02: Cuddle.



Meet me at the library. I need help with Mathematics, it's really hard nowadays. -Sunggyu

I laughed at the note I just read now. It was really weird of him to ask me that favor cause he's always good at that subject, but nobody's perfect... not even him.

I was very eager to come, at last I would be alone with him in peace. He became an instant popular guy and of course he's been surrounded by a lot of girls, which made it hard for me to approach him.

I arrived at library on time and he's late. I was a little bit disappointed. Fine, I was angry but I understand, maybe he's still doing his club activities. I sighed as I waited for him.

I think it took him 20 minutes to finally reached the library cause I actually fell asleep. He slightly nudge me to wake me up and start tutoring him.

I woke up from his nudging and fixed my vision by rubbing my eyes. He was there, face too close to mine. It made my heart skipped a beat. I hope he wouldn't notice.

"I...umm. Let's start!" I quickly turned away from his eyes and looked for my Math book. The atmosphere between us was really awkward. Sunggyu, do something!

"Ah. Yes, we should." He replied, dragging a chair for him to sit on. He scoot closer to me making me feel his breath on to my skin. Yes, that close.

"Umm, oppa. Aren't you too close?" I coughed to gain his attention, he looked at me in response and shook his head. "Nope. This is fine." He answered. 

Okay, something's up. He's usually not like this, it's giving me chills already. I move my chair away from him slightly and turned my gaze to him.

"Okay, spill it out." I crossed my arms. He chuckled then grabbed my hands. He looked at me directly to the eyes. I gulped at the sudden touched, I really can't control my heart beat now. 

"I have a confession to make." He said. I just looked at him intently which I guess he noticed and continued."I... I like you. No, I've loved you since the day we actually reached high school. And now, I am going to ask you, If you could be my girlfriend..." 

And that's how we end up together. Weird right? Haha.

Yeobo, sleep more." He suddenly said pulling me down back down to bed and making me snapped out of my thoughts. 

I chuckled at his actions while he wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his face at my neck, sniffing my scent. 

"I miss you so much, did you know that?" He muttered. I nodded in response and nuzzle more in his embrace. "But, I miss you more." I cooed.

He shook his head then kissed my forehead. "No, I miss you more than you missed me, because I love you more than anything else." Okay, now his being somewhat irrelevant.

"Yah! Did you caught some of Woohyun's greasiness already?! Aigoo, my poor baby." I pinched his cheeks while laughing. But, to be honest that really touched me.

"Eh? Am I becoming like him already? Maybe, I should exchange rooms with Dongwoo when I go back to the dorm." He chuckled while hugging me more. 

Ahh. I just miss his embrace and his touched like this. I would treasure him forever, I hope nothing would change and will always be together. 


Noticed what I did there? Yeah, I don't know how to end it. Haha.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this. Please, leave your comments. It will mean a lot to me.


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so cute <3 *dies*
/dies spazzing/
this is so cute ~ I love it !
keep it! :) this is too cute to be deleted .. keep it keep it keep it :)<br />
wiiii ~ <3