First Meeting, Second Meeting

My Star! My Turtle-Star Cutie!


   (A/N: Hey you guys in this story: Kyuhyun is older than Yesung by two Years so Yesung is younger than Kyuhyun!:) The school is more of an American School System like four years starting from Freshmen to Senior Year. The place is well, Korea I guess. It's like Korea but kinda not Korea!!:) So I hope this sorta clears the confusion a little.:) School starts in the Fall and ends in the Spring, it's a two semester school year.:D Well, Enjoy. Feel free to comment me if anything confuses you and I will tell you.)

     Hi, uhh…Gosh I am so timid but hey, my name’s Kim Jongwoon but you can call me Yesung. I am a turtle-loving, timid but sweet (I think I am?) boy who has already been here for seventeen years but had never once had a boyfriend. Call me dull but the reason is….because I have never fallen in love because I am so in love with the famous actor/singer/model named Cho Kyuhyun. He is just perfect and his voice is so amazing. The way his body looks when he’s modeling for VELLE and ZoGuE and basically any magazines that requires a hot model.

    He was an amazing and talented celebrity that it is always in demand for another movie or for another photo shoot because every single that he stars in becomes a huge hit. Don’t even ask me how do I know because I have…connections? O.O Omigosh, I can’t believe I am thinking of him again, ahhh, stop it Yesung! I walked around the streets peering into shops because I was bored and School was starting again. I need to look for new clothes and items to start off for a good last school year. I continued to walk around when I passed a huge wall poster of Kyuhyun’s latest Autumn/Winter Collection of him wearing a grey turtleneck long sleeve with a wool sweater and some necklaces to complete his outfit. ( )

     Kyuhyun was definitely y and oh as you can see, I’m gay but only for Kyuhyun because any other guy doesn’t interest me other than him. I guess you can say I fell in love with him since…sophomore year started so like two years. I can’t believe it but why do I still love him because Kyuhyun is nineteen and he’s a celebrity who would never take a glance at me: an ordinary, turtle-loving weird guy. I don’t think it’s his appearance that made me fall for him but it feels like something even deeper than that…something that even I don’t know. But when I see him onscreen or see him live in concert, I feel nostalgic and warm but it’s something I can’t explain for I have never talk to the guy.

     I continue do some window shopping but I ended up going into a store and buying just some rather regular V-neck  t-shirts with graphic designs or plain solid colors, a new pair of shoes, and some accessories like bracelets but I also bought a new cologne. I passed by a jewelry shop and saw a turtle-shaped necklace that I really wanted but it was so expensive. I pouted at the fact that I couldn’t get myself something that nice but oh well; I have to work a lot more to get myself the necklace. I pulled myself from the shop and decided to walk around again.

     I finally decided to go home and save the putting away for later so I can go back to feeding my turtles and taking my walk. I put the stuff in my closet and fed my turtles as I put on my shoes again and decided to walk again even though I had already walked for three hours. I was walking around my neighborhood and greeting each of them as I passed by. I walked to the park and I started to ride on the swings but somehow it seems so much lonelier since it means another day by myself. I looked at the night sky and let out a breath of hot air into the cold night. It’s barely fall but it got even colder than before. I wrapped my scarf even tighter around me and rubbed my gloved hands as I looked at the stars. As if a miracle just happened, a shooting star fell down from the sky and I quickly made a wish. Please let me meet that someone just for me soon.

    The next morning I got up and had breakfast since I had to go to work soon. I didn’t really need to work but I wanted to experience the joy of getting my own paycheck. I grabbed my bag and went out of the house. I got on my bike and pedaled to the café that sold little cakes and coffee. It was called Sweet Delights and it was a job that I enjoyed. Since school is going to be starting again soon, that means I have less time to work my part-time job. I chained my bike to the front of the café and walked in as the owner, Heechul called me to hurry up and put my uniform on.

     I was rushing around the café because it happened to be a full house because of couples deciding to date today of all days. I knew it I shouldn’t have come and just call in sick today but Heechul is working me like a slave driver. I saw my friend Anji from school also working the same shift as me as she was going around from table to table collecting plates and cleaning up as she goes to the next customer. We finally had a break after everything died down a little around seven p.m. and we were both sitting down tired from all the work. Anji laughed and said, “So how’s your summer?”

