Her Past - Part 1

A Terrible Past But An Awaiting Future

My story, my past. I am a girl born from . I am a girl who's mother was forced into marriage. I am a girl who's mother fell for the wrong person. I am a girl who got abused by a drunken father. I am a girl who lost her mother. I am a girl who will find her way through life with no difficulties.


I am Oceania Melody!



9 Months Old


' I know I’m different
Than what you expected
But I’ve been playing a role
It’s time that you know the truth

You may not want me anymore
I’m not what you’ve been looking for
But under these pieces and parts
Is a beautiful heart and it loves you

So meet me at midnight
Find me by moonlight

I’ve been waiting for so long
To feel like I’m whole
More than what you see
Please don’t define me
This is bigger than you and I
So give me a chance
And meet me at midnight'


A baby woke up from a woman who was singing and playing the piano. A woman that sang with a beautiful graceful voice that was showed in each line. The women who sang a lullaby to send the baby to dreamland, woke her up into the terrible reality both she and the child were living in.

"Gogo, Ahhh" The baby smiled as it raised its hands up and clenched it open but closed it again. The women turned her head to see her child laughing and talking in its baby language. She laughed as she went over to the bed and held it.

"Good morning Ae-Jeong. How are you?" Said the women as she tapped the child's nose which caused her to laugh. The women smiled. How she loved to see her child smile and laugh like there were no difficulties in life. She wished she could smile and laugh like that again. She sighed as she sat down on the bed with Ae-Jeong in her arms. The child laughed again while grabbing the women's hair which caused her to laugh.

Her laugh faded as she hugged the child tight. She began to cry softly and the Ae-Jeong went quiet. Ae-Jeong grabbed her mother's shirt as she also cried.

Her mother stopped crying and broke the hug and stared at her child. The mother wiped her tears and the child's and shook the baby as the child slowly quieted down. Ae-Jeong stared into her mother's watery eyes as another tear escaped from it.

"Shhh Ae-Jeong, it is going to be okay….Shhhh" She said repeatedly as she began to hum a lullaby.

The baby quieted down as she laughed again, that caused her mother to laugh. She hugged the child again.

"What would I do without you?" She said, Ae-Jeong smiled.

" I will protect you and always be by your side even when you think I am not." Said her mother as she smiled down at her little girl. "I promise"

After a few moments, something happened that her mother will never forget.

"Mama. Sarang. Mama" Said the baby.

Ae-Jeong's first words.



 A short chapter but there will be a few of these in the chapter explaining Oceania's past.

Don't worry it will all make sense who is who in the other past chapters.


p.s The lullaby/song is not mine. it is moonlight by Beth Crowley. check it out!

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Chapter 15: Hey hey don't give up on the story, take your time but don't give up on the story. It's really good
Chapter 13: My god, it's so sad to read Ae Jeong and her mother's story, I'm just hoping nothing happened to her mother :(
Chapter 11: Fighting you can do it !
I do feel tiny bit bad for Mark heheh