
Are you bulletproof? | BTSxReader

Suing your latest hater that spilled hot coffee on Jungkook's shirt has been a blessing to you. It was hard to sue her for what she did outside the commercial studio, but the threats you had documented on your phone was proof enough. Bang Pd-nim understood that this should not be tolerated and it would be best to have it stopped before it got even worse. The "fan" didn't deny that she was the one who messaged you, so there was no need to drag multiple lawyers in the court room. Actually, all you did was having a meeting in one of the small meeting rooms, to figure out what to do. Bighit got you a good lawyer who would only help you get a good deal out of this, and you were only pleased about it. After an hour of discussion of what should happen, you figured out the fan was only 15 years old. Your subconscious told you that it wasn't worth it. She was only 15, she had so much potential to do something else than this. You were just a bump on her road. 

It ended with a fine on 500.000 krw and a restraining order on her, and that she was not allowed to come any closer than 160 feet away from you. It was a great deal in your head, hoping it would at least keep you away from your nervousness. It probably wasn't that satisfying to you as you hoped, but at least you got one down out of the haters that were out to get you.

You shaked hands with the fan's lawyer and you had your phone buzzing in your pocket.

That's when you were interrupted by noise coming from the front door, and it had you on edge. With your lawyer by your side you skipped out of the front door and saw what made all that noise. Outside of the building, there was filled with reporters and fans, because as you expected, Jaebum was there. You bowed to him respectfully and he bowed back but with an apologetic face, because he knew this wouldn't end well. There was no way for you to escape this mess, there were flying questions from left and right.

"Are you and JB dating??"

"Will you participate in 'We got married'??"

"How long have you been a couple?"

The reporters kept sending the same questions at you again, and again. Photographers arrived at the scene and was just in luck to snap a photo of you taking your jacket out of Jaebum's hands. You looked at Jaebum to see that he was confused just like you and didn't know what to do either. You were both trapped in a situation that might not be a good idea for both of your groups, and it only made you panic more and more.

You gave him a look of "I'm sorry" and fleed from the scene. You ran away and started calling your manager that there were rumours coming your way, and that it wasn't on purpose of whatever reason that caused this. The manager didn't give much of response than "We'll see." So talking to him didn't help you feel more at ease.

"I'M WHAT??" You said with a loud voice to your boss.

"Yes, you are now dating Got7 Jaebum. Apparently, the rumours from yesterday gave Got7 and BTS more publicity, and it will sell more stuff. You will go worldwide! Worldwide I tell ya! This is the greatest! So you and Jaebum needs to act like a couple, or people might find out it's all a scam...Also this might help your fanbase! There has been a strive between Ahgase and Army that this might prove to them there is no need for a war" Bang-Pd-nim seemed excited that it was such good news that his voice cracked through his sentence. He gave you the hand movement that showed "I got nothing more to tell you, but good luck".

You bowed farewell to him and went out in the uber that would drive you back to the dorm. Sitting in the back you looked out of the window recapping what has been happening. You couldn't believe what you just got told. Not that you wouldn't mind dating Jaebum, but like this? It was just too unreal. You barely knew the guy, outside from facts that you have gotten told through Jackson or showcases.

That's when you remembered you got his phone number, so you might start texting him about Bighit's plan between him and you.

It's not that you didn't want to go to his dorm and meet the boys, but you just felt more secure being around your boys, in your place. Even though it should excite you that Jaebum was coming over to your dorm, but it felt so unreal and business like, you just couldn't set yourself to feel happy. Coming to think of it, does the boys even know about it? It annoyed you that suddenly you were dating, and not even real dating. You didn't know how the boys would feel about you dating someone, but it's not like they love in that way anyways, so there is no reason to be worried... right?  

You came home tired and exhausted after been bombed with "good" news on you. Your mind has been running wild for more than usual and it didn't help at all, to see Taehyung marching over to you.

"YOU ARE DATING JAEBUM???? WHY DID WE NOT KNOW ANYTHING??" He yelled at you excitedly.

"Chill Tae... It's just for publicity and I don't know for how long It will last. I just got to know today that I'm suddenly dating. Also... he is coming over soon for some coffee.."You patted his head as he was an overly excited puppy, but you couldn't lie... Tae would be a cute puppy if he were. Jungkook didn't give you much of his attention, he looked at you as he had lost the biggest game of his life. But he decided to give you a smile, to not have you ask question. He stood up from the couch and walked over to you and put his hand on Taehyung's shoulder.

"I'm..actually.. I hope Bang pd-nim is right..It's just a fake relationship..." The taller boy told you as he was about to cry, his gritted teeth didn't help you understand what he was saying. He shaked his head and walked into his room, Taehyung gave you his last hug before he went to join him.

"I'll prepare the coffee then..." You heard Jin from afar. He has been silently listening to your small conversation with Taehyung.

"Thanks Mommy~" you cooed at him. He gave you a little smile before leaving the living room and out to the kitchen.

"So your boyfriend is coming over? Might as well interrogate him if he is perfect boyfriend material or not for my little girl." You heard Namjoon say from the couch while he put his arms behind his head, to make himself look more cool. You didn't hate being called a little girl, since it was those words you never got from your own family, so it was nice to finally hear someone else say it than yourself.

"Daaaad, don't be like that~!" you joked back to him, hoping he wouldn't go full "Dad mode" on Jaebum.

