
Only me [Saida]

I was still wondering what Sana meant by target

I heard footsteps on the soft grass

I hung my head low hoping it wasnt Sana or her friends

Then I heard Momos voice, I was relieved

"Hey Dubu!" Momo said cheerfully


"You ok?" She asked

"Yeah, just thinking." I replied

"About what?" She asked

"I was wondering what Sana meant by "target"..." I exclaimed 

"Oh, um she says weird things, dont worry about." Momo assured me

I just looked at the sky

It was very tranquil I liked it

Then of course Sana had to come

"Oh, Dahyun and Momo, how ironic." Sana muttered

She had seemed to mouth something to Momo and gave an intimidaiting stare

And dragged Momo away

I could hear shouting by Sana they were saying something in Japanese

Just hearing made me scared

I didnt see Momo for the rest of the day

I was so worried

Later that day I met another friend

Her name was Nayeon

She really cared for me and I enjoyed it

[A week later]

I have not seen Momo for the last week

I remember her number

Ill text her if shes okay 

[Hey Momo are you ok? You havent been here since last week]

It took about 20 minutes before she replied

[Oh Im ok just sick]

It was kind of suspicious

Normally she would call me first saying "Im not going to be here today"

[A month later]

"I have to move, back to Japan."

Those words by Momo broke my heart

Although I had Nayeon it was still heartbreaking

I dropped her off at the airport

I tried to stay strong

But i just let my tears out

I hugged her so tight

[Next week]

I woke up miserable

I wasnt my self

When Sana was trying to intimidate me

I just walked away always saying 'I dont care."

She would just look at me angry and confused

A few days passed and I was myself

I walked into the cafe reminding me of Momo dragging me in 

It was suprsisingly empty


I heard them footsteps of Sana

I was ready to burst into anger

"Im done!" I yelled shakingly but relieved to get them words out of me

Sana just stared at me

"Im done." I repeated myself a little bit quieter

I looked at the wall

Then heard her loud footsteps progress closer

I turned around 

"What do you want from me, what have I done to you?" I said shaking

She shoved me to the wall

Why does she always push me to the wall?

Her look was soft

It was like how I saw her them years ago

"Dahyun" Her voice had become soft

I was speechless

I unconsiously held the bottom of her shirt

It was refreshing

It seemed she had something to say

She tried to say something but couldnt

It would just come out as her mouthing something

Her friends had arrived

I wished that had lasted longer

"Hey, I see Dubu girl is here" Her friend sayed  sounding like a dying hyena

You could just tell Sana was furious

"Yeah.." Sana replied

"We have done something, for her." Her friend sayed looking at me

"What!?" Sana shouted

They led me to the school pools

I found my necklace from my Mother in the pool

It was so special

I burst into tears and got so angry

I jumped into the pool

Crap I dont know how to swim

I was drowning!

Nayeon came and saved me 

Sana looked as if she wanted to be the one helping me up

Like she only wanted me to look at her




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Chapter five out! Working on six now


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Iiirujjj #1
Chapter 6: Man what kind of update is this ...
TwiceO_O #2
Okkkk I edited my chapter because my computer reset so your gonna basically get sneak peaks because it autosaves
Chapter 3: I know Sana's jealous but she's taking it wayyy too far -_- I don't know why, but I don't feel like wanting them to end up together (I lowkey had hope for Dahmo and now got some for Dayeon). But one way or another, I'm pretty sure Sana's going to find a way to make Dahyun like her back. So, as long as Dahyun is happy and doesn't suffer, I'm fine with that. If Sana is happy and dosen't suffer, I'll also be fine, probably.
Chapter 3: Sana's friends are so stupidˊ_>ˋ
TwiceO_O #5
Chapter 3: Dont mind me saying that Sanas friends sounded like dying hyenas
Cloudia_aka #6
Chapter 2: It's so good but I hope you can make the chapter longer
Chapter 2: I'm really curious now about what happened between Saida to make Sana act like that. And don't worry take all the time you need
TwiceO_O #8
Sorry 2 was only short :( I will work on these more im just busy lately
Chapter 1: Poor dubu :'v
Chapter 1: Omg I feel like hitting Sana. >:(