Prophecy and Idiocy

Of Sugar Quills and Cauldron Cakes

Chapter Two: Prophecy and Idiocy.


Unfortunately for Kyungsoo, Baekhyun's prediction turned out to be true within a mere three days since the event took place. Worse still, it seemed to recur, like an annoyingly strong sense of déjà vu that never seemed to stop, for the sole purpose of haunting Kyungsoo forevermore. Maybe Byun Baekhyun should've just opted for Divination. 

Hogsmeade's famed pub, The Three Broomsticks, had to be shut down for the week due to the threat of trolls coming in from the North (trolls apparently like to guzzle down Butterbeer and then wreak havoc on the area). Since he had the day off, everybody's favourite bartender and resident Metamorphmagus, Kim Minseok made his way down to Honeydukes, where his dear friends were working hard in the kitchen situated behind the shop. Junmyeon was bossing everyone around as usual in typical motherly fashion, although he was a little bitter over missing the chance to meet Park Yura's brother. Kyungsoo was preparing a fresh batch of Mystic Midnight Muffins and Yixing was by his side, icing them with lilac cream cheese frosting. To no one's surprise, Baekhyun and Jongdae were confined to the scullery, assigned to scrub down the pots and pans without magic, because Junmyeon found out about the missing Pepper Imps  ('A simple Counting Charm did the trick,' he boasted as the troublesome duo sent him a rude hand gesture behind his back). 

Working at The Three Broomsticks provided Minseok with all kinds of gossip from around and afar. The boys were more than willing to listen, adding their own opinions in between. He spoke to them about various things he'd heard at the pub— right from the rumours regarding new fractions of young Death Eaters seeking Voldemort's rightful successor to the bungling Ministry of Magic. Minseok's spot on impersonation of the mousy Minister for Magic, given his magical transformational skills, sent everyone bursting into peals of laughter, including Junmyeon, who was unsuccessfully trying to hold it in.

'Any news about Hogwarts?' asked Jongin as he wiped his eyes on the corner of his apron.

Flipping his cerulean blue hair out of his eyes, Minseok said, 'I heard they're planning to remove History of Magic from the syllabus.'

'Finally!' exclaimed Jongdae, nearly swatting Junmyeon in the face with his soapy arm.

'And they're getting a new professor for Defence Against the Dark Arts. The Arithmancy professor is retiring as well.' 

But before they could comment on that piece of news, a jingle resounding from within the shop signalled the arrival of a new customer. Pointing at Baekhyun, Junmyeon ordered,

'Go help out at the front. And this time, no stealing! I'll know.'

Rushing out of the kitchen with glee, Baekhyun stuck his tongue out at Jongdae, who viciously wiped down a copper pot. Kyungsoo hadn't even finished his mental celebration at the departure of the pest and he was back yet again, literally flinging himself through the kitchen doors.

'Bow down to me, ye lowly peasants. For it is I, your Great Seer!' he proclaimed haughtily.

Sehun made a nonchalant grunt. 'Why are we being put through this torture?' 

'Guess who's back!'

'How are we supposed to know?' shot back Kyungsoo impatiently.

Baekhyun turned his wicked eyes to him. 'You know who!'

Everyone stared incredulously at Baekhyun, wondering why anyone would feel happy at the arrival of Voldemort. Reading their expressions, he clicked his tongue and quickly began explaining:

'Remember a certain someone who promised us his sister's autographs?'

To Minseok's utter confusion, the entire scene in front of his eyes turned into a kind of insane frenzy. The guys began howling and clapping, except for Junmyeon, who was valiantly trying to maintain civil sense over the discord, and Kyungsoo, who furrowed his eyebrows either in deep appreciation of his colleagues' lunacy or (more likely) in vindictive rage.

'I promised to send you instead, Soo,' told Baekhyun, with a wink, 'Best not to keep him waiting.'

'Yeah, he might need your advice in selecting the best Jelly Slugs,' quipped Jongdae, placing an arm over the chef's shoulders thus smearing soap all over the back of his shirt.

'Your mighty presence is all he needs, to be honest,' remarked Jongin with a smirk.

Glaring at all of them, Kyungsoo set out to the front and the rest of the crew tagged along. By the time they'd crossed the threshold, Baekhyun had filled Minseok in with the events he'd missed out on in a train of incessant chatter. Recovering from the sudden inertia of non-stop blabber, Minseok saw Kyungsoo heading to a handsome customer in black robes, who could only be said person Park Chanyeol.

