It's going to be a long, long, long day

My Star! My Turtle-Star Cutie!


Chapter Two

     Oh my freaken gawd, this can’t be happening. Not at all, I must be dreaming. He…he can’t be here; Cho Kyuhyun can’t be standing in front of me right now.

Yesung’s View

     I am staring in shock at the man before me or should I say a god for he was standing tall, wearing a dark blue and white striped V-neck tee under a dark blue cardigan over a pair of gray skinnies. He has a set of headphone around his neck as his curly brown hair was neatly styled on his head. This man was oozing out iness or is it just the way he was staring at me while smirking those beautiful thin lips at me. Beautiful…thin lips…I wish I could just touch it and that philtrum of his is so inviting to touch. Wait…What the hell in turtleland am I saying? He’s a guy…I’m a guy…Oh hell, we’re both guys! We should not be touching each other’s philtrum…even though it looks…looks so nice….Gyaaaaaaaah! I was screaming in agony in my head that I didn’t notice the amusement that showed on Kyuhyun’s face.

     Kyuhyun laughed and I stopped the mental war going on my head as I was fighting the urge to touch that lips and philtrum of his. I said, “Why are you laughing?” Kyuhyun chuckled as he said, “You should have seen your expressions when you’re staring at my face. Am I that good-looking that you have to look at me for so long? I felt so violated but I’m a willing victim but I’ll be topping if you know what I mean.” He winked at me and it sent me blushing that I wanted to crawl into a hole and disappear from his y gaze. I yelled at him, “No I wasn’t I was daydreaming about touching your philt---philosophy, yeah a touch on what do you think about philosophy?” I mentally slapped my head for the stupidest lie I could ever think of and Kyuhyun laughed even more. I was so embarrassed that I went and kicked Kyuhyun in the leg. Kyuhyun held his leg up jumping as he yelled, “Owww, what the hell is wrong with you? Do you have a grudge against me or something?”

     I was blushing hard as I looked to the ground finding it interesting for its plain white design that I muttered an apology as I ran for the high school division and I heard Kyuhyun calling my name but I didn’t want to turn around. What did I just do? I just kicked an idol in the leg and ran for it. Stupid turtle-man, you kicked your crush and now he hates you. Yesung was silently crying as he ran but little did he know that he dropped something when he ran away from Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun’s View

     I looked at the boy running away from me but I realized that I never asked for his name. I called him to turn around but he never did because I am pretty sure he’s embarrassed for kicking me. He was such a cutie that I couldn’t help but . Still, it seems like he’s in the high school division since he ran towards the exit to it. I was still looking at the way he ran to when I was about to turn around to head to class when something black caught my eye.

     I walked over to it and picked it up as I examined it and I saw that it was a student ID book. I smirked and said, “Fate and luck must be on my side today.” I walked to my class and I nodded at the teacher and he motioned for me to sit down. My best friend Eunhyuk grinned at me and said, “Why are you so happy Kyu? Did you find something interesting this year?” I gave him a smirk and said, “Of course, I just found a new prey and I am not letting it get away.”

     I opened the student ID book and his picture came in view and I smiled at it. He’s so adorable and that cute smile just makes me want him more. I looked at the name and it said, “Kim Jongwoon. He’s seventeen years old but it also says to call him Yesung. He loves turtles as well?” I smiled and I looked out the window making some plans to approach my adorable turtle-loving cutie.

     While Kyuhyun is off in his evil little world plotting some kind of devious plan (Not Really!:D) Eunhyuk just sat there shaking his head as he wrote some notes from the class lecture. He thought in his head Kyuhyun is probably thinking of some far-fetched idea that’s just gonna become something simple in the end.

Yesung’s View

     I was finally walking again after running straight here from the university division that I was trying to catch my breath. My face was still blushing from the image of a y, smirking Kyuhyun that can’t seem to get out of my head. Omigosh, Omigosh! OMIGOOOOOOOOOOSH! I just talked and met Kyuhyun. My Kyuhyun. I said the word “my” because well, can’t a boy just dream the impossible? Now I can die happy and omigosh, this hand touched him. Awww, I didn’t ask for an autograph. This big time. I didn’t notice that I passed my class when I crashed into a wall. I hit my nose which turned red as I rubbed it and walked back to class. I hoped no one saw that.

     I walked in hoping the teacher doesn’t ask about my nose and the teacher said, “Oh Yesung, you have returned, go sit dow----what happened to your nose?” , he asked me. I said, “Uhh…I bumped into a wall?” The class laughed and the teacher said, “You should not daydream while walking.” I sat down as my classmates asked me if I was okay and I nodded while blushing from embarrassment. I sat down and I saw another guy sitting next to me. I looked at him and then I stood up from my seat as I looked at his face. I yelled happily, “Omigosh, Hae is that you? Why are you here?” Donghae got up and he hugged me and said, “Hey Yesung! I transferred here today. It’s nice to see you again.”

