Ch. 2 ‘Choices’

To Fall and In Love

Ugh. I returned to what I left and I knew what Teacher Jo going to ask ‘What happen there, Miss Hong?’. I began to tell him my story. I thought he know what trouble I was facing, so he decided to help me with telling me two options. Get naturalized or marrying your Korean boyfriend, he said. Great. Now my choices were losing my nationality which I promised to my father to be a loyal chinese civilian (Ba was chinese who married Korean girl, my mom) or settling down with some dude when I didn’t even have one. Life was so good. Maybe I should ask headmaster. Maybe he would have better ideas than Teacher Jo.

My thought was faded after the bell rung. I ran to my homeroom and taught today first subject, Math. ‘Greeting’ the class president Cha Joon stood up and said his greeting while others having no problem ignoring him and me. I sighed. The truth has been spoken. My students didn’t respect me as their teacher even after one month I’ve chosen as their homeroom. Inhaled, exhaled ‘Shut it!’ thankfully, they did. Always work once in a while ‘Thanks. Now, page 54 till 60. Read and I’m giving you quiz afterward’. They groaned and protested like usual ‘If you don’t start now, I’ll give you more’. Unwillingly, they did as their told.

Time has passed, yet the students still busy answering their paper. I was trying my hardest to keep them from cheating. ‘Student Jin?’ she glanced up ‘Give me your paper and leave the room’. I heard a cuss word in whispering manner, not rude much, eh? Alas she stood up and left. ‘No cheating can pass my class. When I don’t call your name, there is nothing to be relieved about. I know what I know’ and the bell rung ‘Stop. Pass the paper, Now’. Recollecting their energy and immersed to the quiz. Cha Joon gave me the papers and smiled ‘Thank you, Student Cha’ I returned his smile and giving my last glance ‘Good day, everyone!’ then left.

I headed to Headmaster room immediately. I knocked and open his door ‘Headmaster Woo?’. He was facing his computer and I saw stacks of paper on his desk. I was fidgeting, did I came at the wrong time?. But, the unconscious me was distracted when he said ‘Miss Hong? Hello there, come in. Why do I deserve your busy time?’. He really belong to good people. ‘You seem busy Headmaster Woo. Maybe I come another time’ ‘My, my. You can proceed Miss Hong. Do come in’ ‘Thank you’. I sat in front of him and told my problem. He asked me a few questions like why the immigration shorten my staying here, why don’t I ask my college to clear the problem, and so. At the end, he gave me advice to go to immigration office to clarify the cause of visa’s problem. Even he gave me permission to go to immigration office now.

I left immediately to the office but the diplomat whose in charge was in meeting. I waited and waited and waited. Lucky me, it was not that long. The diplomat was taking his break with another diplomat and I asked his secretary to fill me in. Fortunately, the secretary was kind enough to give me five-minute-talk. ‘Afternoon, Sir. My name is Mei Hua, Hong, an international student at K University. Today, I’ve been informed about my visa. The problem is why did you cut my staying here? Of what reason?’. He smiled and ushered me to sit on the chair in front of him. He calmly said ‘I have heard about your situation. Also, I heard you’ve been working at S Highschool for a month which you signed a six-month contract. Actually, it is a good reason why we should shorten your visa.’ ‘I don’t understand. Please elaborate, sir’ ‘You see, you were breaching your visa. The reason when you applied. You come here to study, not working.’

‘Nonsense! I am working because I need to finish my thesis’ ‘Really? Your college would give us the letter then which contradicting to the reality’ ‘Okay! I just need my college to send you the letter of my assignment right? I’ll give you the copy of my contract too’ ‘You don’t learn your mistake, do you?’ ‘What’s it supposed to mean?’ ‘You can not do that, Miss. There is a protocol you need to follow’ ‘What? Sir, it’s not my fault that my college didn’t send you the letter!’ ‘Well, as an immigrant you have to know some rules and follow them’. I lost my voice. What a ridiculous way to get deported. I hate this. My thought was interrupted when the door’s open ‘Sir, They’re already here, waiting for you’ ‘Okay. Is there anything you want to know?’ I stood up and bowed at him ‘Thank you for having me. Have a good day’ then I left.