    I smiled and said, “Huh, the summer was okay since I finished summer homework on the first week of vacation and working here all the time.” Anji excitedly said, “That sounds so much fun.” I laughed as I hit her on the head and said, “Yeah, yeah, it was so exciting reading a 700 page book and writing an essay for it while working everyday with no one to hang out with.” Anji clapped excitedly and nodded her head. She said, “Yeah, it was boring and too bad for us, since we don’t have a boyfriend to hang out with but at least we went to the beach with everyone, didn’t we?” I nodded to agree with her as we continue looking at the customers enjoying their desserts. Yup, she’s been one of my best friends since we were in diapers and she introduced me to this job a few months ago. Well, the truth is I was hesitant about it but then I also found it was close to the company that Kyuhyun worked for SM Entertainment  so I was hoping that just maybe some gossip staff crew would come in and eat. So now here I am working for about three months and I actually love the job. I just smiled at the customers and get their orders and listen to their conversations. Rude, I know but there is nothing else to do while you’re working.

     A group of people came in and luckily we had one table open that’s big enough to fit eight people. There happened to be about six of them and I took them to the table. I said with a smile, “What will you be ordering today?” This group of people was dressed in jeans, a sweater with a scarf and a hat as if they were just outside doing some kind of photo shoot since one of them had a camera on them. The first person who was a girl said, “A Strawberry Shortcake Dilemma with some green tea and a Triple Choconut Layer with a vanilla milkshake for my friend.” I wrote them down as the others started to voice out their orders and I wrote them all down and bid them a goodbye. I gave the paper to Heechul as he went in back to hand it to Ryeowook, our patisserie who creates the sweets.

     A while later, I went to give the sweets to the table of six and I overheard their conversation on how much they were almost done with the photo shoot with Kyuhyun. I smiled and handed them their desserts and drinks because I was happy inside after hearing that Kyuhyun was doing a photo shoot near here. I want to meet him but aww, I have work to do. They were enjoying their sweets when they got up and paid for their sweets. One girl stayed behind to tell Heechul something and Heechul nodded then the girl paid something and left.

    I stood there looking at the people eating when Heechul called me over. Heechul said, “Yesung, You have to make a delivery to this location.” I nodded my head and I took the box as I exited the café and search for the location. I noticed it was the park that was about three blocks from here and I rode my bike over there. I parked it near a van and I looked around to notice that I was at a photo shoot. I said, “What the? A photo shoot?” I continued to walk around and I bumped into a lady that happened to be the same girl from the café. I said, “Uh, sorry but I am here for a delivery?” The girl nodded her head and said, “I’m kinda busy but if you don’t mind, can you deliver it to that blue tent over there?” I nodded my head and walked over to the blue tent that she directed me to.

    I stood out of the tent and called to the owner, “Excuse me? Excuse me; I have a delivery of sweets to someone inside of the blue tent.” I stood there waiting if anyone will come out but I kept calling out till a voice calls me from inside, “Just come in.” I stood there dumbfounded because the person inside should have said something instead of making me stand out here for about three minutes. I went inside and called out, “Excuse me, I have a delivery to you from Sweet Delights.” The guy turned around still facing his PSP and said, “Just put it down on the table.” I looked at the guy and he’s not even facing me. This guy is so darn rude. I looked for the table he pointed out and saw that the table was covered up with equipment and clothes that there was hardly any room to put the sweets. I looked around the tent and saw that just about every space also looked crowded with stuff. I groaned and was gonna leave it on the floor but that would have been dirty.  I looked at him and cleared my throat, “There’s no room on the table or anywhere else.”