     I happily pulled him back to his seat as I saw the teacher looked at me and said, “Do you know Donghae, Yesung?” I nodded happily and said, “Uh Huh, He’s my cousin from my mom’s side.” I told Donghae that I talked to him after class since I have PE next. The teacher went back to teaching and the bell rang for our next class.

     We got up and packed out bags when I found out we have PE together next. We talked along the way and Donghae said, “Oh yeah, Yesung? I would be living with you for the rest of my school year here because my mom doesn’t think I would be able to live alone or I might get taken away by someone.” I laughed and said, “Cool, We have an extra room that you can use.”

     We went to the boy’s locker and got changed into a sweatshirt and a pair of windbreakers that were school colors, red and black. The guys had to run four laps around the track after stretching before playing soccer. The girls ran four laps and also stretched to play soccer as well. It was a coed team as Donghae and I were put into a team with Yunho, Anji, Michi, Chris and Minho. Since all teams had about six people to a team we were all even and we battle out with the others in order to win. Our team was competitive as we hated losing and Anji was battling with another girl from the opposite team as she ran passed her and scored a goal. Anji jumped up and high-fived our teammates as she ran to me and hugged me. Anji excitedly said, “Sungie that was so much fun. It’s so much more fun to play with the guys than the girls since most of them don’t want to ruin the manicure they got.” Anji pouted and we went back to playing as we won with Yunho, Donghae and Minho scoring most of the points.

     We high-fived each other as we did a good job as we sweated and dirtied our clothes from the games. Donghae and I went to take a shower and we changed back into our uniforms as we headed home for PE class was our last class of the day.

     We walked into the house and my mother came to me and said, “So you met Hae already.” I nodded and went up to my room with Donghae and I threw my bag down as I took off my coat and shirt to reveal my V-neck. I took Donghae to his room which was already prepared and was next door to mine. We went down to eat as I got a call from Ryeowook and I answered, “Sup, Wook?” Wook said, “Hey Sungie, wanna come down to the café? Everyone’s here waiting for you.” I replied, “Sure, can I bring someone?” Wook laughed and said, “Go ahead, the more the merrier.” I closed the phone and turned to my mother and said, “Mom, I’m going to the café to see the others and I’m taking Hae, can I?” My mom said, “Go ahead but don’t come back late.”

     I asked Donghae, “Do you want to come with me to the café? I’ll introduce you to my friends.” Donghae nodded and slipped on his shoes as we grabbed a jacket on our way out. I pointed out a lot of things to Donghae and we talked about his life back at home. W reached the café and saw the group at the corner as they pushed two tables together due to the big size of people. I sat Donghae next to me as I called everyone to introduce Donghae to them. I cleared my throat and said, “This is my cousin Donghae and he just came here. So be nice to him.” Everyone introduced themselves as they asked questions and Donghae blended in perfectly with the group as he chatted with the others. I looked around and saw that Anji was missing and I asked, “You guys, why Anji is not here?” Sungmin chuckled and said, “She got abducted by Heechul and is now working due to the amount of people coming in and staying.” I looked and sure enough Anji comes out of the doors holding plates of desserts with Zhoumi and Kiseop.

     I felt bad about Anji working and Anji saw me as she waved at me after she delivered her orders. Anji walked over and put her head on my shoulders and sighed. She said, “I am so tired Sungie but whatever at least the demon king is paying me.” She looked over and said, “Oh hey Donghae! Can I call you Hae or do you want to be Dongie?” Anji always gives someone a nickname when she meets someone new. Hae smiled and said, “You can just call me Hae, Anji. Dongie sounds weird.” Anji laughed and said, “I thought so too.” Anji got back up and said, “Well, I’m going back to work so enjoy yourselves guys and don’t make a mess.” Anji was like a mom sometimes whenever we do something but we love her for that.

     We chatted and been there till the café closed as we were gonna wait for Anji to walk home together. Everyone left already but Ryeowook since some lived the other way and Anji came out as she was adjusting her scarf. Anji looked up and said, “Omigosh, I thought you guys were some kinda creepos or something.” Anji smiled and came to us as she said, “Let’s go.” We walked and Anji said, “So Hae, how do you like school?” Hae smiled and said, “I like it and it was thanks to Yesung that I get to meet great people.” Anji laugh and said, “Yup, you just had met the most awesome people you will ever know in your life.” We all laughed and talked about a lot of things that happened today. Now that reminds me, I had an encounter with Kyuhyun and my face blushed again.

