
Are you bulletproof? | BTSxReader

It's not it was the most pleasant to be left alone but at times like these, it was a blessing for you. The cold wind against the skin of your cheeks as the water in front of you makes you feel like on cloud nine. Han River was one of the places where you could relax, without any fans finding you. There was a special place near, that had a bench and the most beautiful view of the river. Taking your time in calming yourself down and cursing for the fact that in the process of escaping the previous mess, you lost your phone on the way.

"Please.. Don't contact me." Is all you remembered and was hitting yourself over it. It's not like you knew you were going to throw your phone away, while running. More of all, how were you going to face them after acting like that? You swore that there was someone who called for you, but it could have been in your head. Why would they call? After all you have done.

The view of the Han river filled out the emptiness in your soul, hoping that it won't be long until you could go back. There were just unnecessary things keeping you away. If you went back, would Jungkook keep hating for the crime you did? Will the atmosphere be changed? You couldn't serve them such treatment. It has been two days and only a couple of cash left, the connection to the boys has been lost. Were you going to live on the street? Every possible scenario went through your head, because it was hard imagining everything would be the same when you got back. The hotel room expired today and it didn't seem like your stomach felt the urge to eat more convenience store food. Maybe a night out in the open was not so bad... It's not like anyone else knows about the special place you have.

"Y/N..?" a voice from afar was heard from the bushes behind you. The surprise of someone else presence had you spin around and freeze. You tried to squint your eyes to see who it was, but it was too dark. A silhouette appeared out of the shadows and approached you. The closer they got, the more you felt the need of crying.

"Y/'s really you.. We have been so worried..." The silhouette spoke, getting further out from the darkness and closer to the light. A hand slowly moving further to gesture there was nothing to fear, but why did you feel like being caught stealing? Maybe it was the surprise that made it hard, to not hear who the voice belonged to, but it was the kind of voice that made you feel like home.

"Are you okay..?" The silhouette came out of the shadows and the dimmed light from the night sky brightened up the blonde grey hair, which belonged to a boy who wasn't much taller than you. His face covered in sweat and blood shut eyes, made you run into his arms and locked yourself on his broad chest.

"Jimin... Jimin... I'm so sorry..I should never have done that.." You cried to him, hands locked onto his black hoodie that gave your finger the warmth you longed for. There was a pair of arms surrounding your ribcage making you feel secure and bringing you closer to him. A head coming closer to your ear, resting it on your left shoulder. Shivers rising from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet, a presence of someone made you feel like in a fairy tale.

"Shh... Y/N... it's okay.. Don't cry... Don't leave us again...please..." A voice so soft that it was like he was scared to break you. The crook of his nose matched perfectly with your neck and you felt the warmth from his salty tears drippling from his eyes. Standing and holding on to each other as if the world was going under. The heartbeat matching, the breathing that was intact with chest by chest. None of you let go, but stood on the hill embracing each other letting the world go on standby, not caring who would see you.

Letting go of you, for Jimin it felt like he was back in kindergarten having his favourite toy being snatched away. His hands swiftly rising to touch your delicate skin and wipe away the tears that is left. Pushing your chin upwards so the eyes could lock together, giving a silent "I missed you".

"We have been worried.. Will you come back?" With a smile creeping upon his lips, but his eyes still showing sadness of what your answer could be to him.

"Jimin... I don't belong there, I break the rules. The most important rule, and all I'm doing is cause trouble between us all. You all can do better without me, and look at me? I been away from the dorm in two days and all I do is miss you guys, throw my phone away and lose myself in the process.. This is not how a human should function..." The tears that was wiped away, slowly found its way back. Unconsciously still holding on to his hoodie.... Because even though whatever you told yourself, all you wanted was for him to take you home. But according to yourself it was a selfish polluted wish, because you have already done this much.

Jimin never broke eye contact and grabbed your hands to hold them into his own. Small were made on your thumbs and a step further. He made sure that what he was about to say, should never be forgotten.

"You lost your phone... What should we do about you Y/N..? Everyone has been spamming you with messages, and even confessions of how much you mean to us. Hoseok had a hard time feeling confidence before you came, Namjoon didn't want anyone but you to give him feedback. Jin never let us taste his food before serving, because he was uncertain how you would like it, Taehyung adores when people praise him for his hard work or when he needs a real big hug but only from you. Jungkook crossed the line, but he strives for his best and even for the tough guy he is, he cannot fall asleep because of the nightmares he gets when you're not there. Yoongi is secretly using you as his muse and without you, he got nothing... We all need you in our lives, so don't ever think we don't appreciate you. Come back, with me... please?" Glossy eyes pointed at you, pulling your hands towards him. Stepping backwards having you to follow the same steps that he did. Silently nodding at him, because your voice was dry after all this crying and the shock from the confession you got, there was no words exchanging between the two of you for a few minutes of walking.

"Wait." You stopped the trail of footsteps. Jimin turned around to look at you, giving his full attention. The facial expression on him was a mixture of confusion and fear, would you let go of his hand and walk away?