I decided to go back to school. I walked soullessly and wandering what should I do. Maybe, talk to headmaster about the situation then get advice. I really don’t know what to do. .

“Miss Hong?” someone called me up and I saw Teacher Jo grinning. Not in the mood, I just smiled politely to him. He asked me where I headed to. I told him I was going back to school and I asked him back. He was going to lunch with his friend. When I was about to leave, he offered me to go lunch together. I kindly rejected him because I’m not in the mood. Beside, stuck with someone I don’t know, not in my like-list. Sure it’s going to be awkward. He was persistent, really. And guest what? I end up going. It’s going to be fun. Not.

We waited for his friend to arrive. I sat there, blankly. Seeing in this state, Teacher Jo chatted to lighten up my mood which is not working. After aeons, his friend arrived. They hugged each other and do the bros thing. They stopped until his friend realized I was there. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know my friend bring someone else. We looked weird, didn’t we? Anyway, I’m Si Hyuk.” I bowed and introduced myself. He asked about how I know teacher Jo and the questions go on. They chatted most of the time and I just focus on my food. I really want to go back quickly. These middle aged men were something. They ate and talked nonstop. From what I’ve heard, Si Hyuk is a CEO of entertainment agency. One of his artist is in trouble (I don’t know what problem is, but enough to make a big scandal if the media find out, that was he said).  He is trying to covering his scandal but the artist itself is ignorant as if he’s trying to get caught and blablala. I didn’t remember anything till he asked me about my problem “is it true miss?” “Huh? What is it?” “that you’re going to be deported in 6 months”  I sighed. Teacher Jo must told him and I couldn’t hide it anymore, so I nodded. After a long pause he said something. Something that out of my mnd.  “Well, I know how to help you” knowing he’s friend with Teacher Jo. I kinda know what he’s going to say  “What? Married me off?”. He gasped “How can you-“ I knew it. Ha! In your face Uncle! “I don’t have a Korean man ready to marry me” I said jokingly. “I’ll help you! Do you have any speci-” “Whoa, Sir. Hold up. I don’t plan to marry some Korean man. It was a joke” “What? Then help me, miss hong!” he held my hand. It’s my turn to gag. He’s insane, I concluded. “No, miss. I’m serious. I need your help and you don’t have to be deported. It’s a win-win situation” What the heck. He’s planning me to marry someone he knew and now making it look like a business. I’m impressed. “Look here, Mr. Si Hyuk. I don’t need your help. This is an important matter and you’re making it like some deal. I think highly about marriage, my marriage” “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you. I’m just desperate to cover his scandal” Ever since he talked about his artist, it’s the first time he mention a ‘He’. “I drag him to this world. It’s my fault he became this way. I’m sorry again” he apologized sincerely. Now you made me look like a bad guy who doesn’t want to help someone in need. “I understand. Still, I can’t help you. I’m sorry” “It’s okay, I do hope you can solve your problem” “Okay! I think our lunch time is over and we need to get back. Bye, Si Hyuk” teacher Jo butted in. I didn’t realize he was also there. He made good decision not to in when we argue. “Right, I need to go back too. Nice meeting you, miss hong” “back to you, Mr. Si hyuk”.

Back at school, teacher Jo didn’t really leave me. He’s bringing up ,what his friend after. “You know, my friend didn’t mean it. He’s just eager to clear this problem even with the craziest idea to save his artist. By now, you already can tell that my friend indeed is a good man. He’s helping his brother, you get that part right? And maybe you can help him. Please, think about it, Miss hong”

I knew the fact that his friend was feeling responsible after dragging the artist to the world. But, marriage is a sacred thing and I didn’t want to get curse cause I played with it. Oh well, I got problem to solve too and so I drifted my mind what I’m going to do next.

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