

Story Scenario


Baekhyun woke up to the sound of his phone alarm above his desk, he sat up hair messed as he uncovered the blanket from himself.
After yawning and stretching his arms up he lazily walked to his desk and grabbed his own phone for him to turn the alarm off, he yawned once again before sitting
on his own office chair, staring at his daily sight.

His mint green desk, the trash bin filled up with crumpled papers, pens that all messed up, the cup he used last night, and ofcourse his green note which is the only thing that's properly positioned infront of him. Messy things, messy life.

He scratched the back of his messy hair, wondering if things went different if he chose the different decisions. Well, it's too late to regret now Baekhyun. He surfed all over his phone, looking for something new might that may notify his interests. And as he expected, nothing.
Hell with him, he got some few friends but like everyone else they got their own lives and they don't actually contact him often since they only contact him whenever there's an event or whenever they're up for some drinks. He loves drinking with his pals since it's the only time he can clear up his mind with his thoughts and have fun.  But ofcourse, he and his friends got lives to live more than just drinking everynight. Sighs.

He tapped the edge of his phone constantly at his forehead as he's thinking of what he should do today, He really should do good things today, something that will brighten him up, some plans he needs to make or else another day will  pass by with him just being alone all day in his small apartment like always, always.. He stared at the ceiling for some quiet minutes before standing up and grabbing one of his markers. He walked infront of his drawer, opening it and reaching for something.. He drawed off his notepads and his small box of pins. Baekhyun turned around before kicking the drawer close, then he walked infront of his planning board, empty it is.



Baekhyun's I scenario


Pinned left.



Pinned right.




Pinned middle.





Pinned bottom.



The first note I pinned from the left says, "Cycle from 8:00-10:00 am and try to find her"
The one on the right says, "Plan on making it seem like you accidentally saw her."
And in the middle says, "Ask her for breakfast and for a talk, then.. Tell her what you are suppose to tell her."

I sighed, reading my own plans, "Well atleast I have a plan." I tried to cheer myself up. "I should really do these kind of things before regretting everything or else, a deadline from her, she'll soon forget about me if I don't do anything this time." The wonderful voices around  my head made a little motivation for me to get ready and cycle this morning. Besides, cycling every morning will give me a healthy living." I chuckled to my own thoughts, then I went to take a bath for about 30 mins. I also fixed myself before 7:30 a.m or else I'll be late." I know that Taeyeon is riding a bus from near my apartment but I don't exactly know what's the exact time but I'm pretty sure it's around 8 or 9 that's why I'll wait til 10 or else, she'll forget about me forever!" Geeze my overreaction made me rush to get out of the house and use my bicycle to the free road of early morning.

So there I go, cycled my way to the bus stop infront of the open park. I managely saw a posture like Taeyeon's maybe it's her waiting... I went normally fast until I was near the bench, I slowed down and looked over the girl and good gracious! It's not her, I was really excited to see her already but I guess.. Aish nevermind. I'm really not that lucky so what shall I expect?

I sighed disappointly and went straight to the park where she normally walk her way til she reach the bus stop. And there I go, been cycling and cycling around the circled park since it's not that wide and I was pausing every 30 minute mark to check at the bench if she was already there. Until I finally stopped, exactly at 10:00 am.. "I guessed she didn't go to work today, maybe she's sick." I sighed to my own disappointed thoughts. Therefore, I cycled back to my apartment.

I went in, tired while looking down the floor.  I shut the door close and grabbed my marker,then I walked straight to my planning board and kneeled down infront of the empty note I pinned earlier, I wrote something.. "Get disappointed." Sighs.

No wonder I put that empty note in that board, because my mind already expected this to happen, I'm such a disappointment... I'm such a failure.

I stood up and removed my whole clothes, replacing it with my boxer short and my japanese-printed shirt and I went to sit on my chair to open my notes. Confidently, I'll write the 2nd chapter of my story.


Baekhyun's notes:


"Will I ever have a chance to meet you again? A chance so I can tell you everything, to clarify who I am and what I'm doing. To fix all the missing pages of the story of once we had and once I cherished. I know I was a bad person then, but I know I've changed. I've regretted everything. Didn't I changed a lot? I did. Did I? Now I'm such a good person and  I'm gonna do what's right this time. This time i'll give it all! One more shot or i'll completely fail. Just one shot, a conversation with you, a time that I'll explain myself and I'm confident that- that shot will give me the piece of a little chance once again, and this time I'm gonna take it, no turning ways and no hesitation. It's all confusing for now but when I finally have the chance to do it, I know.. I'm gonna make it to her. I'll be living like I have a deadline, so I can motivate myself to do things that I should do so I can reach up to you. I'll do everything for you to get notified that I'm still here,and to never ever forget about me, not again.

Even if she doesnt want to right now, I'm confident that I can bring myself back to her world, step by step, starting with one lucky shot. And that's it, I will reach for her."


Back to Baekhyun's I scenario

And finally I ended the day, making myself slumber to sleep.


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