"What about you...? I mean..." Biting your bottom lip in between your words, making it hard for him to listen properly.

"I mean.. You told me how everyone valued me... but what about you...?" The finished sentence of a question shot at him, formed a frown on his lips, realising that he never told you about himself. Squeezing the hand, he has been holding since the moment it was locked with yours. A quick look on the night sky and back at your curious face that was swollen from the sentimental episode.

"I... just need you. There isn't anything specific place where I want you there, since I need you all the time. On my sad days, you are always there to take care of me, letting me know I'm not alone. Even with the tired body of yours after practice and the scandals, it's still right beside me serving me everything I need... Knowing how it felt having someone to take care of you.. I wanted to do it for you, letting you know that you aren't alone. You have always been there for me, now I want to be there for you..."

Was the words that fell out of his mouth, soothing like your favourite song. Eyes widened at him, with a slight blush on your cheeks that you weren't sure was there, was because of the crying and the cold? Jimin smiled at you, dragging you along with him to the dorm. There was no need for you to answer him with words, because he knew that what he told you was the pure truth. Nothing could have you doubting on him, and it had you bubbling inside of warmth.

Squeezing his hand tighter, declaring that you will never let go of him. Whispering under your breath, so it was only yourself that could hear;

"Thank you.. Jimin."

Arriving home there were six boys waiting for you, and a few was ready to tackle when you stepped through the door. Jimin was in front of the door, signalling you he was going to turn the door handle and open it. A nod responded to him, letting yourself get ready for the storm that was about to come.


"You're back!!"

"Where were you???!"

Different questions, from different people. Taehyung didn't waste a moment and tackled you with a big hug, so did Hoseok who had eyes filled with delight from seeing you. The older boys looked upon the pile of bodies, chuckling to themselves. From the bigger picture, it looked like a family reunion for them. Yoongi waved with his hand, but with an unreadable emotion on his face. It was hard to tell if it was joy or sadness, but it didn't stop you from going over to hug him. Inhaling the cologne, he usually wears was like a drug to you. The boy responded back with a hug, but nothing out of the usual. He wasn't the biggest skin shippers, but a hug of missing someone was excused. Everyone else had their deal of a hug, but there was one left.

Turning around facing the taller boy who had a sad face, with tears starting to dwell on his eyes knowing what was about to come for him. He was acting like a jerk towards you and almost caused you to leave the group. He could never forgive himself for his duty and was ready to be punished.

You looked at him and swung your arms around his broad shoulders. Squeezing the life out of him, missing his hands on your waist and lifting you up from the ground. After putting you down on the floor, he merely whispered into your ear;

"Y/N I'm s-" His sentence was cut off by a finger put on his lips. You weren't going to allow him to apologize, at least this wasn't the time for it. You missed him a lot when you were gone and realised that you weren't perfect. This boy had been stressing himself up and it was just unfortunate that you happened to be one that got the trash. After Jimin's explanation at the river, you understood why all of these things would happen. Taking him in for another hug, you whispered back into his ear;

"Jungkook.. I know you didn't mean it. I forgive you. Jimin told me about you... It's okay. We all make mistakes, I won't leave you guys again..." Squeezing him one last time, before letting him go from your embrace. You made a spin and told the boys you needed to take a shower, because at the hotel you were staying at, didn't have warm water. Waving the boys off with a smile, you ran to the bathroom to make yourself clean again.

"Nothing has really changed.. I'm happy about that." Taehyung interrupted the silence with his deep voice. Having the other boys attention, he smiled to them with the boxy mouth of his.

"We should.. celebrate? Watch a movie? Some food? She must have been starving."Hoseok added. The orange haired boy marched his way over to the TV to find a movie to watch, this was going to be a surprise for you.

"I'll prepare the popcorns!" Namjoon yelled as he was moving his body towards the kitchen.

"Oh no you're not! You will probably screw with the microwave again!!" Jin interrupted Namjoon with his wide shoulders, pushing him away from the kitchen entrance. If anybody was going to be making food or snacks, it would most likely be Jin. The others didn't always trust Namjoon with electronics.

"Jungkook come help me find the blankets and all of the pillow from the rooms! We're going to make this so comfortable!" Taehyung pushed the younger boy towards the bedrooms, besides your room. Jungkook didn't seem to mind the orders he got, as for now he will behave better of what has happened.

Coming out of the bathroom with the steam following, blessing the foundation of hot water. You found the seven boys plopped down with blankets, pillows and snacks. They were all ready to watch the movie, all they needed was you to join them.

"Hoseok got the nice idea to have a movie night, care to join?" Yoongi asked with a curious look, with the gummy smile that you always loved. Putting away your wet towel from your hair, you plopped down on the floor besides him and Taehyung.

"We're going to watch Avatar! I picked it out myself!" Hoseok practically screamed jumping with the remote in his hand. It made you chuckle of how excited he was about all this.

