
I'm Not Joking, Though

Mark woke up with a smile even before he opened his eyes, sensing the warmth that wasn’t from his blanket all over his body, enveloping him. He could hear a soft snoring from behind him, the sound he started to be fond of since the first time he heard it. The source of both still clinging to him, arms wrapped around his waist, hands rested on his stomach, legs tangled against his, and bare chest sticking to his back. He tried to turn his body around without waking the other up, stifling a groan when he felt the familiar soreness sprang from his lower back. It was a given, since it had been three years since his last lover, and he had been abstained from physical relationship since then. He kinda loved the feeling, actually. Not that he was a masochist, he just liked the lingering feeling of being one with the one he loved, which was the one whose sleeping face he was staring at right now.

Jackson was adorable. Despite his masculine face and muscular frame, perfectly sculpted body with strong manly scent emanated from him, in Mark’s eyes, he was cute and sweet. He was like a puppy, with how his gaze that never shifted from Mark full of adoration, the way he waited patiently until he finished his work, the way he timidly covered his confessions under the veil of a joke, and how he looked like a kicked puppy behind his fake laughter whenever Mark went along and answered with what sounded like a joke too.

Yeah, Mark had always knew the feeling Jackson held for him since the beginning. He knew it was cruel of his to take pleasure seeing his reactions, but he couldn’t help liking the feeling of having the other boy fell so deep in love with him, with the way he got frustrated even further day by day whenever he played ignorant.

The second Jackson stepped into the bar for the first time, he knew the boy was completely his type, but he didn't do anything. He knew the other liked him with his advances, but he didn't think much of it, thinking he would eventually give up like many others. It wasn't the first time a customer made a move at him anyway. But Jackson stubbornly never gave up, and Mark started to open up little by little. He began to let himself feeling things for the other boy, thinking he might’ve finally found the one he was searching for. Someone who loved him so much, deeply enough to still love him even with his overly possessive behavior. Someone who would accept being chained down by him, who would become restless whenever he loosened his grip knowing the chain was the indication of how deep his love was. And he thought Jackson might love him deep enough to be that someone.

That had always been the problem with his previous relationship. That was why they never lasted long, and Mark finally gave up having one three years ago. And now that he had found Jackson, he would never let him slipped out from his grasp.

That was partly why he dragged his confession on, playing along with all these joking facade. He wanted Jackson to become more and more infatuated by him, falling even deeper in love with him, anxious to have Mark loved him back. It was a gamble of course, but it was also a test to see whether Jackson would stay or give up. Mark couldn't have himself loved someone who didn’t love him enough to stay with him through everything. He already had his fair share of heartbreak, he didn’t need more.

However, it was already too hard to confess when he finally certain about Jackson, they had played this ‘joking’ games for far too long. It would be weird if he responded seriously all of sudden, and there was a big chance Jackson wouldn’t believe him. The only way left for him was to wait. As long as Jackson still confessed ‘jokingly’, he couldn't confess.

But it was already months, and it seemed like Jackson was never going to confess for real even after being given so many hints. Eventually, Mark was running out of patience, and at that moment, his parents even told him to go back to America. So he decided to use it as the last push for Jackson, and it was also his last chance. If he really loved him, he would confess. If he didn’t, then maybe his love wasn’t as deep as he thought it was. And there was no need to drag it any longer.

He hoped, and he waited. But there was no call or even a chat message from the younger the whole day after he told him about him leaving. He started to feel despaired, but he tried to brush it off. Maybe he would come to the bar tonight, he tried to think. But there was no sign of Jackson’s presence until the bar closed, crushing his hope into pieces. His heart felt heavy as he finished cleaning up and locked the bar. However as he turned around, slipping the key inside his pocket, he saw him. Leaning against the wall was the boy he was waiting for the whole day. And his hope began to bloom again.

“You’re awake?”

A deep voice, raspy from sleep, snapped Mark out of his train of thought. The pair of arms around his waist tightened, bringing him closer to the other boy until his wide, sturdy chest pressed against Mark’s more slender one. He felt the velvety touch of Jackson’s lips on his forehead as he hummed as an answer. They eventually found his even with the owner’s eyes still closed, pulling him into a lazy, slow kiss. When they pulled off, he found a pair of brown sleepy eyes staring adoringly at him, melting his bones combined with the sweet smile that decorated Jackson’s dashing features.

“Good morning.”

“Good morning.”

“Aren’t you hungry? What do you want to eat? I’ll make it for you.”

“Really?” Mark felt like the corner of his mouth being pulled to his ears. His brain started to turn, thinking of what he should make Jackson cook. “How about something easy, like pancake?”

“Okay. Pancake then.” Jackson smiled wider, which he kissed chastely, feeling his love for the younger boy about to burst from his chest. He was so excited, wondering how it would taste. However, it was tuned down when realization seeped into him. It was a weekday.

“But don’t you have any class today? Is it okay if you don’t go home first?” he reluctantly said. He certainly wanted Jackson to stay with him all day, but he still had to ask.

“I’ll just skip. I don’t want to waste any second I can spent with you before you leave. I don’t even know when I could see you again next. I can stay here, right?” Jackson asked, staring at Mark with his puppy eyes.

“Of course you can,” Mark reassured him. His smile slightly stained with guilt that crawled into him. Now was the time to tell Jackson the truth. How should he say it? How would Jackson react when he told him he went to LA just to visit his newly born nephew, and would be back even before the hickeys spread across their bodies completely disappeared? If he was going to be mad, he just hoped it wouldn’t be long.

“Um, Jackson, actually…”

Finally, the epilogue! I intended to update last week, however the past days has been so hectic I'm not able to T_T So here it is. I actually planned to make Mark's character a yandere, but I kinda pity Jackson so I aborted the plan hahaaa. Thanks for reading, subscribing, upvoting and leaving comments. I really appreciate it :))

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Chapter 5: Hahaha clever Mark but it's now up to you how to get out of this mess. Well at least Jackson loves you. Tysm!
Chapter 5: Omo, so cute! I really want to know Jackson's reaction though. Great job Author-nim, this was brilliant!
rizkasrahmanisa #3
Chapter 5: awww this is so cuteeeeeeee... You did a great job author. But i want to know how jackson react when he heard that kkk... Sequel pleaseee ^^~
AngelCloud #4
Chapter 5: Aaacck mark you sly fox!! I really thought he would move to LA for reallll! Pity me and jackson.
Im so late im sorry. I read the last two chapters in one go. Thank you for sharing this fic to us, me. This is the only markson fic im reading now and im glad i found this cute masterpiece of yours. Really thank you and keep writing :)
alfsecret #5
Chapter 5: Finally :'3
Oh God :' it's the cutest ending I ever read :'
Ugh i hope i know how jackson would react :'3
Four thumbs up for you and this story authornim!!!!
HuangShahida #6
Chapter 5: Completed? Noooooo. Huhu. Love this story so much
alfsecret #7
Chapter 4: It's not the end right authornim? :'
They really stir my feeling :' oh my god :'
Please let them be happy authornim :'
Become a lovey dovey couple :'
Why should mark comeback to amrerica? Is there something he hide from jackson? :'
It makes me happy when mark finally told jackson the drink's name :'3 why jackson didn't seacrch the drink's name on google so he can confessed earlier :'
AngelCloud #8
Chapter 3: I hadnt read markson fics for so long and this is my first after a long time. I like the flow but kinda smh to jackson bcs HE SHOULDVE CONFESSED EARLIER. Is it going to be a long distance r/s or mark cancels the plan or a broken heart jacks? I'll be waiting!