Considering he's spent the past few years serving tankards of Butterbeer to teenage students struggling with emotions they couldn't understand, Minseok distinctly saw something that reminded him of tentative first love in Chanyeol's eyes. 

Eyes wide, Chanyeol excitedly piped up, 'Here are the autographs!' 

By doing so, he flung all the copies of Park Yura's precious signature onto the floor. Feeling sheepish, he bent down to pick them up but Kyungsoo swiftly swished his wand over the haphazard mess and instantly, everything fell into place in a neat, orderly manner, which only furthered Chanyeol's embarrassment.

'Of course! I could've just used magic to clear it up. I sometimes forget that— sorry, I can be such a troll at times.'

It took Kyungsoo all his willpower and might to keep himself from smiling at his customer's cute antics before saying, 'We've prepared a batch of Mystic Midnight Muffins. Would you like some?'

'I came here to deliver the autographs but a muffin or two wouldn't hurt right?'

'If you want the cream cheese frosting, it'll cost an extra two Sickles.'

Chanyeol laughed. 'That's alright. I was planning to pay this time.'

'Thank Merlin for that!' and Kyungsoo broke a smile so small, anyone could've missed it. But Chanyeol noticed and he reciprocated with a beam so endearing, it tugged at Kyungsoo's heart. Moving away to return with the muffins, he nearly caught himself from grinning knowing very well they had an eager audience.

Meanwhile, Chanyeol distributed the autographs to the others and luckily, he had extras for Minseok and Junmyeon. He then pulled out his money bag to pay for the goodies. Throughout the exchange, he kept dropping his purchase because he was too fixated on Kyungsoo, who, in turn, was stubbornly avoiding his gaze. Just before he left, he spent a few extra seconds sending Kyungsoo a long, searching gaze. At times, Minseok considered himself lucky for having such sharp observational skills, owing to the fact that underage wizards were always trying to steal a sip of Firewhisky. Invisibility cloaks didn't stand a chance against him, no less a tiny chef and his ardent admirer.

As everyone sat around, engrossed in their own copy of Yura's signature, Minseok walked up to Kyungsoo and inquired, with as much innocence as he could muster, 'What was all that about?' 

Kyungsoo raised an eyebrow. 'I don't know what these idiots have been telling you but he's just another ordinary customer.'

'Well it seems to me like there's something more to it than that,' and to emphasise his point, Minseok changed his hair colour to an electric pink.

'Wow. Why don't you just put up a blinking neon sign outside? Even the trolls might get the hint,' came the acerbic response.

Laughing, Minseok crossed his heart. 

'Your secret is safe with me, Kyungsoo.'

'You're barking mad, if you ask me.'

Though he was pretty sure of himself, Kyungsoo couldn't help but feel a bit nervous and, daresay, excited when it came to Park Chanyeol. Was he, as Kyungsoo previously put it, "just another ordinary customer"? Fortunately for Kyungsoo, he wasn't one to doubt his own rationale. Merlin knows how stubborn he can get when he's fixed his mind onto something. And sure enough, he both loved and hated himself for that. 


But before Kyungsoo could bask in his own self-righteous level-headedness, Baekhyun's prophecy stole the show yet again, this time just two days later. Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop had sent in one of the longest orders ever recorded. Suffice to say, everyone was drowning in work and Kyungsoo was teetering on the brink of insanity. However much they worked, they seemed to be inching through the items at a snail's pace. Junmyeon, doing nothing much to help, wistfully mourned, 

'Valentine's Day isn't here yet and somehow, she's still making money! Wouldn't it be great if we started catering to couples as well?' 

Huffing, Kyungsoo directed a ten-second long death glare at him, effectively scaring him to silence. He'd inhaled enough of flour and powdered sugar over this list to last an entire month, thank you very much! And it didn't help that Baekhyun and Jongdae were noisily running around the kitchen, doing more harm than good.

To make matters worse, a crack resonated across the walls that very instant, sending cocoa powder and vanilla essence flying through the air. Coughing and wheezing, they peered through the cloud of dry ingredients enveloping them. Lo and behold stood Chanyeol upon the work table, looking like a deer caught in the headlights, his robes billowing around his frame due to the strength of the Apparition. 

'Get off, right now! You're bringing filth into my food!' yelled Kyungsoo. 

Bringing his spindly legs down to the floor, Chanyeol hurriedly mumbled,

'Merlin, I'm so sorry! I missed my mark by a few feet. Apparition was never my strong point anyway... Sorry, are you guys busy?'

