Ch. 1 ‘Doomsday’

To Fall and In Love

I walked to building which I’ve been visiting lately. A month and I already knew the entire place even the hide-out. Soccer field, indoor basketball court, music’s hall, and a lot of classrooms. Yes, I’m a teacher, technically I am. Eventhough, I’m here to gather all the information for my thesis. You’re right again. I am a last-year graduate student trying to graduate on my second graduation. My thought about this school? Cool, has more students than mine, even outnumber the largest school in my hometown. Right, forgot to tell. I come from the most-people-living country, China. Not too far from Seoul but I still miss it. Well, forget it, I need to re-graduate before I go back. Okay, let’s begin my nothing new day at this school.

‘Morning, Teacher Jo’ one of my colleague, Jung Suk, Jo, Theatrical teacher also theater team’s director. ‘Morning to you too. Miss Hong. Indeed you’re always early’. You’re wandering why am I doing this? Simple, need to impress people I work with. Beside I just work here for a month. Not wanting any slacking moment, aren’t we? ‘Back to you, Director’. ‘How’s my class doing in theatrical?’ ‘great, everyone’s doing a good job’ I knew he’s going to tell me that. Being homeroom teacher with bunch of kids who never listen make me this way. He never cared about my class because my students reputation as ‘troubled’ kids. Pursed my lips, I say ‘Okay, tell me when they’re being hard to handle, Teacher Jo’ ‘Oh? Of course! You don’t need- ‘ he got cut off when someone call my name.

‘Miss Mei Hua, Hong?’ An unknown man looking for me, it isn’t a good thing. ‘Yes?’ I keep thinking what is my connection with this man.  ‘Clearly your visa said you’re staying for study, correct?’ Ah. Immigration man has come to me. Why do I have to sense an unpleasant feeling?

‘Yes?’ he offered me his hand. As I take his, words that come out from him is the unfairly ridiculous thing. ‘Woo Jin, Yeon from Immigration and this is the official statement regarding your situation. Miss Hong, your visa will be ended in six months’.

‘Why? My study isn’t finish at that time, Sir’ What the heck? I have one year left to end this master thing-y and now this? Clearly ridiculous. ‘Then you should start finishing your study. Not working as teacher here’he took his leave. WHAT?! Raged consuming me but he already on his way and running over him I see as the only answer. ‘Wait! Sir! Sir! You can’t do this to me!’ I scream at him when he reach his car. OH MY GOD. WHAT HAS ACTUALLY HAPPENED?! I, for once am doomed!


Clickering sounds, flashing whites that almost blind their eyes, yet they still hold their smiles. They did everything that has to be done. Chanting, screaming, even crying fans gathered to support their beloved boys. Already midnight and their last fan-signing ended smoothly. ‘You guys did well’ all the managers praise them. The boys responded almost robotically ‘you’ve done great work’ to every staffs and leave the scene to their comfy car.

Tomorrow morning, the dorm was in ruckus. Their CEO and manager pay them a visit after the news about his boygroup, BTS has unmannerly act after saying their gratefulness nonchalantly to staffs and leaving as soon as their event ended without properly goodbye. Bang Si Hyuk, their CEO-slash-hyung just saying they don’t need to worry and continue their activities. Also, not to read the news nor any comment. He left and the dorm is silenced. ‘Well, I need you to get ready for today’s schedule’ seeing the boys stood still, their manager speak up.

It has been a week after the first news broke, and now the spotlight taking its time on BTS’s vocalist, V. As weirdly as the first news was, V grab a fistful fangirl’s hair with smiley on his face making the most search picture and thousand of disappointed comments fill their website. Bang Si hyuk was trying to take those scandal down, until an unknown sealed letter enter his office. Pictures of a man linking his arm with every different women at inappropriate places for an idol, scattered on table. Bursting with anger, he dialed the man on those picture, ‘Come to my office, NOW!’. After moments, he’s arrived. ‘Hi, boss! What’s up?’ the nerve of this person to greet in this situation. Wrong timing, boy.

‘I need to discuss things to you. Sit’ he sat comfortably ‘Cool, what is it?’ ‘is there something you want to tell me?’ the CEO trying to get him without revealing what he has found ‘huh? Nothing’ ‘really? No crazy fangirl, creepy stalker, past girlfriends, or anything?’ he’s giving him the bait ‘there is none of it. My fans are cool. They don’t threaten me or so and if you’re thinking I had girlfriends without your consent. Sadly no, my past relationships, somehow always in your radar. Though I don’t know how’ with the two of them in CEO’s office, Bang Si Hyuk can’t hold his anger ‘really?’ he threw pictures to his singer face ‘care to tell me what happened, eh Jin?’ the very visual bangtan boys got his doomed.

“What do you want me to say?” Jin asked his CEO “What?” The CEO was confused seeing Jin’s calm demeanor. “You want me to tell you what?” Jin repeated. Bang Si Hyuk was losing his mind. His artist, his brother, his closest person who likely get into big scandal that can break the group up, sitting in front of him composed and calmed as ever. He knew that Jin was changed and he figured it out too late. “What happened?” Si Hyuk tried “You tell me” that was Jin’s answer “What the he.ll? Stop with your game! You are in trouble, dammit! God knows what’s going to happen when the media find out”. “I don’t fuc.king care. You made me this way. Deal with it” Jin left the other man dumbfounded.

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