Chapter 4

Sheltered (mafia!Kai)

Short: Law student and intern Kim Jongin uses his charms for a dangerous pastime behind the screens, but he falls for the most normal girl.
Words: 3064
Type: Angst/Fluff
Pairing: Kai x Miyong (oc)
Notes for update: 30
Warnings: idk what to tag this as, sorry :/
A/N: This will run chronologically with Engraved, but it’s not needed to read this to understand Engraved, but the parts posted for Engraved after this will contain spoilers. It is also not necessary to read Engraved to understand what is happening here. But it will make things more clear.

Miyong pov

She looked at Jonging, who was curled up on her lounge chair with her run down copy of Twilight in his lap. “You look really engrossed in that.”

“Shh.” He mumbled, flipping the page, it made her snicker lightly as she stirred through the sauce in the pan. He’d been here with her for about a week now, she’d gotten so used to it. His presences, his groggy voice in the morning, his soft laughter in the afternoon, and hushed whispers in the night. Jongin was such a calm person, and living with him like this was easy. He helped her out around the house, cuddled with her on the couch, or sat in the chair quietly reading a book.


Originally posted by sehunoh


He wasn’t really okay though, she could see that he wasn’t his happy usual self. Something was still bothering him, but she didn’t want to press on. She didn’t want to spook him again. After that night she’d been really hesitant with him, making sure that if they kissed it wasn’t any shape or form on heavy make out session again. And he didn’t seem to mind. She trusted him that if he wanted to move further he’d show the signs.

She was focused on measuring off some things when warm arms s around her waist and pulled her close. A nose her neck and nuzzling close, swaying her from side to side. He hummed softly against her skin, to the sound of the music that was playing in the background. “Edward is a .”

“Wait till you read book 2, it gets worse.”

“I like Emmett.”

She chuckled, putting her hands on his. “He’s a good character yeah, I like Jasper too.”

“Emmett kind of reminds me of Chanyeol, but bigger.”

Miyong had sat with him yesterday, and he’d shown her pictures of everyone, told her their names and what they were like. He seemed to be closest to Kyungsoo’s, Angel’s current boyfriend. She’d seen him there when he came to pick him up, she also saw Jongdae, who from photo’s seemed closer to Angel than Kyungsoo. He seemed to have a habit of taking pictures of people a lot. Like a lot a lot.

The food was finished quickly and he’d stuck to her side the whole time. It was a tad annoying but also really cute, she didn’t actually want to push him away. He was always warm, always,, in the bed she found herself close to him most of the time. She couldn’t have wished a better cuddle buddy, warm and soft, and kind of clingy.

They went to work together, she drove. They waited for each other’s shifts to end, but mostly they ended around the same time. She helped him study ethics of law, and he helped her with criminal law. It worked out well. Everything with them. Except that night.

She had now also noticed the limp in his step. He didn’t wear shoes inside the house, and it was very faint, but he always leant more to one side when he walked. “Is your leg hurting?”

He looked up from his food. “Oh, no. Why?”

“You’re walking is a bit, off?”

He swallowed his bite. “Because of the breaks, my one bone ended up a tiny bit shorter, when I wear shoes I use insoles.”

She nodded, that made sense. “So it doesn’t hurt?”

“Not much no, sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn’t. But it’s the kind of pain you get used to. It kinda aches a bit, it’s fine.”

Miyong wondered if he had scars on his legs, or anywhere on his body from the accident. She wondered what happened, how it happened, how he got back on track. He told her that he’d lost his place in the dancing school, but the rest. Didn’t he have any friends left after being there for so many years?

“What are you thinking about?” He asked her, tapping her plate with his fork.

“Oh, nothing important.”

“You’ve been frowning like that a lot lately. Cheer up.” He smiled sweetly, and she smiled back, watching him as he got up and took the plates to do the dishes. “Nah.” He said when she got up, pointing a wet spoon at her. “I’ll do it, you stay put.”

She laughed, and watched him comfortably move around the kitchen and do the dishes. He was always swaying to the music, and before he came around she never had music on all day. The dancer in him was always there, swimming beneath the surface. She wished she could’ve seen him somehow, dance like he used to. He was passionate, she’d learnt at work, and she was sure it’d show in his dancing as well.

He stopped humming and she looked at what he was doing. Jongin stood still, wearing jeans and a wooly sweater that hung loosely on his frame. He put down the towel on the counter and grabbed something from under the large agenda she’d left there. “You know, I can’t look at sticky notes normally anymore.”

She frowned as he turned around and held up the light yellow square of notes. There was an old scrap of shopping list on there, and a phone number. What was he on about? He continued before she could ask more.

“She left me one, that morning.”

“Oh.” Miyong breathed out, not sure of what to say.

“She told you about it right?”

She nodded, seeing his eyes change as he looked more closely at the object in his hand. It seemed so fickle, but to him it didn’t. It brought on bad memories and feelings he wanted to forget. She thought that part of him was still attached, to Angel. And she couldn’t blame him for it.