Kyungsoo couldn't help but snap at him.

'What do you think?!'

Everybody stared at him with apprehension.

'Er— Kyungsoo, I— uh, my sister needs a refill of exploding bonbons,' stammered Chanyeol in a fit of agitation. 

'Wait out in the shop. Yixing will attend to you. And until then, I request you to stop being an inconvenience.'

Almost immediately, Kyungsoo regretted his harsh words. Chanyeol opened his mouth in a sort of protest but closed it just as fast. His nut-brown, almond eyes fell upon the floor in dismay and Kyungsoo felt a twinge of guilt gnawing at his heart. Shoulders slouching, the shamefaced wizard trudged out of the doors. 

Baekhyun let out a long, low whistle. In the tense situation, nobody said anything but instead, pretended they weren't a part of the entire drama. Staring down at a crate of eggs, Kyungsoo responded,

'I've been too scathing, haven't I?'

Yixing was by his side at once. 

'Don't blame yourself, Soo. You were already stressed with work, am I right?'

'Yeah,' added Jongin, 'and there's nothing an apology can't fix.'

'Why don't you go to him right now? This order can wait. And I assure you certain pests won't be tagging along,' encouraged Junmyeon, and a collective groan arose from a pair of troublemakers.

Sehun too was in support of him. 'Don't worry about Puddifoot. If she wanted these desserts so badly, the old bat could've made them herself!' 

Pulling the toque off his head in a sudden surge of confidence, Kyungsoo rushed out just in time to catch Chanyeol slipping out of Honeydukes. 

'Wait right there! You can't leave without the bonbons!' he cried.

Chanyeol blinked and after a pause, retraced his steps warily.

'Chan—' began Kyungsoo but was immediately interrupted by Chanyeol.

'Are you alright? I didn't mean to barge in like an idiot—'

'Chanyeol, I—'

But Chanyeol ignored him and went on. 'I should've known you guys were busy. No wonder you were mad at me. How could I be so selfish—?'

'PARK CHANYEOL! WILL YOU SHUT UP!?' yelled Kyungsoo, finally fed up of the million interjections, 'I'm the one trying to apologise here! Sure, I was irritated and exhausted but that wasn't a good enough reason to eat your head off, okay? So there! I'm sorry!'

'S'alright,' murmured Chanyeol, trying to wrap his head around the chef's heartfelt statement.

Taking a moment to cool off, Kyungsoo composed himself and began, 'Here, let me get you the bonbons. How many?'

'Uh, a packet will do.'

Kyungsoo retrieved the delicious coconut and chocolate candy and read the price off the back of the cover. Chanyeol promptly gave him six Sickles.

Passing the fancy-looking box into his hands, Kyungsoo's fingertips were grazed by Chanyeol's for a moment too long than what was necessary. In an attempt to salvage his quickly deteriorating mental stability and whatever was left of his dignity, Kyungsoo offered a curt good-bye, wishing him a safe journey. Taking the cue, Chanyeol left the shop smiling to himself, opposed to how he originally intended to leave Honeydukes. Waiting till he Disapparated, Kyungsoo returned to the kitchen to find his team in deep discussion, only to jump back hastily when he announced his arrival. 

'What are you guys conspiring about behind my back?'

'So how did it go?' inquired Junmyeon in a quavering falsetto, surreptitiously mopping his brow with a towel.

'Exactly how a session of apologising should go.'

The rest of the team understood that Kyungsoo was never going to divulge his experience any time soon. Two of them, however, continued to pester him.

'What's that supposed to mean?' retorted Jongdae.

Baekhyun grumbled. 'How come you get to keep secrets when we so clearly encouraged you and supported you and—'

'Touching speech from someone who still hasn't answered my question.'

'We were discussing.'

Kyungsoo hated it when Baekhyun tested his patience.

'I'm aware of that. But about what?'

'Chanyeol's frequent visits. I'm dead sure he didn't come here for the sake of bonbons.'

Jongdae nodded in agreement with Baekhyun. 'He's obviously here for you, Kyungsoo. Did you see how hurt he was when you got mad at him? He went a little teary-eyed, didn't he?'

Kyungsoo laughed derisively. 'Really Jongdae? Anybody would feel a bit offended if they were scolded for no reason, including shameless dolts like the two of you. I never got the chance to inspect his eyes for those elusive tears, though. I suggest you use some of that attentiveness to your cooking because I can detect the smell of burning croissants from your side.'

