Chapter 1

HOME Is Where The HEART Is

"Code Blue"

"We have a Code Blue. Room 305. Room 305." the emergency PA system announced. 

Loud ringing of the alarm echoed off the walls at Massachusetts General Hospital. A group of medical team rushed to the third floor and dashed into room 305. Inside the room was the limp body of a 56 year old woman. Her heart monitor had a continous beep sound and the flow of her heartrate flat lined across the monitor screen. Her vitals were rapidly weakening as she lay stiff as a corpse on the hospital bed. 

On the right side of the bed was a woman with blonde wavy bob hair standing there staring at the patient while trembling. Intern Veronica was the words written on her name tag. 

"What the hell are you doing just standing there?" shouted a young lady who had a long wavy, shiny brown hair that wore a white coat with a stethoscope draped around her neck. As she hurriedly ran to the left side of the patient checking her pulse, then she immediately began CPR on the old woman. 

"How is she Doctor?" asked a nurse as she ran up to the patient's head and began to pump oxygen through a bag valve mask. 

"Not good. She's not breathing."

​​​​​​"Hurry! someone bring me the defibrillator,"  demanded the brown haired woman while glaring at the trembling Intern. "If you're just going to stand there, I suggest you move out of our way because unlike you we're trying to save a person."

"Calm down now Dr. Lee we're going to save Nonna Emilia" another young doctor said as he began to set up the machine, and securely attaching the defibrillation electrodes to the patient's chest. Then more emergency personel came rushing in the room. The department director of Cardiac Intensive Care Unit was also present. 

"Hurry, Dr. Park we're losing her" yelled Dr. Lee who was busy checking the patient's breathing. 

"It's ready Dr. Lee."

Quickly standing back up, "150 joules! Shocking at the count of three. One I'm clear, Two you're clear, Three everybody clear!" Dr. Lee shouted as she placed the defibrillator pads over the patient's chest.

"CLEAR!" everyone screamed. 

The body of the patient immediately gave a violently quiver as the electrical current swept through her. The doctor waited a few seconds but still no response. 

"Defibrillate it to 200 joules."

"Everybody Clear!" without a change the beeping sound doesn't stop, silencing the whole medical staff as they watched in anxiety. 

"Charge it to 300 joules!" Dr. Lee demanded her hands began to tremble as she lowered the defibrillator shocking the patient again. She closed her eyes for a moment waiting, then quickly opening it back again. 

Beep, beep, beep, beep. . . . . 

The continous beep sound was finally replaced with steady short beeps, signaling the return of the long awaited heartbeat. Nonna Emilia was slowly breathing once again. Heaving a sign of relief she ordered the nurses to move the patient to the ICU for further treatment. 

"You did great Dr. Lee. Everybody did a good job!" Dr. Lee turned her head around at the sound of someone’s voice. "Thank you Director!" replied Dr. Lee

Then she was steaming with anger when she saw the Intern who was just standing on the side during the chaotic moment. The said intern was now standing in the corner of the room just as Dr. Lee marched to her, "How did you even become an Intern here if you can't even do your job properly!"

​​​​​"Do you even know that you're supposed to perform CPR until the Code Blue arrives?" the intern was quiet. 

"ANSWER ME DAMMIT!" Dr. Lee stepped forward, Intern Veronica stepped back. Before the doctor can further do something, someone grabbed her by the elbow and was pulled back. 

"Stop it Bella you're making a scene, the Director is here!" Dr. Park whispered as he pulled back the angry Doctor to his side. 

"Why? Why were you just standing there?" Dr. Lee asked the intern. 

"I-I was scared. It was my first time encountering something like this. I wanted to help her, but I couldn't move my hands. I was so scared." the intern was sobbing. 

"Stop it, let it go."

"Jay we almost lost her. . . Again!"

"I know Bella. This is her second time this week."

​​​​​​"If we didn't come sooner, she. . . . she could have died and I promised her Jay, that no matter what. I would try to save her."

​​​​​​"And you did. You saved her. So please cut her some slack. She's new here Bella."

​​​​​​"New or not, they should do their job properly." She turned her head towards the Director.  "Direcror, I would like to ask a favor from you."

"Yes, anything for you Dr. Lee."

 "I would like Intern Veronica on my team. I want to be her supervisor while she's here completing her internship. Would that be possible Director?"

Every month Dr. Lee manages a team. A team that consists of new interns. She guides and make them work hard, to be the best they can be. Veronica's eyes widen. From just this situation she new that Dr. Lee was tough, what else when she becomes her supervisor. Before she can even opose, she heard the Director's voice, "No problem, I'll talk to her supervisor."

The nurses that were left in the room started to murmur to each other. They know how tough Dr. Lee is and that she's often harshed to new interns. 

"Oh Sh*t!"

"Good Luck to her."

"I know you were scared. . . . maybe your first encounter to something like this. But remember when your done here. Your officially going to be a doctor. You will take an oath. An oath to save lives. Please don't forget that." Dr. Lee said as she walked towards the door. She then stopped and looked back at intern Veronica and said, "See you tommorow. I'm Doctor Isabella Lee. I'll be your new supervisor until you become the doctor you want to be." Then she continued to take her leave. Isabella introduced herself with a strong and confidence impression. 

"The best leaders know when to be tough and when to be gentle. So give her a chance. Don't judge her because of the rumors you hear about her around the hospital." said the Director









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