of our cousins,"  Minho said dragging me off.

"I kind of reminds of  you of Asadia and Niel doesn't it?" I asked.

"Let's not talk about them but us," Minho said closing our lips in a kiss.

Aria's POV

It's been years since the time when the world was in danger yet, every time I or Tae tried to walk out the door,mom would pull us back in afraid for our lives. Mom and dad hadn't changed that much. We had found out mom was able to give some of her life away to dad. Not in the way it kills her but to make him young. Mom looked 23 and dad looked 25. It was weird considering that their both like 35 years old.

"I'm 16 years old now," I told her.

"I know but you never know. I mean your cousin Taemin and Minho fell in love at the age and then I almost died and-"

I interrupted," I know! You've told me a million times."

"Aria! Sung Jong is here!" Tae yelled.

"Put your wings away!" Asadia yelled.

"No!" I called back

"I don't know where she gets that rebellious attitude from!' Asadia sighed.

"She kind of seems like you at that age. Doesn't she?" Niel said crossing his arms over her chest.

"Yeah." Asadia said truthfully."Let's hope she finds someone to love like her father."

 I wore a beautiful white long sleeve shirt, music skirt, black and pink belt with matching flats. Mom had passed it down to me. She had wore it on her first day of school and had met dad that same day. It was kind of a good luck charm.

"So?" Sung Jong asked. His hand intertwining in mine. I held back a blush.

"You wanted to ask me something me," I said reminding him.

"Aria will you-"

"Aria! You didn't wait for me!" Tae said catching up with me.

Go away!


"Sorry Sung Jong continue on what you were saying," I said turning to him. It really that me and Tae had that bond. He could find me anywhere and so could I. We learned we were also able to feel each other's pain. Not all of it and not to mention send each other messages through out minds.

"Well you look really pretty today and I was wondering if you would go out-"

"Aria?" A familiar voice called.

Just like mom and dad Taemin and Minho had remained in their 20s. Thanks to Mom giving them some of her life.

"Cousin Taemin! Cousin Minho!" I yelled excited."What are you guys doing here?"

"Taking Yoogeun to school. He is only two years younger than you," Minho explained.

"Who's this gentleman?" Taemin asked.

"I'm Sung Jong. Aria's friend," He said polite.

"Well nice to meet you but Taemin and me have to go. Take care of our cousins,"  Minho said dragging Taemin off.

Take Yoogeun to school. He goes to the same school as you!

Fine but, if this guys does anything tell me.

Tae dragged a curious Yoogeun to the school entrance. I stood there brushing my hair behind my hair nervously. Sung Jong's hand was still entangled with me and I struggled to not blush.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

"Of cour-"

"Hey Sung Jong! What are doing with this ?" Hara said laying a manicured finger on sung jong's tan arm. My eyes flashed a deep violet when I saw what she was talking.

"I'm asking her to-"

'To get lose? I mean i'm already your girlfriend anyway," Hara said.

"What? Then why did he-"

"Ask you out? To make you think you could actually be liked, Duh!" Hara laughed.

I ran from the scene, meeting up with my friends at my locker. 

"What's wrong?" Jessica asked. She had re enrolled in school. To try to see how it would be going to school going with her grand daughter. Grandma Jessica appearance looked 17 but could pass for 16. She had the ability to see people's aura or emotions. 

I explained the whole scene to her,"And the worst part is he didn't even protect me and I was so close to letting loose my angel fury on that girl."

"Violence is bad," IU said cutely.

"I know but she deserves it," I said.

"Aw is the little crying?" Gyuri teased. She was Hara's twin of a sister. 

"But Gyuri your not crying?" I said innocent

"Oh haha the little singer got jokes. I'm so scared. What are you going to do sing at me?"

I mimicked Gyuri's laugh. If I sung she would regret that statement but, I turned the other way. Following Jessica and IU down the hallway. When Gyuri made a unforgivable comment.

"For being a so called angel like they exist your voice . At least your better than your mom," Gyuri said loud enough for me to hear. Noise in the hallway stopped. The air froze with silence. My anger was causing it.

"What did you say?" I asked.

"Your mother sings like a dying whale," Gyuri repeated.

All the girls and guys in the hallway turned to me. They hadn't seen me angry before. I have been able to control it but, with what happened with Sun Jong I was a walking bomb. My eyes were deep violet and everyone could see them. They gasped and some people even talked about them.

"Her eyes are violet!" One girl pointed.

"That's hot."

"I bet fifty bucks that Gyuri wins," some guys bet in the corner.

"I'm going to ask you one more time. What did you say?"

"Your mom sings like a dying whale," She said.

Even since my mom had become a lord. She gained some powers with them was voice echo. It allowed her to increase her voice to greater lengths and she had taught me. I wrapped my hair into a ponytail. Glad I had wore shorts underneath the skirt.

"She's going to dance," One girl laughed.

"Never mind dude I change my bet. Gyuri is going to win."

"What the is dancing going to do?" 

Tapping my foot to the rhythm. I smiled as I crack my hands, neck and legs.

I waited as the rhythm came to me. I swiftly dropped to the ground sliding across the floor tripping Gyuri. She fell glaring at me. I shurgged a shoulder. Backflipping off the floor I smiled at the students stared amazed. Some guys whistled. Twirling in hair I landed on my hands spining to create a pose on the floor. Thank god for shorts. I continued this for the next few minutes every so often triping Gyuri. Soon enough I could feel the song ending. I faked punched her as the ending.

"See? She hates me that much? That she's willing to bully my sister!" Hara said pointing to me standing over Gyuri.

"Wait! Sung Jong it's not like this," I agrued.

He started to walk away with hara,when suddenly he turned around grabbed me,"I've always wanted to do this."

I blushed for once a really deep red,"But why?"

"Your my angel and she's just a ," He said simply.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too," Sung Jong said blushing. 

That's It. I considered making it longer but then I was like nah! Sorry most of it is it Aria's Pov and if you have any questions just message me about them. I probably left a whole bunch of questions unanswered.

This is how Sung Jong looks in the fanfic.

How I envison Aria somewhat like her hair is like that but she has more of a chest and she is also darker. Her eyes are bigger and gray but, violet when mad.

If you read my first story Silly Love Rules, you'll rememeber this outfit.

<-----Suscribe and comment and ill go like this.

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Aria is so cool!Gyuri ugh you deserved that and so much more you are lucky to be alive!!! Poor kids with all the interruptions I am surprised that Sung Jong was able to ask her!!!