    The guy looked up and I saw he had a pair of dark shades on his face and his scarf was covering his mouth so all you see was his cheeks as he looked around. He made a face that went Oh! well I think he did since his face was 75% covered and he got up to take the box from me. I saw that he was taller than me by a few inches and I stepped back when he leaned in close to my face. I said, “U-uh…what are you doing, mister?” The guy scoffed and said, “I am not that old, kid.” He pulled down his scarf and his mouth can be seen as I scowled and said, “I am not a kid, I am seventeen years old.” The guy smirks and said, “Anyone’s who’s younger than me is considered to be a kid plus with that face, you look about fifteen.” I got angry and said, “Shut up! I’m leaving!” The mystery guy laughed and said, “Okay bye sweetie thanks for the dessert.” The guy his lips as he smiled amusedly at me and I blushed because my heart was thumping loudly. I swiveled around and went out of the tent as I calmed my heart.

     Why am I blushing so much and my heart keeps thumping so madly against my chest? Stop it my heart, you’re only supposed to beat for Cho Kyuhyun. I walked to my bike and started pedaling back to the café as my heart returned to beating normally. What just happened to me was forgotten as I continued working till my shift was over.

    School had finally started again as my alarm woke me up at seven thirty since class didn’t start till nine. I woke up and took a shower to wake me up even more. I put on my uniform which actually consisted for me was a pair of black skinnies, a white V-neck under a while collar shirt with a red blazer covering it. I wrapped a dark red scarf around my neck to keep my neck warm from the cold wind. I adjusted my black tie and fixed my messy hair which was my hair: black messy hair that goes all over the place. We could wear our uniform in whatever way we wanted as long as you had a white collar with the red blazer that had the school logo on it. I went down to the kitchen to eat and my sister was already up scrunching down eggs and sausages with rice. I got my chopsticks and dig in as my mother was washing the dishes. My father said, “Yesung, do you want me to drop you off at school?” I shook my head and said, “Anji and Wook would be coming here so we can walk to school together.” My dad nodded and asked my sister and she agreed to go with him since she goes to an all-girls school.

    I heard the doorbell ring and I kissed my mom, dad and sister goodbye as I grabbed my bag and went out the door. Anji and Wook stood there waving at me as she was eating a piece of toast and Wook was reading a book. Wook short for Ryeowook was also my best friend and younger cousin that hanged with me and Anji as children. We walked together and Anji said, “Yay, it’s our last school year, guys. How do ya guys feel?” Wook said, “I feel the same as ever.” We both agreed to that as we continued to chuckled and talked about a lot of things over the summer break.

     We got to the school which was SM Private High Academy (SMA) that was connected by a long bridgeway to the private college next to it which was surrounded by these beautiful black gates. The bridgeway that connects to the university is off-limits to high school students unless you have to run an errand for a teacher or if you’re needed at the University for something but that’s only. Both schools are schools of the arts and sciences and we had been coming here since we were kids. The elementary and junior high was on the other side of the city which most of us went to. It wasn’t a school for the rich but there were lots of middle class kids here and some wealthy ones mixed in but we didn’t really care. We were actually from middle class families and only some of the rich kids actually strut around showing off how rich they were. Snobby and spoiled brats they were since they flaunt around their names and money talking about trips they go to three or hundreds times each years.

     We or more like everyone usually ignored them and just do our own thing. We walked in to an almost castle-like school that was four stories high and a yard big enough to fit over thousands of people. A large fountain is in the back of the school but the front had bushes of roses and trees of many colors. A long walkway where people walk to the school or for cars to drive all the way to the stupid entrance instead of just walking their lazy asses to it. The long walkway was about thirty feet long but it was peaceful and beautiful. So we walked that long- walkway and entered the school’s double-door but the inside was even more amazing. It was almost like a maze with signs and maps telling where you were. There were stairs from every end of the hallway leading up or down and bridgeways connecting to the other buildings such as science or art. We also have foreign language classes that is located in a building that is connected with the art building and business classes that requires you to take three years of math and some art classes. So in one word, this school is amazing.

