The End...


“girl… you driving me crazy..” he said as he his lips

She looked away from him and smirked… then she started walking away in her party dress and 5” heels.

He stopped right in front of her, making her stop and flip her long hair back. She continued to avoid eye contact with him. He smirked this time and moved her chin so that she would face him.

“look at me…” he said as he turned his head around. They ended up eyeing each other. “girl… every time I look at you… you drive me crazy…” and with that, he gave her a short kiss then pulled back. Whatever the soft, gentle kiss felt like definitely changed her mind. She leaned in and started to kiss him… her arms around his neck and his arms around her waist. He pushed her back toward the side of a wall and soon enough the kiss got deeper.

I was just watching them… from a distance at the entrance of an alleyway. I wanted to scream.. I wanted to shout... but nothing came out of mouth… I wanted to cry it all out, but all that came out was a teardrop that ran down my cheek. Why? Because all the pain was stored inside my heart. And now it’s shattered… *Why L.Joe… I thought you loved me…* I said in I head. *All those memories that we shared…. It all meant nothing, didn’t it…* I started walking away from the shocking scene… holding on to my heart, as it hurt so much. As soon as I knew it, I started running, trying to wipe away all the tears that kept falling…


I looked to my right… something bright was heading my way. Then I knew…

*What’s the point of living if the one you love isn’t there for you…* I didn’t want my life to end… but what else did I have in life…? He was my all… he was my everything… and now it’s gone… at that moment… I didn’t care anymore… All I wanted was him back by my side… All I wanted was him to love me again… But all I did was stand there and let everything happen…

*screeching of car* … *THUD*

Everything…. Went black…

I heard sirens and mumbling all around me… *How am I not dead…* My eyes tried to open, but it only got as far as a squint.. I felt weak… and hopeless... blood… covered my arms, legs and face.

*L.Joe…* I thought in my head. *L.Joe… I need you… now…*

“L… Joe…” I tried saying, but only a breath of air came out…

“L.Joe…” I kept trying to calling out to him… But I knew he couldn’t hear me…

Suddenly tears started rolling down the sides of my temples… I closed my eyes hard… Thinking of how much it hurt… but letting go of everything else…

“L.Joe !” I cried out the best I could.

“L.Joe… L.Joe… L.Joe… L.Joe.. L……”


No One’s POV/Passerby’s POV


Her face that she kept up dropped to the right… her hands opened and her bones and muscles lay loose... her eyes started to close… she lay there… low and lifeless… it was like she didn’t even try to endure her pain until the paramedics came and just let go instead. The pain that she held… hurt her so much… She couldn’t hold on… And everyone around… started flashing cameras of the scene…


L.Joe’s POV


Last night… I had the worst feeling… that something bad has happened to me… But I didn’t know what… the next morning, I tried calling ~~~ many times, but I never got an answer. I texted her almost twelve times, but I never got a reply. This time, I knew that something was wrong. I got my daily newspaper and my TV.

This morning we recap on an incident that happened last night. Last night, somewhere around 12:30 A.M., a girl was involved in a car accident. She was seen running across the street unknown of the traffic light change.”

“Witness: Honestly, I don’t think it was the driver’s fault for driving and hitting her. But I do indeed feel bad that she was hit and killed.”

“Passerby: Everyone started crowding around her at the scene and I just felt bad for her. I don’t know her, but she seemed pretty and young, and didn’t get to live up her life yet, and I just feel a sense of sorrow. (wipes tears)”

“Passerby #2: I don’t know her either, but she seemed very humble and innocent and I think she deserved more than to die like that. However, we were waiting for the ambulance to come and get her; I saw her lie there and say someone’s name.

Reporter: Do you know who the name was?

Passerby #2: I’m not sure… I’m not sure if it was someone who was close to her, or a relative or someone… but I think she said ‘L something… I wasn’t quite sure. Her injuries seemed heavy, so all I could hear was faint voices from her.”

I looked up and a saw a picture of a girl. At first I didn’t know who she was. Her face was covered in scars and her arms and body was covered in blood. But then I knew… I could recognize that face from anywhere. It was… ~~~… I tried to make myself think that it wasn’t her. *It can’t be her… * I said to myself. My eyes were wide open and my heart just dropped. “No… It can’t be her… No…. NO !” At that moment my voice started to rise. I threw my phone at a wall and it broke. I kicked my table and it capsized. I looked that newspaper I just received and opened it:

17-year-old girl, died from a car accident in Seoul, South Korea. January 4, 2012.