     Hae noticed my face and said, “Yesung is something wrong with you?” Everyone stopped and looked at me and they were worried. I smile and said, “It’s nothing, I was just remembering…something.” They asked, “What was it?”

    I breathed in and let out a sigh as I said, “I…met Cho Kyuhyun.” Anji and Wook were the first to scream, “Omigosh, really? You must be happy Sungie? What happened? Telllllllllll ussssssssss!” Donghae looked confused and Anji filled him in, “Sungie is in love with Cho Kyuhyun, so it’s a miracle that he got to talk with him and meet him.” Donghae nodded and said, “So Yesung is in love with someone and it's a guy too.” Donghae stopped as he turned around and looked at us and said, “Wait….are you guys…not scared of…or do you not hate gay people?” He muttered the “gay people” softly but we all heard and Anji and Wook hugged Hae. Hae looked surprise as he looked at them and Anji said, “Nuh uh Hae, We accept them for who they are and if they love a guy then so be it, people can’t easily change their feelings for someone even if it’s a guy or a girl.” Wook said, “That’s right, most of the people in our group are gay and when we told Anji, she didn’t even care and just said that if her friends are gay she doesn’t mind.” Our school is pretty accepting of it and there are a few here and there that doesn’t like it but they learned to ignore it.” Hae cried and the two console him and I said, “Don’t worry Hae, My family and friends accept you and don’t worry, we’ll watch you and take care of you if something happens.” Hae said, “I’m glad that I came here, I am glad to have met you guys and thank you for accepting me. Back at my old school when they found out, they bullied me and the teachers turned a blind eye to it. I got tired of it that my mom suggested I come live here and go to school here. Now I am happy that I came.” We were crying as we hugged Hae and Anji said, “Don’t worry Hae, I’ll beat up any person that bullies you, Just be yourself here. You don’t need to change yourself or hide anything.” Hae nodded and Anji asked, “Do you want to join the martial arts club with me? I can teach you some fighting techniques to defend yourself.” Hae said, “That would be great.”

    Ryeowook and Anji turned the corner as we kept going straight and Anji posed a fighting sign as she waved goodbye. We walked in the yard and Donghae turned to me and said, “Thank you Yesung for everything.” I ruffled his head as we walked into the house.

    I was blushing when I woke up because in my dream there was me and…Kyuhyun doing something that made me so embarrassed with myself. I can’t believe I just dream of doing that with Kyuhyun. I slapped my face and someone knocked on the door. Donghae stuck his head in and said, “Oh Yesung, you’re up. It’s time to get up. Why are you blushing? Ohh, you had a dream of Kyuhyun, huh?” I blushed and threw my turtle pillow at Donghae’s head that closed the door and laughed. That cheeky brat.

      I got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower as I put on my uniform and walked down to the kitchen. Donghae was there chatting with Jongyoon as she was talking to him about fishes. I sat down and ate my breakfast and my mom asked me, “Are you alright, Sungie? Do you have a fever?” She put her hand on my forehead and I shook my head and said I was fine. We left when the doorbell rang and Anji was once again eating a piece of toast and Ryeowook was reading a different book. The only difference was that Hae was with us. We laughed and talked as we went to school.

     Today was an odd day so we went to only odd number periods and Key and Jonghyun was in my class.  As I pulled out my notebook and pencils to put on my desk when I heard gasps coming from the classroom. I looked around to see people looking at the door and I turned to look. That was my mistake for when I turned to look; my eye had made contact with two beautiful brown orbs. I was drawn in and I finally broke the connection when I clearly looked at him. My face started to get warm and I felt that blood rushing to my face and ears as I looked at the smirk that appeared on the guy’s face.  

     I looked at my lap but to others, it looks like I was looking at my crotch area because I can’t seem to look at him in the eye. I heard some moving around and someone stopped in front of me but I dared not to look. A voice cleared and said, “Hey.Hey you.” I didn’t look up so the guy squatted and I felt something close to my head. I heard a soft but husky voice whispered, “Jongwoon.” I looked up and my face was only centimeters from this guy’s face and I felt myself blushing to the extreme of an extra spicy, spicy chili hot sauce color. I moved back all of a sudden that my chair went backwards and I fell off my chair. I rubbed my head and Kyuhyun came and said, “Are you okay, Yesung?” I looked at him and said, “How do you know my name?”