     We headed to the art building where most of our other friends hang out since it was still morning. We took the stairs that were located in the west wing and went to the second floor and walked along the bridge to the art building. We took another set of stairs to the third floor and found room Ruby 0330 which we opened and saw a group of our friends just sitting around the desks laughing. They waved at us and we hugged them as they said, “Long time no see guys!” We sat down and one of our friends, Kibum but also known as Key started complaining how boring his summer break was since he had to go visit some family that was out in the countryside. We laughed and he took a book and threw it at us but we dodged since it was daily occurrence with his moods. Key said, “No laughing at the Almighty and Incredible Key!” That is one long nickname that he wanted the teacher to call him by but the Performing Arts teacher refused and called it uncreative and lack of pizazz. We laughed at it but then the teacher said, “You can call me Great Performing Art Teacher of SMA with Incredible Acting Skills that will Wow Your Mind!” Everyone looked at him with a WTF? face and we all thought that the teacher was even more delusional and uncreative than Key. I have some crazy people around me that went beyond the word normal.

     Key’s boyfriend, Jonghyun smiled and hugged Key as he whispered sweet words into his ear and they sort of went into their own little world forgetting about everyone here. In the classroom, there was about eight of us here: Key, Jonghyun, Ryeowook, Anji, Sungmin, Changmin, Soohyun and me. I saw Sungmin and Wook bickering in the corner about Power Rangers which made me rolled my eyes because this was the last thing they bickered about on the last day of last school year.  Changmin was chewing down his breakfast that he brought because he didn’t eat enough at home and was still hungry. He brought himself three bentos worth of food for him to eat the whole day. I was amazed at how much he can eat when he has such a skinny body.  Anji was on her iPod while stealing food from Changmin from time to time. Soohyun was drawing while looking outside the window. These people are crazy but I love them nonetheless. We were all talking to one another when the bell rang for the class to start.

    We all scurried to our classes as I pulled Anji and Ryeowook since we had English 10 for first period that was on the third floor of the Crow Building and we ran along the bridgeway that connected it to the building. We found our room which was Daffodil 0332. I forgot to mention but each building has a name and each floor has a different group that represents each classrooms. The science building was also known as the Sparrow Building, the art building was the Eagle Building, and the one that we’re in right now was the Crow Building. Sparrow building from first floor to fourth floor was Earth, Fire, Water, and Air. Eagle Building from first floor to fourth floor up was Topaz, Aquamarine, Ruby and Emerald. The Crow building from first floor to fourth floor up was Tulip, Lily, Daffodil, and Sunflower. I don’t even know who the hell comes up with these names but the gym and track field were all located outside towards the back of the school. The teachers and headmaster was located in a separate building which was called…I forgot.

     We walked in and sat down as we waited for the teacher to come. Anji was talking with some girl from our class and I noticed that I have never seen her before. Anji laughed and hugged the girl as she motioned for me and Ryeowook to get to know her. Anji smiles and said, “Hey, you guys this is my cousin, July. She’s been living in the States but moved here since her father had to transfer overseas.” We smiled at her and shook her hand as we got to know each other when the teacher arrived greeting us for the new school year.

     We went through the day pretty slowly since all the teacher gave us was a greeting and a syllabus for the school year. I ended up just chatting with the others after the teacher just sat down doing stuff to prepare for the next class day.  We had a block schedule in which there are even and odd day classes. Even days are for 2nd, 4th, and 6th period unless you have an 8th period which was for extracurricular activities. Odd days are for 1st, 3rd, 5th, and a 7th which switches off every other day with the even day classes. Today happened to be a full day of class being fifty minutes long for each period. The bell rang again and we’re now heading to lunch that was in between 4th and 5th period. We slid our ID card on the card holder and got into line to get our food. Since we paid our tuition for the school year, all we need is our ID to slide so we can get the food, so school’s food is definitely free. We found our table where the other guys were already sitting there except Soohyun and Jongkey. I saw Amber and I asked her, “Hey, where have you been Amber?” She laughed and said, “Overslept and ran here just to find out that I was already an hour late so I went to go buy coffee at the café down the street from the school to be two hours late.” We laughed and the other three came to join us since they got out of class late from their teacher’s monotone voice.