Jongin ran a hand through his messy hair, uncombed still from his shower earlier today. “I…” he started, sighing deeply and closing his eyes. “It’s all my own fault you know.”

“What?” The whole thing with Angel, that couldn’t he his own fault unless she had the ing audacity to lie about it. “Jongin you it-“

“No, Miyong.” He rubbed his eyes. “I’m not talking about Angel. I mean ending up here.”

She remember Angel mentioning he came from a difficult situation, she’d been awfully vague about it at the coffee corner. “Do you want to talk about it?” she hesitantly asked, not wanting to push him.

He opened his eyes, looking at her like a lost young boy. “I think so.”

Miyong stood up, walking around the couch and over to where he stood in the middle of the kitchen. She took his hands in hers and stood up on her tippy toes to press a kiss to his lips. “You don’t have to. But you know you can tell me anything right?”

Jongin looked at her with pain in his eyes, his hands slightly trembling in hers. It has to have been bothering him, all this time. Whatever it was she knew she wouldn’t walk away anymore. She loved him and she’d committed to him, even though she hadn’t said it like that out loud again. She loved him. “Let’s go to my bedroom.” She said, pulling him along after her.

They sat down on the bed, crosslegged with the blanket in their laps. He put a pillow in his arms, holding it close and leaning his chin on it. For a second she thought he was going to cry right then and there. But he started talking slowly. “My parents, they didn’t have a lot of money. And when I told them I wanted to become a dancer they thought I was crazy, but I was young, and they allowed me to go to classes. When I was 13 I was scouted, they didn’t allow me to go. Then a year later I got scouted again, for a bigger school, Lee-Young’s, they offered me a full scholarship. Now, they wouldn’t however pay my expenses, like the travel it cost me to get there or the housing. But the official was adamant I could make it big and I begged my parents to let me go. They put all their money in me, letting me go to this dancing school. I had the time of my life, all I did was dance all day. Making friends was hard though, it’s a tough competition. I had one friend, his name was Taemin, he was in the same classes as me.” Jongin swallowed, breathing slowly. “We got along really well and practices together outside of schedules. Now, when I turned 18, he was already past the age, and he wanted to take me out. They tell us we shouldn’t, we should take care of our bodies and stuff. But it was just one night, and I was turning 18, so I thought why the hell not right?”

Miyong nodded. “You deserve something nice every now and then.”

“It was the biggest mistake I’ve ever made.” He smiled sadly. “We got drunk of our , till way past midnight, I think the sun must’ve almost been rising when…” He stopped and she saw his gaze change, from reminiscing to remembering. “I got in the car. “

She almost gasped, the accident, had he been drunk driving? No right? He wouldn’t? “Jongin?”

“You don’t have to tell me it was stupid, I’m gravely aware. Taemin said, let’s call a cab, and I was like oh no it’s only 5 minutes drive I’ll make it. And somehow we ended up in the car, next thing I know I wake up in the hospital.” He shakes his head. “We’d hit a tree along the way, I’d gotten trapped under the steering wheel. Broken both legs, one in 4 places. My ribs were cracked and I had a huge gash on my head from where I’d hit the side window. I think I woke up only after 5 days.” He stopped talking, playing with the corner of the pillow.

“What about Taemin?” She whispered, thinking the worst.

Jongin looked at her and shook his head. “It’s not what you think. He’s okay, or at least, I think. I haven’t spoken to him since. The doctor’s told me he’d gotten off well, with a few scratches and a broken wrist. He’d be perfectly fine. But me, they weren’t sure if I would ever walk again. They’d tried to set my leg but with the open breaks nerve damage could’ve been grave. I’m here today though, walking, I’m good. But Taemin.” Jongin let a tear slip then, closing his eyes as he spoke. “I couldn’t face him again after that, I told them I didn’t want to see him. I called my family, told them what had happened, I cried on the phone. They didn’t have the money to come get me. They were so disappointed in me, I have never felt so much hatred towards myself as I did then. !0 days later when I was discharged, in a wheelchair with nobody to get me there, I came home to a letter from the academy. I had lost my placement due to my reckless activities and injuries. The hospital must’ve phoned them about it when my parents didn’t respond. I’m not sure.”

She looked at him, as he stared right past her to the headboard. Miyong wanted to reach out to him, but the way he almost curled up on himself made her decide to just stay in her place for a bit. She let him continue at his own pace.

“I couldn’t do much with that cast, I was holed up in my apartment for a long time. Living off scraps of food before I found the courage to call my parents and tell them about it. My mom screamed at me, about that I’d ruined everything, all the money they’d lost on me. She told me I couldn’t come back until I had a way to repay them. I never spoke to her after that.” He reached out for her hand on his own, taking it in his and playing with her fingers gently. “Everything went worse from there. I was emotionally unstable, couldn’t find a job, lost my apparment, ended up on the streets. I lived on the streets for over a year.”