     He said, “Well, I came here to give you back your student ID book.” I looked at it and I said, “Omigosh, thank you, I didn’t even know that I lost it.” I smiled at him sweetly and Kyuhyun looked at me as he bit his lips. He look…flustered as I saw a red creeping to his cheeks and…embarrassed. He got up and helped me up as he said, “Uh…well I came to give what you needed but I want to ask you…” Kyuhyun just stood there looking at me as he didn’t finished his sentence and I said, “uhh, Kyuhyun, what was it that you wanted to ask me?” Kyuhyun slapped his cheeks and shook his head when a smirk appeared on his face. He leaned in and whispered into my ear, “Yesung…I want you so very bad, so will you go on a date with me as a thank-you for me finding your ID book?” Kyuhyun adjusted his body in a way that no one could see what he was about to do as Kyuhyun once again whispered to Yesung and said,  “I am really interested in you, Yesung.” He blew air into his ear as Yesung shivered and then Kyuhyun bit onto my earlobe and I yelped out a mewl. Kyuhyun pulled back and smiled as he said, “I will be waiting for your answer.”

     Kyuhyun strolled out of the room and gave a final wave to Yesung but Yesung just stayed there frozen. The teacher came in and everyone resume to what they were doing before Kyuhyun came in but Yesung was still frozen.

     The teacher kept calling Yesung’s name to answer the question but his mind was already somewhere else. The teacher finally said, “What happened to Yesung?” A girl raised her hand and said, “Yesung’s soul has left his body after meeting Kyuhyun.” The class giggled and the teacher just shook his head as he just resumes his lecture and everyone’s head was already somewhere else including the teacher who was wishing he was back at home playing Bejeweled on his Facebook.

     It was going to be a long day and it was barely morning as everyone was doing something but everyone was wishing for something. Anji and Soohyun was drawing people and things on their papers, Donghae staring out the window, Key looking at a fashion magazine inside the textbook, Jonghyun playing with his fingers, Ryeowook and Sungmin bickering about Pokémon, Amber lifting a dumbbell as she was competing with Yunho, and Changmin dreaming about eating a feast of food while chewing on a jerky. The teachers for all these students continue to shake their head as they also wished for something else besides having to stand up there teaching but they watch these kids doing something else besides taking notes and they sighed.

     It’s going to be a long, long, long day. 





A/N: Hello guys long time no see!!!Xd Omigosh, I am happy that I have recieved 29 subscribers, so I am so happy that you have stayed with me and continue to read my story. I hope you guys enjoy this because I took all day to write it!!!:D

I don't know if it's good because I was like "What the hell am I writing?" I am sorry for any weird stuff because this story is written by me and edited by me!!!XD

Whatever I write comes directly from my head and I don't brainstorm cuz that just takes too long!!-_____-

I am not the type to update every time because I am a busy student since I start school at 7am instead of 8am!-____- ut no matter what I will try my best to update you a chapter when I am not busy, it might be weeks or a month but please wait and I hope you will stay with me!!!^____^ 

Well Here ya guys go, some Kyusung!!!^_____^ Lol, I love this couple!! Teehee!!<3 I didn't feel like writing at all after my best friend decided to stop being my best friend because I wasn't making an effort to stay one but I didn't want my personal life to affect my stories so I wrote you guys one!!:D I hope you guys well and please treasure your friendship!!^______^

Well enough about me and Teehee, enjoy this and eat a lot!!XD

Comment. Subscribe. Enjoy. And take care Readers and please comment, silent readers!!!:D

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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 3: Why Oh Why has this cute story been abandoned......!!!!!
givivi123 #2
Chapter 3: Aww please update soon! Author-nim fighting!
ysismine #3
Chapter 3: Pleaseee update soon ><
Omggg !! Yesung's just too cute to be true xD
Giggling while imagining jongwoon ride a horse in the carousel xDD
he must be the cutest rider in that carousel :33
and that tall person must be kyu :p
Haha , but why is my bby sungie being so rude ? =3=
Isn't he supposed to be the shy-cute-adoreable one ? -3-
It's a nice story authorim ^^
Can't wait for the next chapter :33
Chapter 3: hahah yesung is so silly and cutee
this story is so fun to read :)
hope to see an update ~
craving for more cute moments~
LLOLOLOL i can imagine sungie riding that horse xDDD
xDDD I was thinking the same Unnie! I'm sure he is Kyunie! xD Oh but Sungie was so rude! My baby can't be like that! Aren't he so nice, kind, cute and sweet! He shouldn't say bad words to people just like that! I mean.. aish just don't do it again sweetheart! é.è So you wouldn't make your N1 Fan angry at you hein! xDDDDD

aish I really really missed this story! Can't wait for the next and I hope soon ! '^^
Fighting! I will always be waiting anyways ;) Just take your time! <3
hey, welcome back (^o^) so glad you do an update now, kinda missing this story, kekeke... emm, that tall guy, i suspicious it's Kyu.. maybe he was in disguise since he's a star?!
ShineeShiDaePmSuju #8
OMG I really love ur story, it's soo funny and interesting 
Update ASAP chinguuuu ^_____^