Jongdae flushed as he hastily attended to a tray of the nearly black French rolls smoking in the oven. Smirking, Kyungsoo resumed stirring a brownie batter.

'Let's not keep Madam Puddifoot waiting, shall we?' he announced, getting back to work.

Standing by his side, Baekhyun hissed, 'Have I ever told you how much I hate you when you're being such a smug prick?' 

'The feeling is sincerely mutual.'


Neither hair nor hide of Park Chanyeol was seen after that. It wasn't like anyone really minded since they were so busy prepping themselves to face their worst customers of all time— the goblins. A horde of them were ambling around Hogsmeade for their annual retreat and Honeydukes had no choice but to put up with them. They were a ghastly lot, shamelessly pilfering and swearing everywhere they went. Kyungsoo was barely aware of what was happening as he rushed in and out of the kitchen, trying to finish a batch of Shimmering Strudels whilst keeping an eye out for any goblin attempting to get away with first-class robbery. In a rare lapse of concentration, he nearly poured carrot juice into his meringue, if it wasn't  for Sehun's sharp notification.

Standing at the counter, his apron smeared with chocolate and icing and whatnot, Kyungsoo tried his best to handle the rowdy crowd. Baekhyun and Jongdae had nearly come to blows with the goblins and Junmyeon was being mercilessly haggled for a discount. As he frantically packed a whole box of Fizzing Whizbees, Kyungsoo noticed a far too familiar brunet make his way towards him, head and shoulders above everyone else. Chanyeol took his spot in the queue leading to Kyungsoo's counter and eons later, with Kyungsoo shoving a whole lot of candy and goblins away so as to help Chanyeol move through the line faster, the taller one pushed himself up against the desk as soon as a gnarly old goblin left the queue.


Kyungsoo smiled at him. 'This is your fourth visit in two weeks. Developing a sweet tooth now, are we?'

'Can't help it if the chef is this talented, right?'

Finding it a bit difficult to breathe in the thick, awkward atmosphere , Kyungsoo digressed. 'Order?'

Belatedly snapping out of a daze, Chanyeol cleared his throat and spoke quickly,

'Right! The order, er— a dozen Ice Mice, please.'

'Do you think it'll be enough? Your sister won't be too happy, I guess.'

Chanyeol waved it off. 'This craving will soon pass. At least we've got some treacle fudge left.'

The Ice Mice levitated their way over the crowd, many of whom tried to snatch it with avarice, only to land safely into Chanyeol's hand. 

'That'll be eighty-four Knuts. You could even pay with two Sickles and the remaining in Knuts... whichever way you please.'

Filling up the cash register, Kyungsoo noticed that Chanyeol was looking at him with slight amusement. Blushing under the scrutiny, he managed to mumble: 'What?'

'You've got flour on your face,' came the soft reply, and before Kyungsoo could even react, Chanyeol had already reached across the counter to wipe his cheek. His fingers were rough but pleasantly warm against his skin. Gripping the counter to steel himself, Kyungsoo tried to reason that all of this— whatever it was— was just a figment of his imagination and that he's actually dreaming away in the kitchen, waiting for Junmyeon to snap at him. But when Chanyeol lightly traced his cheekbone before pulling away, he had no choice but to face reality.

'There's something I need to tell you. I'll be able to visit more often now...' breathed Chanyeol.

'Hmm? Why's that?'

Just then, a nasty goblin standing right behind Chanyeol barked,

'Hey, you up there! That's enough canoodling for one day. If it's alright with you and your beloved, we'd like to get something for our kids by the end of today.'

The whole crowd roared with laughter and jeered at the so called "couple" as murmurs of what seemed to sound like approval in Gobbledegook filled the quaint shop. Blushing furiously, Chanyeol tightened his grip on his satchel and bade Kyungsoo a hurried farewell, before dashing out of the shop to escape the mockery.

'Look at 'im go,' screeched another one, 'He's got a mighty pash for that 'un!'

To Kyungsoo's utmost displeasure, Baekhyun and Jongdae shared high-fives with him. Who would've thought it, when just a few moments ago they were gouging each other's eyes out?

Glaring at the smirking goblin in front of him, Kyungsoo maliciously made sure to scoop up the worst flavours of Bertie Bott's Beans ever known to wizardkind— ear wax, vomit and toe fungus to name a few. He handed the treats with a saccharine sweet smile while lauding himself for taking the effort to learn all the flavours patented by dear Bertie Bott.