     After lunch was over, we headed to class since all of us had a different class even though some of us had the same floor and building. I was heading to Sparrow Building, Fire Floor when a teacher called me. “Yesung, please wait.” I turned around to see Mrs. Kwon calling me who happened to be my science teacher from last year and I said, “Yes, Mrs. Kwon? Is there anything you need from me?” She smiled and said, “Can you do me a favor? I need to you to go to the University and hand this box to the office that’s located on the third floor, West Wing near the elevators. I can tell you teacher that you’re running an errand for me.” I nodded my head and took the box and Pass from her as I headed to the bridgeway. I showed the security guard the pass and he let me through as I hurriedly cross the bridgeway.

     I got inside and saw how beautiful the place was. It wasn’t that beautiful but it’s alright. I walked along the hallway and found a map. Since I was in the second floor, I decided to look for the stairs. I found some at the end and ascended the stairs to get to the third floor. I looked for another map and found myself in the East wing. I noticed that I had to turn left on the hallway and then right and then another left from another set of stairs. When I see the set of stairs, I had to go directly in front of it and open a door to the right which leads into the West Wing. I found the door and opened it as I saw the office. I headed there and handed the box over I which the lady thanked me and gave me a chocolate.

     I left the place and went back to where I came from but when I turned a corner, I bumped into someone. I immediately apologized to the guy when I heard him groaned from the floor. The guy said, “Who the Hell 'n ran into me?” I looked down at the ground not wanting to see the face of this angry guy. The guy suddenly stopped cussing and said, “Oh my, if it isn’t the Delivery boy from a few days ago?” He lifted my chin and I looked at him in shock because the guy in front of me had a smirk on his face, but not just any face but his face.

    Oh my freaken gawd, this can’t be happening. Not at all, I must be dreaming. He…he can’t be here; Cho Kyuhyun can’t be standing in front of me right now. 






A.N: Sorry for this really late update!! It took me a few days to write it since I ws kinda lost on what to write but man, This chapter felt stupid to me. It's poorly written too!!-____-

Well, I adore Kyusung and hardly any Kyusung in this chapter since it's the first chapter and all!!:) I am bored and tired because I spent my whole day writing this chapter!!^_________________^

Well, since I dyed my hair just an hour ago, I am pretty much awake right now!!:D

So Who loves KyuSung????:D Lol I know all of you guys right??!!!:D

I am so tired but well I hope you enjoy it!!!:D

You can add me as a friend if you want but lol, this is first Kyusung fic!!:D Well, Bye Bye Readers!!:D

Comment, Subscribe, Add, Like, and Enjoy tthis dummy chapter of mine!!!:)

Adieu Readers!!^___^



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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 3: Why Oh Why has this cute story been abandoned......!!!!!
givivi123 #2
Chapter 3: Aww please update soon! Author-nim fighting!
ysismine #3
Chapter 3: Pleaseee update soon ><
Omggg !! Yesung's just too cute to be true xD
Giggling while imagining jongwoon ride a horse in the carousel xDD
he must be the cutest rider in that carousel :33
and that tall person must be kyu :p
Haha , but why is my bby sungie being so rude ? =3=
Isn't he supposed to be the shy-cute-adoreable one ? -3-
It's a nice story authorim ^^
Can't wait for the next chapter :33
Chapter 3: hahah yesung is so silly and cutee
this story is so fun to read :)
hope to see an update ~
craving for more cute moments~
LLOLOLOL i can imagine sungie riding that horse xDDD
xDDD I was thinking the same Unnie! I'm sure he is Kyunie! xD Oh but Sungie was so rude! My baby can't be like that! Aren't he so nice, kind, cute and sweet! He shouldn't say bad words to people just like that! I mean.. aish just don't do it again sweetheart! é.è So you wouldn't make your N1 Fan angry at you hein! xDDDDD

aish I really really missed this story! Can't wait for the next and I hope soon ! '^^
Fighting! I will always be waiting anyways ;) Just take your time! <3
hey, welcome back (^o^) so glad you do an update now, kinda missing this story, kekeke... emm, that tall guy, i suspicious it's Kyu.. maybe he was in disguise since he's a star?!
ShineeShiDaePmSuju #8
OMG I really love ur story, it's soo funny and interesting 
Update ASAP chinguuuu ^_____^