

your colors were different than mine

(we both saw what the other couldn't)

purple was happiness

(the sound of your mother singing in the morning) 

(waking you up) 

(saying she loved you)

(you missed her)

but anger was red

(fiery anger that consumed all who had encountered it)

(your father's words were red)

(you hated it)

black was sadness; grief

(the one color you could see)

(it greeted you in the mornings now, not your mother)

(it was a hollowed out, cold feeling)

(you were sick of the endless void)

and blue was joy 

(the sound of waves crashing against sand)

(it was the feeling of serenity, of sleep, you told me)

(it was the warmest color)

you loved it

"blue represents you," you smiled

(did you love me?)


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