… the headlines read. “No… It just can’t be her… It can’t be !” I threw the papers on the floor and hit my head against the wall. Tears started rolling down my cheek. *What did I do to deserve this ?!* I thought to myself. *She was all that I had…* I kept hitting the wall with my fist, letting out all my anger.

L.Joe…” a voice called.

L.Joe...” the same voiced called again.

I turned around and wiped my tears. There… standing right in front of me… was ~~~, but she seemed so… lifeless… and dull… saddened… and hurt.

“~~~-ah…” I started walking towards her and opened my arms, trying to grasp her, but it failed. My eyes opened in shock and confusion.

“L.Joe…” she said. “Why did you do that to me...Why were you with her… I saw… everything…” a tear ran down her cheek.

“L.Joe… you… cheated on me… I thought you loved me…” she continued.

Then I remembered what happened last night… No… I don’t want to think about it anymore… I knew what she meant…

“I do love you, ~~~-ah…” I interrupted her. “I do ~~~-ah, I do…”

“… And I thought I loved you too…” she responded.

I was shocked by those words. My heart dropped. I wanted her back. *I do love you ~~~-ah… I do…*

She looked at me, lifeless, in the eye and spoke to me.

“Goodbye L.Joe… Forever…” she said those last words to me and disappeared, slowly.

“~~~-ah ! ~~~-ah !!!” I started to cry out. I fell to my knees and dropped my head, crying even harder…  I started slamming my fists against the floor, taking out all the anger for my stupidity. *Why did I hurt her? I’m so stupid ! She was all I had left… And I love her…* I said to myself. All I wanted was her to be back. I need her… she meant everything to me… But I lost it…

“~~~-ah…” I softly said.


One Year Later


L.Joe's POV

January 4, 2013. I went to a flower shop and bought some red roses. Today was the day. It’s been a year already, since that incident happened… and she never left my mind. I finally made it to her tombstone.

“Kwon ~~~, February 22, 1994 – January 4, 2012.”

I gently placed the flowers in front of the stone and began my little speech.

“~~~-ah… if you can hear this, that would be great. That last time I saw you… hurt me, a lot… And I knew the reason why. I’m stupid, for doing such a thing. I didn’t deserve a girl like you. You were pretty, smart, cute, innocent, all that a guy can ask for in a girl. You needed someone to be cared for, to be loved, and to be protected, but I wasn’t there for you. I never knew what true love meant, until I met you. You meant everything to me. Yet why did I do that, that night? I was careless, insecure, laid back too much. And I’m sorry… I just want you to know… that ever since I met you… you’ve always been on my mind. This past year… I’ve tried to let go of what I did to you, but never let go of the memories we shared. You know… I’ll always be thinking about you…” (tear rolls down cheek) “You are my one and only angel from above… and I hope you start a new in the second life.” (looks up to the skies) “~~~… I’ll never forget you ~~~-ah…”

“Saranghaeyo…” I whispered.


That Night... While He was sleeping…

A breeze comes through his window… And there stands a shadow… watching him sleep, softly and innocently...

Saranghaeyo… L.Joe…” she said…



YAY ! complete isn't it ! Sorry if the ending wasn't as great as you thought it would be... or if it wasn't as you expected... or if it wasn't as sad as you expected...

I sorta had writers block writing L.Joe's speech part too... T^T

wonder how i completed it so fast after i JUST made this? hahah.. well i already wrote the story beforehand last night and finished it just now ! :D heheh.. so YAY ! success !

anyways ! i hope you enjoyed this oneshot ! it is actually the first one i completed and i will finally finish my Boyfriend one soon even though i'm realllly late !

if you hasn't heard Teen Top's mini album "It's" I SUGGEST YOU GO DO THAT NOW ! NO PROCRASTINATION WHEN IT COMES TO KPOP !(x

Love you all !



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This is so sad :'( but it's a nice story :)
lethargic #2
Hiyeeeee! Poor L. Joe and that girl :c
sukicrazy #3
can u make a sequel??like the girl came from dead or even a girl that just look like her
nice shot.....
my heart was torn to pieces.. T.T
*sobs* That was *sob* the best sad fanfic i've ever read before!!<br />
omo...i'm crying...>_<
yes. sequel please T__________________________T<br />
i dont usually read drama but i kinda like this T^T<br />
Ljoe<3<br />
sequel pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease TT^TT
Taemin22 #9
Omo! This is so sad!<br />
Anyways love the story!<br />
Maybe you can make a sequel? *puppy eyes*<br />
but it's okay if you don't want to!<br />
i cried. it's so sad TT_TT <br />
dear author you're very daebak ^^