Rain: The Ending

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Her eyes were red in anger and tears started to build up yet she stopped it from shedding. As a sign of protest, she left the room and shut the door harshly that the sound echoed in the whole apartment. She could care less even if it woke him up.


Now the stinging feeling on her foot came back, she limped her ways to her room. Before she could touch the door knob, a hand grabbed hers and turned her around and pushed her back against the door. She winced due to the pain.


The pain on her foot, her back and her heart.


In front of her, GD stood with a serious face. She wasn’t surprise at all seeing him there since she shut the door loudly on purpose. Thank God he woke up or she’ll have to resort to throwing pots and pans just to wake him up for revenge.


“What was that about?” GD asked, standing less than a centimetre away from her that his strong cologne filled the air around her.


“That’s for leaving me behind, you idiot.” Her anger gave her the courage to retort back.


“You were missing. I couldn’t find you. Now whose fault is that?” He asked, furrowing his brows.


“You should wait until you found me. Not leaving me behind, alone, with a foot like this.” Her eyes started to become red, either from anger or holding in tears, even she didn’t know herself.


GD stopped and observed her face. His face was confused and annoyed.


“You are Lee Chaerin. You managed well by yourself, without anybody’s help. So what’s the issue here?” He retorted back.


“You dragged me there. You forced me to go there. You should be responsible. Not leave me alone. You should look for me until you found me. I waited hours for you.” She stopped for a second when realisation hit her. “Ah…I should’ve known better.” A single tear broke through her barrier. Not sure if it’s the disappointment towards GD or guilt towards Jiyong that made her shed a tear.


There was a subtle change on GD’s face seeing the tear. His face became stern.


“I’m not Jiyong.” That one line caught her in surprise. “Don’t think of me as Jiyong. I don’t care how you feel, I don’t care what you do. As long as you are near me at the end of the day, that’s all I need to be sure of.”


She swallowed the hard lump in . She returned the look GD was giving her. Suddenly, she felt a hand ran down her hair, tucking it behind her ear.


“I think you spent too much time with Jiyong. You never cried in front of me.” He wiped the trail of the tear that fell. “Is it fair to be jealous of him?”


She looked up at him with an unreadable expression. When GD’s lips started to inch closer to hers, she closed her eyes. GD’s hands cupped her small face and kissed her lips. The kiss started as innocent longing kiss then changed to a desperate steamy one. Chaerin’s hand weaved through his hair and his hands roamed over her curves. He lifted both her legs and hooked it unto his waist, still not breaking the kiss. His hand swiftly opened her bedroom door and carried her inside. He put her down on her bed while being careful particularly on her wounded foot. He hovered over her with hands beside her head, observing her features with admiration.


“I’ve missed you.” He kissed her once.


“I’ve missed you, my CL.” He kissed her again.


“I’ve missed you, my Chaerin-sshi.” He kissed her again. Hearing the name he called her, she chuckled in their kiss.


“I’ve missed you too.” She hooked her arms around his neck and pulled him closer for a deeper, longer kiss.




The next morning, Chaerin woke up due to the sun shining through the curtain, hitting her face. She saw a figure standing at the end of the bed facing her while holding a mug, taking a sip once in a while. The smell of coffee filled the room.


“Good morning.” She smiled and greeted the person while staying in bed covering her still body.


“Morning.” He replied casually while taking another sip, one hand in the pocket.


Hearing a different tone greeted her, she sat up still feeling drowsy while holding the comforter covering her bare chest.


“…Jiyong?” She squinted her eyes trying to fight the sun from blinding her. “Ah, it’s sunny.”


“Yeah, it’s sunny. Seem

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Chapter 3: Found your story just now. And i love it ^^ ♥♥♡
Chapter 3: Hahaa XD Omg damn interesting! This is not enough. I need more hul~
cipluk #3
Chapter 3: It is much better than what i want it to be .
Oh god i'm in love with this story :)
Uhh . I love gd's part as well it was full of sureprise and exciting .
Uhuhuhu . Cannot explain with word .

Haha . If only chae married on rainy day then she'll marry gd but since she married on sunny day she with jiyong .
I like it , i love it .
Great job
Chapter 3: Hahaha. I am always rooting for this kind of plot. Also, it's never hard to imagine GD and Jiyong apart as it really seems to happen in real life. Kekeke... Nice one authornim. ^^
Chapter 2: Jiyong is DID?? Or am I wrong??
cipluk #6
Where're the 2 chapters ? You edit again ?
cipluk #7
Chapter 1: any songs on that album are my fav . It is just one of them .
The song is really a mood maker to my ears
cipluk #8
Chapter 1: Uhh . It was just ordinary , i mean it is good but just ordinary but ,, it trigged when i grasp the last part .
Uhh i'm excited . Why stop there ?? I'm addicted . Wanna know about GD !!! Make it rated for the next chapter beetwen gd and chaerin .
It is like jiyong have a twin , they're twin but diff personality . Gd is like a phsyco-possessive-obesessive person who madly in love with chae (what he did were so wicked and crazy till left a deep bad memories for chae , makes her traumatic) and jiyong was the one who helped her with her nightmare (gd) .
Aaaand ,, that's explain why jiyong was gone mad when chae not give him call or know where her about .
Ji just too love chae and afraid to lost her . That's why he being paranoid .
Yongchaee82 #9
Chapter 1: If this story was inspired by Jiyong today so it's an affair story right? So Is Chaerin the Lover or the other girl? I'm kinda confused
Yongchaee82 #10
Yeah I just went listening to that song just now and why tf I don't know abt that song before TT I'm a bad fan TT thank for this xD