Miyong parted her lips, unsure of how to react. He’d actually been homeless, for that long? Was she not understanding or?

“I lived on the roof of an abandoned apartment building, sat by the road begging people for change during the day. I had one set of clothes, a blanket and a bag. Some days I’d eat, some days I wouldn’t, I’d fiddle my way inside a public bathroom to drink water from the tap. I know it’s not healthy, and my stomach was upset at first, but you get used to it.” His eyes were darker now, instead of scared. “I learnt how to steal from another guy I met there, he thought me how to pickpocket. I was skinny, I knew, and I was aware I wouldn’t make it through the winter like that. My fate was settled, I was sick, and one severe case of pneumonia could’ve been the death of me. So I went in for a risk and looked for the most expensive person on the street and took his wallet from him. It was surprisingly easy. I found 300 bucks inside and I could’ve spent it all, but I decided it might’ve been better to keep it. I went to the store and got instant noodles and a large bottle of water. Angel found me later that night.” He looked down at their hands, Miyong watched his fingers move along hers. His skin was soft, sun-kissed and beautiful. The way it stretched over his cheeks and the sharp cut of his jawline.

When he finally looked up at her again he broke out into tears. She was there, moving over and pulling him close. She let him cry into his shoulder, tears sipping below the collar of her shirt and wetting her skin. He trembled in her arms, and she ran her fingers through his hair. She held him like that, for a long time, until they found themselves cuddles under the covers. With his head on her chest and arms around her waist. She wasn’t going to let him go until he was okay again. Until he believed she was okay with everything.

But somehow the words wouldn’t leave . The I love you that laid on her tongue, the I wont leave between her lips. She sighed, and kissed the top of his head.

“Miyong?” he whispered in a weak little voice.

She hummed in return.

“Will you stay?”

Then, it was easy. “I will.”



“No matter what happens?”

“No matter what Jongin.”

“Not even if I mess up again?”

“Not even then.”

“I love you.” He breathed it against her skin, and it heated her up from inside. Goosebumps rose on her skin, she pulled him closer without noticing. His hands slipped under the fabric of her shirt, resting on her lower back, pressing into her skin. She saw the little piercing by his collarbone, just under the collar of his sweater.

“I love you too Jongin.” She stated, louder than he had. He stilled for a bit, fingers digging into her skin, like she’d startled him. Jongin shifted a bit, and reached up to press his soft lips against her cheek, staying close like that. “You tired?”

He nodded, breathing out over her skin and kissing her again. She chuckled lightly, lacing their fingers together on her stomach and reaching to the side to turn off the lights.

“Let’s sleep.”

Suddenly Jongin turned in his arms to look up at the ceiling. “There’s one thing I miss, from when I was homeless.”

Her eyebrows furrowed together. “What do you mean?”

“I used to sleep under the stars, I miss seeing them when it’s late at night.”

That was the cutest answer he could’ve given her, but it still pained her. Maybe she’d find a way to fix that. But she was growing tired and would think of it in the morning.

They slowly dozed off in each other’s arms if it wasn’t for the doorbell suddenly ringing.

Jongin groaned, sitting up, looking at the closed curtains by the window. “Were you expecting someone this late?”

Miyong shook her head, wondering who would ring the doorbell this time of night. “Maybe it’s the neighbours.”

Jongin found his phone on the nightstand, opening it. She saw, he has 15 missed calls, what the hell? “Listen.” He suddenly squared up, his jaw hardened. “Stay here okay?” he got up out of the bed and reached into his bag. He pulled out something black, that clicked awfully familiar. Like a gun. Was he holding a gun?

“Jongin?” She hissed in the dark. “What are you doing?”

“Miyong, please stay here.”

She was suddenly shaking with fear, and when he opened the door to her room slowly, she reached for his phone. 3 missed calls form Xiumin, 7 from Baekhyun, and 4 from Suho. Did something happen back home? Miyong was too afraid then to get out of the bed and watch what was going on. He had a gun, in her house, loaded. What if he shot someone? Should she call 911?

Then he sighed loudly, almost relieved. “Jongin?!” she called.

“It’s okay,” he said, opening the door, and someone stepped in. She got out of the bed to see who it was. The man was clad in suit pants and a light blue button up, ed, his silver hair dishevelled. She recognised him faintly as Suho. “What’s wrong?” Jongin asked.

Suho ran a hand through his hair, eyes falling on Miyong. “Who’s this?”

Jongin looked at her. “Uhmm…”

“I’m his girlfriend.” She said calmly.

He closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Of course you are. Listen, pack a bag, anything essential. We need to get you back home.”

Jongin’s eyes grew wide. “Did something happen?”

Miyong looked between them nervously.

“Angel, someone got to her.”

“What? Is she okay?” Worry laced Jongin’s voice instantly, and Miyong saw the gun still sticking out from the waistband of his jeans.

Suho nodded. “She’s okay but…Jongdae, he got shot.”

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