Push and Pull

Seohyun's POV

Ring Ring....

My eyes opened seeing the light shone into it. It took me a few minutes for me to get use to the bright light but the thing I know is that class was over. Mr. Jeon's Class done, now Mrs.Kim's. This is my last year of high school and I'm still deciding what I'm gonna be in the future. Honestly I love to be in arts but my parents have been forcing me to do Science and Math. Everyday, I tend to sneak out to the music studio. It's a place where I express myself and can be myself. 

"Seohyun, wanna go to the studio this afternoon again?" My friend Lee Sung Kyung patted my back and asked me. Her hands move to her pinkish red hair near her ear, pulling it back so it won't get into her way. 

I gotta admit she was more of an outgoing person then I am. Everyone loves her compare to me...

"Sorry, can't father is coming home early tonight." I declined her offer. She looked at me pouting a bit, sitting right beside me, she starts to sulk trying to convince me to come with her. 

"Why ~ ? I can't go alone, your my only true friend." She said shaking her head rapidly on my shoulder. Smiling at my goofy friend, I'm kind of disappointed at myself, comparing myself to her. I'm jealous alright, she can talk to anybody she wants to and befriend them like if they knew each other since they were kids.

"By the way Seo, do you think you have time on Saturday?"

"Saturday? I guess I don't have anything why?"

"Great! Can you come with me to the bookstore? I really need to get more resources for class." 

Accepting the offer, the class started. Mrs.Kim's Class was always boring, it's not like she's a bad person just that I tend to fall asleep when she talks. My eyes falls on to my notebook, seeing all the doodles I've drawn. Chuckling softly at it, I flip through the book, reminiscing all of the drawings, I've drew. Every piece have a meaning to it. How I feel on that day. What happened on that day. Basically my life have been drawn into my notebooks. It's already June, and I am already a senior. I shouldn't be wasting my time thinking but I have too. All the things I love, my parents decline especially my grandmother... Music was nothing to them. It as if it's a nuisance to them when I mention about it as my future. Are they correct? Am I wrong with what I'm passionate about? I don't know... I just want an answer... Just an answer. My eyes glances over to Sungkyung. She was beautiful, talented in everything she does. I bet she already know what she wants to do. Huuuu~ I better pay attention before something important slips. 

Saturday Morning

It's such a nice day today. I guess Sungkyung is lucky to pick such a good day. Didn't she said she wanted to visit the book store? I wonder what taking her so long. Tapping on my rose gold watch, I checked my surrounding if she's near. Hm... She must've woken up late again. Walking over to the park, I smiled at the tree that have been there since I was little. Step by step, I walked over, sitting down beneath the big old cherry blossom tree. 

"This brings me memories." I said to myself.

Sending a last message to Sungkyung before she arrives, I closed my eyes taking a nap under the shade.

1 hour later

"Miss.. Miss are you okay?" This voice sounds so calming. My eyes opened slowly seeing a prince-like face in front of my face. 

What is this?... It's like my world have been stop looking in his eyes. It's so beautiful. 

"Um, Sir..." My face blush a bit realizing what is happening.

A flush of red came across his cheeks realizing himself, what he is doing. Straightening his body immediately, I sat up. Hey... Where the hell is that girl?! I frowned a bit remembering our plan to go to the bookstore but she isn't here yet. I turn my head, wanting to thank the man he woke me up, but realizing he have already gone. That was kind of rude of me. Standing up, I brush off the cherry blossoms that have fallen on me. I opened my phone to check if there's any messages from Sungkyung and I was right ! Damn that girl, I should've declined her and stayed home. I guess the only choice I have is to go home. 

??? POV 

That was weird.. Why did I reacted like that?...

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Chapter 1: Please update soon ^ - ^ because I really like your story ^ 0 ^
dragonling #2
Chapter 1: Update soon! I like your storyyyy
Can't wait for the story :D