
I'm Not Joking, Though

“Mark, I love you!” Jackson said with his nasal voice, looking at Mark from where he sat with what he hoped would be interpreted as puppy eyes than a gaze truly full of love. Mark just gave him a mischievous smile and said, “Yeah, I love you too. But I still won’t give you free drinks today, Jackson,” without stopping his hands from wiping the glass clean behind the bar.

Jackson pouted his lips, hiding the fact that his heart almost stopped over the older boy’s first sentence, even when he knew he was just saying it without any meaning. “You’re so stingy!” Jackson said, hoping his voice didn’t come out shaky. Mark laughed, and Jackson tried so hard to restrain his mouth from loosening to a foolish smile, because that laugh was like a melodious music that rang through his heart, better than any song he’d ever heard. And what made it worse was because Mark looked so beautiful, laughing like that. Well, he always did. Jackson should’ve avoided him because that face really wasn’t healthy for his heart, and he was an extreme health-freak. But he had to be a masochist and tried to befriend the bartender a few months ago, when what he didn’t want to be the most was just a friend.

It wasn't the first time Jackson confessed to Mark, but he always passed it as a joke, and everytime he did Jackson just laughed along even though he wanted to scream his lungs out. He had given so many signs about his feelings for the older boy, but he never saw it. Either that or he just didn't see him as a potential lover. And that was why Jackson couldn't make himself to say that he was serious with every confession he made.

"Are you alone today? Where's the friend you're usually here with?" Mark suddenly asked, putting the glass in his hand on the counter.

"You mean Jaebum? That jerk ditch me for his new boyfriend so here I am, the poor lonely friend, alone by myself. A friend in front of a lover is just like a dust, easily blown away by the wind," Jackson said, feigning a pitiful and sad expression, “What, are you interested in him?” Jackson asked, nervously waited for his answer. Well, while his best friend could come off cold and intimidating, many found it charming. And Jaebum was no doubt a handsome, stylish man with slanted eyes, sharp features, wide shoulder, and tall, proportional body. On another side there was Jackson who despite his well-defined muscles was short with his short legs. He didn’t even know why, but he couldn’t be confident without his snapback, and all he wore was black. It was no wonder if Mark like his friend better than him. Jackson felt dejected until he heard the older chuckled, starting to wipe another glass. “If I were interested in him, I wouldn’t call you to take him home, . I’d just take him to my apartment and make a move on him.”

Thanks God, Jackson was about to take a breath of relief when he heard him talked again, to his horror, “Well, he is attractive, indeed. It’s quite a pity he already had a boyfriend now. I should’ve done that. Or should I make my move now? Maybe I still have a chance.”

Jackson abruptly stood up, slammed his hands onto and yell out, “NO!” When he finally registered what he just did, he saw Mark looking at him, his eyes widened with shock. Then he felt stares bored into the back of his head, most definitely from other customers in the room. His cheeks grew hotter as he sank back down into the bar stool, looking down at his feet, ashamed. He finally looked up when he heard the familiar laugh again. He was baffled when he saw Mark laughed so hard he bent over, his hand clutching on his stomach. He laughed for a while until he ran out of breath.

“I’m just joking, Jackson. No need to be so scared, I won’t steal someone who has been taken. I won’t ruin your friend’s happiness, Jackson, easy,” Mark said with the remains of his laugh. Jackson looked down again without saying anything, wanting to dig a hole somewhere and hide from his embarrassment.

"Hmm… new boyfriend, huh? So his problem's solved already?"

Jackson looked at the older again, trying to act nonchalantly. "Yeah, turns out it was just a misunderstanding, that idiot. Oh, he told me to say thanks to you and sorry for the trouble."

"Tell him it's nothing. He didn't trouble me as much as many did. At least he was a silent drinker and didn't make any ruckus. Still, I've never been so glad to have your number before. It would be a pain if there were no one to take him home."

"I thought I mean more for you! I'm hurt, Mark." Jackson feigned disappointment, though it wasn't really an act. He had hoped that he actually did mean more.

Mark chuckled and put down the glass he was wiping, "Stop exaggerating things and I'll make you a drink."

“Free?” Jackson asked, hopeful.

“Pay,” Mark grinned to Jackson’s frown.

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Chapter 5: Hahaha clever Mark but it's now up to you how to get out of this mess. Well at least Jackson loves you. Tysm!
Chapter 5: Omo, so cute! I really want to know Jackson's reaction though. Great job Author-nim, this was brilliant!
rizkasrahmanisa #3
Chapter 5: awww this is so cuteeeeeeee... You did a great job author. But i want to know how jackson react when he heard that kkk... Sequel pleaseee ^^~
AngelCloud #4
Chapter 5: Aaacck mark you sly fox!! I really thought he would move to LA for reallll! Pity me and jackson.
Im so late im sorry. I read the last two chapters in one go. Thank you for sharing this fic to us, me. This is the only markson fic im reading now and im glad i found this cute masterpiece of yours. Really thank you and keep writing :)
alfsecret #5
Chapter 5: Finally :'3
Oh God :' it's the cutest ending I ever read :'
Ugh i hope i know how jackson would react :'3
Four thumbs up for you and this story authornim!!!!
HuangShahida #6
Chapter 5: Completed? Noooooo. Huhu. Love this story so much
alfsecret #7
Chapter 4: It's not the end right authornim? :'
They really stir my feeling :' oh my god :'
Please let them be happy authornim :'
Become a lovey dovey couple :'
Why should mark comeback to amrerica? Is there something he hide from jackson? :'
It makes me happy when mark finally told jackson the drink's name :'3 why jackson didn't seacrch the drink's name on google so he can confessed earlier :'
AngelCloud #8
Chapter 3: I hadnt read markson fics for so long and this is my first after a long time. I like the flow but kinda smh to jackson bcs HE SHOULDVE CONFESSED EARLIER. Is it going to be a long distance r/s or mark cancels the plan or a broken heart jacks? I'll be waiting!