The First Day

The Prince



"Wake up, Hyunnie!!! It's six-thirty now, okay? SIX THIRTY. Geez, you're gonna be late." My one and only lovely, which for now I shall say annoying, mother said while trying to take my blanket off me. 


"Just a bit more, umma..." I mumbled as I tried to go back to my dream. I was walking through a park happily with my friends when a cute little shin tzu appeared... wait, isn't that Bobo?? (FIY Bobo is my puppy name) Being a dog lover I was, I ran toward her and played with my beautiful fluffy love. Hmm... something felt off.. did I forget something important? six-thrity... six-thirty... OMG it's the first day of school today!!! I quickly jumped out of my parent bed and stumbled towards my room, leaving my mother stunned. Yep, that's right. I know what you're thinking, a 13 years old girl and still sleeps with her parents, probably also the only one existed. Long story to this so I'll tell you about that later. Right after I grabbed my towel to go to the bathroom, I turned to look at the clock to see how much time I have for showering. Are you kidding me???? The image of a five-thirty ticking-clock greeted me, leaving me speechless. Ugh.. typical mom.. how much I love her. 



*breath in* *breath out*

Seo Joohyun, you're going to be alright. All of these are just a piece of cake to you. What's so scary about being a new student? We are all human and it's not like someone is gonna eat you.


"Umma, why did you tell me that it was six-thirty this morning? You surely did that on purpose right?" I rolled my eyes annoyingly, trying to distract myself from being nervous.


"Hmm.... what about it? Oh and don't forget to go and take the front seat, ok? Your eyesight isn't good so make sure you got to sit in front or I'll have to call the school later." she changed the topic ever so quickly before I could pick on her wrongdoing.


"Ughhh!! Yes yes yes yes yes, I know mom. You already said that like 5 times!" I was sitting in the front seat of the car with my mom, as nervous as ever, on my first of day at the new school. 


"Yah! I'm just saying what's so wrong with that? See, you're making that gloomy face again! How many time did I tell you that you have smile to in the morning?? Money will run away if you makes those faces!!"


Aigoo.. why's my heart beating so hard???? How am I going to make it through the day?? Sighs... my friends are probably going to have a lot of fun at my old school today... omg omg we're almost there ughhhh!! Why can't this be a longer ride.. what to do what to do what to do!! Okay, look serious and don't be scared. You're gonna be fine. A yellow and red building is now slowly appearing with a sight of an empty land nearby. The school was located near the river side so you could clearly see the river view right from there. As expected, we had arrived quite early since not many students showed up yet.


"Umma, what are you doing?" I asked angrily, knowing exactly what she was planning to do. With the most serious expression she could put on, my mother parked her car elegantly.


"Why are you asking? Don't you see? I'll take you into the school, of course." 


"What the- UMMA! I'm a freaking 8th grader by now! Why are you being like this?"


"Tch, how good of you? I know you're very scared right now, dont even try to lie. So just shut up and do as I want." Eventhough I was mad, what she said was true so I just kept quiet and let my mom had her way.


It was obviously very embarrassing to walk side by side with your mom to a high school campus but what other choice did I have? Those new faces of students seemed so mature to me and it was as if I've just stumbled across a portal into another world. Trying not to make any eye contact with anyone, I kept my eyes down and held on to my mother's right hand tightly. My favourite pink Barbie bag heavily rested on one side of my shoulder as I walked and my hair was tied in a normal ponytail with those ugly bang of mine covering almost half of my face. The uniform didn't make it any better either as the square-pattern dress didn't fit my body well at all and indeed only display my figure as a non-curvy one. It didn't take long when we were finally inside the school. A row of teachers was standing to one side to guide new students, like me myself, on their first day. My mother then politely walked towards one of them and after a few greetings exchanged and a short parent-teacher chatter, she finally left. There i was, alone all by myself. 


"You can put your lunch box here." I carefully placed my lunch box pack on the shelf as instructed and shyly followed the teacher. When we reached the school's basketball area, rows of all female students were standing to face the flag pole. Some had their hair curled up and some of them evened had make-up on their faces in their perfectly fitted outfit as stylish as ever. Since not all students were there yet, they were still talking and laughing with each other to catch up with their life. I was told to stand infront of a row and the chatter from that area suddenly lower down. I kept my head down to ignore those eyes that were looking at me. It was then that I began to regret transferring here. 



*bell rings*

After the boring flag ceremony and speech from the student coordinator ended, everyone casually walked to their classrooms. Despite being the first one to enter the classroom, my legs betrayed me badly and I failed to get the front seat. Instead of rushing to catch the seat, I ghostly stood still until others came in and quickly filled up the room. With a sigh, I was forced to sit at the back table of the left row. My head automatically rested on the table that instant, already feeling worn out. 


"Hello, are you Seohyun? My name is Su-ah," A small pettite girl tapped on my shoulder so I quickly sitted up straight and smiled awkwardly.


"Yes. Do you know me?"


"You are Chulwoo's friend, right? He told me to look after you." W-what?? That guy seriously tell his friend to do this? He must be really out of his mind.


"A-ah.. yeah." She smiled at me and then go back to join her group of friends. A moment later, another girl came up to me.


"Hello. What's your name?" She curiously ask me with a harmless expression on her face.


"Hello. I'm Seohyun. What about you?"


"Im Sooyoung . Which school did you come from?"


"Uh.. Daeyeong High School." The conversation shortly ended yet it didn't fail to brighthen up my mood. Maybe this isn't that bad at all... Just before I turned gloomy again, another friendly girl walked in and asked me if she could take the seat next to me, which i gladly allowed. My thought then randomly wandered to some good memories that I had had with my friends in the past and how much I missed them already.


My attention quickly altered to a girl that suddenly turned up to sit on the seat right infront of me. She was quite different from the rest of the class, so different, almost like me. High simple pony tail to held her up curvy hair, the no-confidence posture, tired eyes and also poker face clearly gave off the nerdy and gloomy vibe. Despite those serious appearances, her face was unexpectedly one of the baby one with cute chubby cheeks and thin lips. Before i even realized it, I already caught myself staring and studying this new girl, wondering if she's a new student like myself. From our quiet and shy personality, maybe we could never be friend... or so that was what I thought...


To be continued

A/N: This story is based on my real story with my co-author (If you follow my other stories, you would know who). She's too shy to expose herself directly here XDDD well, we both are shy about this..

Btw, the characters' descriptions are based on our real looks and only their names are used and there will be another fanfic of the same story but from her point of view hehe



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