"Besides.. you already know him? It's Jaebum from Got7, so you might pack away your dad attitude because he has, for your information, been awarded to be the 'perfect boyfriend material' so your little girl is in good hands~!" you stuck out your tongue at him, to show that you were only joking.

"I'm just trying to protect my little baby girl, she is growing so big!!" Namjoon responded and wiggled around on the couch like a little baby.

"Stop with all the family love in here, it's about to be sickening watching you guys from afar." The black-haired boy said with a grumpy voice appearing from his bedroom. He seemed to have taken a nap and was woken up by you and Namjoon's family love.

"Someone stepped with the wrong leg out of bed today?" You , hoping to ease up the grumpiness coming your way.

"Shut up... your boyfriend talk woke me up." He responded, not in the mood to be teased with for the moment.

"Yea.. Jaebum is coming over soon. Care to join us with coffee?" You asked him, with a smile on your face. To you, Yoongi didn't seem to be happy about the announcement or the invitation. In fact, it was like a black cloud covered his whole face.

"I'm going back to sleep, hoping this is just another bad dream..." He waved at you and walked back into his room without giving you another glimpse of his face.

You didn't know if he was grumpy because he just woke up, or that you tried to . Namjoon stood up from the couch and walked over to you, placing his hand on your shoulder to signal you "Let it go". You gave him a nod of understanding, and walked out together in the kitchen where Jin was brewing coffee.

You and Namjoon sat down at the Island counter, it's where you would usually eat breakfast together. Jin hummed to his solo song and Namjoon was texting someone from his phone. There was no way for you to peek of who he was texting, because he always moved away when you tried. You pouted at him, but got no response.

"Dad? Mom?" You asked out of the blue. The boys chuckled at your way of naming them, but they have gotten used to you calling them "your parents". They hummed at your question, to know that you should just keep talking.

"Is it a problem that I now have a 'boyfriend' it won't cause any problems... will it?" You sounded insecure in your question, it's not like it was your plan to get a boyfriend. But Namjoon and Jin gave you their full attention and gave each other a look before responding to you.

"We don't mind you getting a boyfriend, besides it's only for publicity. Even though we did have a pact on not letting relationships ruin this group, I don't think this can be counted as a 'relationship'. Why would you think this would be a problem?" Jin asked you, being oblivious why you would even think such a thing. He decided to sit down at the Island counter to join you in a "family talk".

"It's not that I'm certain that there will be problems.. there might be. But hopefully we are all grown enough to understand that this shouldn't be made into a problem in this group." Namjoon continued Jin's speech. You nodded along his words, absorbing every word that came out of his mouth. But something made you wonder...

"Why do you sound like there is going to be problems in this group?" You asked curiously. Namjoon gave Jin a look before responding to you.

"I only said 'might'.. either way I can't tell you." He said with a smirk, hoping you would take it as a joke.

"Don't joke about such things~!" You softly slapped him on his shoulder. Even though, you were wondering what he meant by it. Jin looked at the both of you and went back to find some cups for when their guest would arrive.

"If just you knew.." he muttered as he placed the cups on the table.

"What?" You asked, eyes locked on him.

"Oh? Nothing, just mumbling a bit of the 'Awake' song" He smiled at you, taken aback that you actually heard his muttering.

The doorbell stopped you in asking more questions, so you ran out to the doorway to greet Jaebum...

The coffee meeting went excellent, you got to know more about Jaebum than you intended to. But you figured out that you and Jaebum didn't have that much in common as you hoped for. The spark of "perfect boyfriend" slowly went out for you. You thought it was too soon to give him the suggestion of a break up, so you kept it back until you found the right time. There was no way you could keep on being in a fake relationship with him... it just wasn't right for you, or him. Jin and Namjoon already knew Jaebum before you, so they weren't awkward talking to each other.

There was just a few times Namjoon would stop to text someone back, and it just made you curious. You lost all concentration on the conversation between Jin and Jaebum, so you began your mission to figure out who Namjoon was texting.

You scooted over to him bit by bit, and hoped that you might catch a glimpse of the name on his phone. You kept going until you were just by his shoulder, but his fingers blocked the name. It only made you go further, until he put his phone down and patted your head. You were caught unguard and were shocked by his fast movements and he said;

"It's best for you to not know who I am texting" he chuckled at you.

You pouted at him once more to hope for him to tell you, but he did not budge. You sat back on your seat and wondered;

"Who was he texting? Why did it have to be a secret? Why was it best for me?" The questions were thrown back and forth like in a table tennis game, where your brain was the tennis ball. It made you get a headache of all the possible scenarios of who it could be. You sighed and realised you had to let it go for now...

*Unknown phone*


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Chapter 26: Phewwww finally finished reading this and here I am again hello leaving comments again I really hope im not too.late in discovering this story BUT THIS SII TOO GOOD BEYOND EVERYTHING ;; I have nothing to say but to thank your genius brain and mind for writing this story I love it so much. It pains me to hae her get kicked out of the band but I really hope it works out for her. As much as I want her to stay but in reality the world is too cruel. She might get a lot of hates if she continue. But I wish bang would let her take part in the wings tour first and look how bad the response is. After all taking her off from the group immediately bcs of the dating news is so unfair for her ;; she is still part of the band. The comeback is approaching how she worked as hard like others. Nonetheles, that is only my penny of thoughts hehe I STILL LIVE YOUR WRITING ANYWAYS. *sending loves and hugs*
Gwen13 #2
Chapter 26: Sequel plssss maybe about her solo debut:)
Love it..keep going, you are a good writer