

Story Scenario












"Time, the infinite progress of events. Deadline, the number of given time. Love, the intense feeling of deep affection.
Love, the reason he's put up into a deadline. Deadline, for he is running out of time. Time, nothing can wait forever even her love."










Baekhyun stared and listened to the clock ticking constantly, overthinking of the things he should write for his new story.
"Should I entitle my story first? What would be the perfect title?" asking his own mind for about 2 straight hours. Wow.
It's about 1:30 am in the morning and he can't even think of how to start and how to continue because first of all.  He cant think of any title!


"Geeze, why am I like this??" Baekhyun said to himself, struggling to his midnight crisis. He wasn't having any writer's block because he can still remember every detail of his story. Afterall, it's the reality he's been living and writing for, not just any fiction or story-made, it's his real life. He's just having a constant overthinking since he can't think of anything else but her.. The one that he loves the most, the girl that he's writing stories for, the woman he adored for years and still counting. Kim Taeyeon.


Baekhyun's I scenario.

I need to calm myself so I grabbed my cup of hot choco and took a sip, "Geeze, she's been running in my mind like every single day." I said to myself while staring at the wonderful brew of my hot choco. I sighed before placing down the cup and replacing it from my hand with my pen that i've been holding for the last 2 hours. I finally have concluded that I will skip the title first before I forget what I should write with my first chapter.. So here it goes.


Baekhyun's notes:

Chapter 1


"I write stories of us since I can never explain what I really feel, well maybe I can but in a million words I guess. I know you don't even think of me at all but forgive me darling for I can't stop thinking about you. I wish to see you so I can have a decent conversation, right  from the heart because I know that's what I really need.. It is to express what I should've expressed years ago, and explain why I still stick up to it because I know that you don't care why for you don't even know why. But I can't just blame you for not caring at all, maybe you did years ago but not now.. Because I know I left the door hanging while you were about to open it.

Yes, I went knocking everytime but when you were about to open, I wasn't there."


Back to Baekhyun's I scenario.

I paused, and closed the notes. I looked up at the time once again, maybe that's a good introduction but I need to add up a bit but right now, I can't really think of any proper scenario. I need to come up with something that's related to us but not the real scenario that we experience, I just need to relate it somehow, for i'll publish this as a fiction afterall.











Again, overthinking is eating me alive again. I think I'm really running out of time, she'll soon forget about me if I don't do anything or any move soon. "Should I? Or should I not?" I thought..

 I looked down to my phone, my fingers hanging as I think of something to type for someone's contact number. I typed a lot, nonstop, as all the words that comes out from my mind is the same I type with my fingers and ofcourse it ended with a dot as my text construction is already done. I added the name to the one that I will send it to, Kim Taeyeon. Again I asked myself, "Should I or should I not?"

"If I'll send it to her she'll be disturbed in her sleep once again like the last time I sent her my feelings through text, maybe this time she'll really get mad at me and block my number, block my account, and block me everywhere and file a restraining order. Ugh, I'm already overreacting.. But I really shouldn't" My mind.

I saved my text construction as a draft before I threw my phone to my bed. The next thing I did is I stood up and threw myself at the bed as well, facing the ceiling while another flow of thoughts rushed through my mind again, "Baekhyun you're running out of time, if she doesnt care anymore what else if you dont make it up to her? She'll probably forget about you soon enough! Do your efforts already, even if you have no assurance. It's better to have answers than to regret everything without doing anything." I sighed to my own thoughts for it's right, I should really man up. Geeze sometimes I really think I have these voices that helps me out a lot, and makes me struggle with my clear thinking as well. But anyway I think it's already time for dreamville.

I entangled both of my hands together as I look up to the lightbulb that I never even turn on even if it's dark and so I pray,

""God help me reach her, I know I can be the best for her. I'm not desperate but I know she'll let the best out of me and so I can treat her the best way a man can do. But i'm not forcing you to make it happen, I just want you to guide me for what I think is the best for me, and I know I can prove it to be the best for her too. I pray for us. Amen." Goodnight God, goodnight world, goodnight Taeyeon, and goodnight myself.

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