We'll see who has the last laugh now, he thought wickedly as he watched the goblin totter off. Looking out into the street through the glossy windows, he was dismayed to see no sign of Chanyeol. He wondered what news Chanyeol wanted to keep him privy to. But he wasn't able to dwell on that matter for long because Yixing soon popped out from the kitchen to tell him that Jongin had fainted out of exhaustion.

Curse this bloody day.

By evening, the crowd had dispersed and the staff stayed behind to clean up with the exception of Baekhyun and Jongdae, who only remained behind to tease Kyungsoo. 

'Heard what that runt said?' began Baekhyun loudly, 'Pash, he calls it!' 

Jongdae snorted. 'Mighty pash you mean.'

Not wanting to hear anymore of their unintelligent comments, Kyungsoo pointed his wand at them and performed the Tongue-Tying Curse which shut them up for good. Sweeping the kitchen floor, he silently pondered over what Chanyeol had sought to tell him and him only. If it hadn't been for that dastardly goblin, he wouldn't have to break his head now. But he at least knew that Chanyeol would be visiting more frequently and strangely, it made him feel happier. His words to Minseok were still fresh in his mind but so was the brush of Chanyeol's fingers against his face. He treated him like anybody else who happened to come by Honeydukes but then again, he couldn't deny the way his heart skips everytime he walks through those doors. Somehow, he wasn't so sure of his own convictions anymore. The last time Kyungsoo was this frustrated was when he was asked to perform wandless magic. Perhaps he was losing his mind. Watching his friends gagging on their own tongues in a pathetic attempt to free themselves, Kyungsoo wasn't surprised to realise that he too, after all, was bound to be an idiot.

It was only a matter of time before the symptoms started to show.


Readers please note: There have been mentions of the Dark Lord and his cronies, the Death Eaters, in this chapter only for the sake of the plot and banter. I do not own them in any way; they belong to the one and only J.K. Rowling.  For those of you who aren't familiar with the Harry Potter universe, a Metamorphmagus is a wizard who can change his appearance at will. (A very useful skill especially if you want to colour your hair in funky hues as per your fancy anytime you wish). Also, Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop is— yeah, you guessed it— a tea shop(!) mainly aimed to serve young couples. Goblins speak in Gobbledegook, and English if they want to, just so you know.


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100 subscribers!!!! Thank you for subscribing and sticking through with me! Please enjoy. I'll update the final 2 chapters soon :)


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SooSmiles #1
Chapter 5: I'm squealing in joy! I'm so happy you updated!!! It's a shame you can't see my happy dance lol! As anticipated, another great chapter - it's just as sweet, amusing, yet dramatic as anything I could have hoped for, and I'm wondering about that about that changed patronus...

Really really looking forward to the next chapter!
davidavidavi #2
Chapter 4: Ahhh glad to see an update :D I love this fic, Harry potter and EXO together is just perfect tbh <3

I hope your studies have been going well, school can be a pain at times so I hope it’s not too stressful for you :)

I look forward to the next update :)
2482 streak #3
Chapter 4: Oh wow, I was a bit worried there when the possibility of Chanyeol being a Death Eater arose, but all was good when his actual profession got explained. XD Kyungsoo and Chanyeol are so adorably awkward with each other, but that's the beauty of their current relationship. :P

It that the writing contest got cancelled, but I'm glad you're still carrying on with this story! ^^ This is a really different HP!AU and I'm enjoying it! :)
Chapter 4: Awww thank u for nt abadoning this beautiful story i will wait patiently for ur update. So its Prof Yeol chansoo r so cute that nd baekchen though lol
Chapter 3: Ahhhhh... How amazing to come back here after a month and find an update on ur book *voilently crying* THANK UU THANKSS.... but pls don forget to charge me my dose once in a while!!!
-Angisoo- #6
Chapter 3: I love this thematic ... Thanks for updating
davidavidavi #7
Chapter 3: Loved it <3 I love the cross over of Harry Potter and Chansoo sooo much! The guys are just too cute and when you add a lil magic to them it's just perfect :P

I hope your studies aren't too tough on you, we will be patiently waiting for future updates so don't feel any need to rush it :)
Chapter 3: Wohhh its been longg i missed ur update ^^ ofcourse only ksoo can handle baekchen ㅋㅋㅋㅋ nd little chansoo unofficial date. We wil wait for ur update dnt wry authornim
Chapter 3: Awww ChanSoo... That last part tho ><
I wonder what he does for living? Bcoz he had a great influence in his family it seems. Can't wait for the next update