
Only me [Saida]

I woke up in the nurses office while my body was trembling I managed to see a figure sitting on the seat next to me


Something is a bit weird

The person sitting next to my shaky body

It wasnt Nayeon


I closed my eyes forcfully then opened them hoping for my eyes to adjust

My eyes hadnt adjusted then I suddenly fell asleep

I woke up, no one was there I looked at the clock and it was 4:26

"Crap! I need to go home." I said

I got up not caring about the pain in my hips and legs then ran home

I saw Sana at the corner of my eye she looked at me confused why I was running, her shoulders looked heavy I just went home 

I went to sleep and woke up to my alarm

I felt really ill 

So I didnt go to school for a whole week

I got a text from Nayeon

[Hey, where are you. you havent been at school for a week]

[Oh its ok I just got really sick]

The next day I got back

At lunch I overheard Sana talking to her friends

"Um yeah at lunches I cant see you guys..." Sana Exclaimed

I was wondering why and aparently her friends did too because they asked "Why"

"Oh, because, yeah Im really busy with work." Sana explained

It was obvsiously an excuse for something because she does not really pay attention to classes but the way she lied was so smooth

They didnt even realize it was an excuse

I woke up the next day and ran to school it wasnt like I was late or anything I just had an urge to go to school that day

Suprisingly nothing happened I went to lunch and ate on the seats like I used to while watching the football training

I always saw lots of people but then I saw Sana, she was walking slow with her head low

She slowed down when she went near me, I didnt think much of it

"Hey..." Sana said 

It was weird because she didnt look at me scarily or do any physical actions

I didnt reply because I wasnt sure who she was talking to

She stopped right infront of me 

I was confused

I still didnt say anything

"Hi..." She said again

"H-Hi?" I said and lightly waved

It was really awkward she seemed very stiff

She walked away, I was so confused it felt like 4 hours in that moment

The whole day I was confused

The next day lunch was normal, well not normal for me because it would be getting scared by Sana but it was just eating and studying

Nayeon asked if after school we could go out to eat I agreed

We were talking she realized I wasnt myself 

I was just looking at my Choco Pie she knew something wasnt right because I didnt even eat it

I would have normally just throw it down my mouth in one bite

Although I seemed like I was depressed I was fine I was just thinking why did Sana approach me without a daunting stare it was weird

Then I heard Nayeon say "Hey, are you ok?" She asked

"Oh, Im ok Im just thinking." I replied

"You seem to always think." She said chuckling

"Anyways, what are you thinking about?" Nayeon questioned

"Today I was sitting at lunch like usual then saw Sana---" I said before I got cut off

"Let me guess, she started going crazy? Im really sorry that I didnt help." Nayeon said

"No no no, she didnt go crazy she just stared at me not saying anything apart from 'Hi' then she walked away." I explained

"Thats weird, normally she would push you to the wall and intimidate you." Nayeon noticed

I didnt eat I was still thinking then we went home

I went to sleep straight away

I then woke up the next day I got dressed and made my way to school

I saw Sana walking, she looked sad or atleast in distress

I got confused why she keeps on being like this

She glanced at me then quickly turned her head to the ground

I walked quick to school

I had gotten piano classes that day so a period without Sana

Guess what happens

"Um we need D-Dah-Dahyun in the vocals class for the period."

Who said that...of course Sana is there class messenger 

But why did she stumble on her names when she said my name

Also, that meant it had to be an awkward  long walk to their class....With Sana

It was so awkward walking with her because it was silent and we are like enemies

In the class there was a whole empty row of seats, Sana had to sit there

I skipped about three spaces next to her so that it wouldnt be as awkward






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Chapter five out! Working on six now


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Iiirujjj #1
Chapter 6: Man what kind of update is this ...
TwiceO_O #2
Okkkk I edited my chapter because my computer reset so your gonna basically get sneak peaks because it autosaves
Chapter 3: I know Sana's jealous but she's taking it wayyy too far -_- I don't know why, but I don't feel like wanting them to end up together (I lowkey had hope for Dahmo and now got some for Dayeon). But one way or another, I'm pretty sure Sana's going to find a way to make Dahyun like her back. So, as long as Dahyun is happy and doesn't suffer, I'm fine with that. If Sana is happy and dosen't suffer, I'll also be fine, probably.
Chapter 3: Sana's friends are so stupidˊ_>ˋ
TwiceO_O #5
Chapter 3: Dont mind me saying that Sanas friends sounded like dying hyenas
Cloudia_aka #6
Chapter 2: It's so good but I hope you can make the chapter longer
Chapter 2: I'm really curious now about what happened between Saida to make Sana act like that. And don't worry take all the time you need
TwiceO_O #8
Sorry 2 was only short :( I will work on these more im just busy lately
Chapter 1: Poor dubu :'v
Chapter 1: Omg I feel like hitting Sana. >:(