Having the movie set on play, Taehyung decided to put his head on your lap. It was like sitting with a cute puppy, so you his soft blonde hair making him purr from his throat. Halfway into the movie you felt something lean against your shoulder, but it wasn't light like a hand touch. Looking to your side, you found black hair your lips knowing that, Yoongi has fallen asleep on your shoulder. His head fitted into the crook of your neck and has found it peaceful enough to fall asleep. Looking around the living room, some of the boys has fallen asleep and some of them has made themselves stay awake for this movie night. Was this the feeling of, a family? The surroundings of the people you loved, more than others. And the ones who loved you back. You could stay like this forever...

The movie has ended and everyone has fallen asleep. Trying not to wake anyone up, you stood up from the floor because there was no way you would let yourself sleep on this hard floor. Silently tip toeing down to the bathroom to brush your teeth, you would get ready for bed.

Opening the door to your bedroom was like going on stage to a concert. It was your place where you could relax and act how you wanted. It gave you the adrenaline as when you were going to sing in front of a thousand of people, but tonight your body was too tired to register the drug that rushed through your body. Everyone has been damaging themselves through these three days and everyone needed to get a good night of sleep. Your feet never lifted from the ground, you moved over to your bed. Having the comfortable duvet covering your body, letting your head rest on the softest pillow in the whole universe. You were travelling to dreamland in no time.

You were awoken by a shake on the shoulder, it got more violent after seconds. This thing, wanted you to wake up immediately. Opening your tired eyes, you see a tall silhouette stand above still having his hand on your shoulder. Looking at the clock on your night table, it showed the time 02:44. Looking back at the figure that was above, you took the hand and asked;

"Jungkook..? Why are you in here?" Your tired voice may have seemed annoyed to him, due to the sudden wake up.

"I... I-I couldn't sleep." He responded with a nervous whisper, hoping not to wake up any others.

"But.. why are you in here?" It confused you why this boy decided to put his insomnia on you. Whenever he couldn't sleep it was because of specific reasons and that's when it hit you;

"You are having nightmares again...?" Sincerely asking the boy in front of you, not making it seem like a big deal. He had always trouble with nightmares when you were a trainee, and he would come to you to sleep besides you on the floor so he would feel more relaxed.

"Yea... They are getting worse.. I'm sorry I had to wake you up." The boy responded while rubbing the back of his neck. It has been a long time since he did this, and it made him nervous from doing it again.

"No.. It's okay... Come.. " Lifting the duvet from you, gesturing him to go put his body besides yours. It was clear that he wasn't sure if he should do it and it would be weird sleeping besides a girl in the same bed, under the same covers. Before he could think it all through, you pulled his arm so he would let his body fall upon the mattress. Covering his body with the duvet and letting his head relax on your pillow as you faced him. The boy seemed shocked from your movements and the closeness you two had. Your lips were merely inches away and the young boy was tempted by the smell of flowers and cleanliness. Instead of letting himself go for his lust, he turned around so his back was now facing you.

"Are Jessica okay with you doing this?" You asked with closed eyes, knowing that he had moved around away from you.

".... She won't know." He responded to your question, adding a bit more to it;

"Can this... be our secret..?" he finished off with an unsure look while biting his lip, not knowing what your answer might be. Could this be classified as cheating? He didn't know.

Opening your eyes seeing the broad in front of you, there was a memory of three years ago, where he would be laying on the floor instead. His back would just be smaller and less defined. Looking at him a bit more, you realise how much of a man he has become. You had different feelings inside, when you looked at him. But did you dare to try them out?

Reaching your hand for his , you the smooth skin that felt like silk to you. The sudden surprise touch, made him get goose bumps all over his body. It made him stiff, of whatever reason you decided to do that. He could feel in his stomach that he wanted more, but did he dare ask you? Even though you were tempted to him, you decided that it would be bad to go further. Letting your hand slide up to his hair, you gently caressed his head with your fingertips. Touching every strand of neck hair, because who knew when you would feel that again this close...

"Yea... our secret." You whispered.

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Chapter 26: Phewwww finally finished reading this and here I am again hello leaving comments again I really hope im not too.late in discovering this story BUT THIS SII TOO GOOD BEYOND EVERYTHING ;; I have nothing to say but to thank your genius brain and mind for writing this story I love it so much. It pains me to hae her get kicked out of the band but I really hope it works out for her. As much as I want her to stay but in reality the world is too cruel. She might get a lot of hates if she continue. But I wish bang would let her take part in the wings tour first and look how bad the response is. After all taking her off from the group immediately bcs of the dating news is so unfair for her ;; she is still part of the band. The comeback is approaching how she worked as hard like others. Nonetheles, that is only my penny of thoughts hehe I STILL LIVE YOUR WRITING ANYWAYS. *sending loves and hugs*
Gwen13 #2
Chapter 26: Sequel plssss maybe about her solo debut:)
Love it..keep going, you are a good writer