[3/9/17] Student Attendance

Disciplinary Committee of Seoul International Academy || APPLY OPEN

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Roll Call



last updated

on 4/12/17

total applicants 00
president + 1
 vice president + 1
— secretary + 1
— member #1 + 0
— member #2 + 1
— member #3 + 1






go jahye


face claim ha mirae
plotline president- the enforcer of justice 

hey guys! I wanted to introduce Ella's bfffffff, the president of the Disciplinary Committee and red ranger, Go Jahye -insert marching band of excitment- 

her profile linked on her name above and thank you, Aki for Jahye~ 


lee Taeyong (NCT)




lee nova

 accepted  as of 3/9/17

face claim selena gomez
plotline member #2- sole fashion police 

fixed :D Nova has been accepted! Thank you, Panda~

Hi Panda! Thank you for sending Nova in! I'm happy to see an application who isn't korean. 

I do have some questions for her that I would like you to add your application. 

-Why did she end up joining the Disciplinary Committee? 
-Is she a new student? Cause you mention, Seoul is her first stop for her exploring international fashion, so i'm figuring she's new at the start of this story? The only new students on the Committee is the new member (Member #3), so all the other Committee members have been there for a while. 

Other than that, your application should be ready to go ^^


Zelo (BAP)




han jinho

accepted as of 3/9/17

face claim min yoongi
plotline secretary- seemingly sane, but just as crazy

Hi there! Thank you for an character in! Btw, of course you can have Ella as a love interest. Haha poor Jinho 

I have to say that you grasped what i wanted out of the plotline very well. I think Jinho would be extremely fun to write and if I do choose him, the scenes with him and Ella would be a combination of odd yet fluffy  poor Jinho

I love that he puts earphones in his ears so others wont bother him (cause I actually do this irl OTL). I really like him! You inspired me a lot as I read this. 

Since I don't see any problems, you have been accepted! Thank you once again! 



Lee Ella 




yi eunmi

accepteds as of 4/12

face claim hwasa 
plotline member #3 - the unforunate newbie

Hi CC! thank you sending eunmi in and my seriously overdue review. OTL

I have to say I was expecting the unforunate newbie to be a more...pathetic in some aspects, but I like your take on the plotline. Btw should I call her eunmi or Neveah? 

Anyways, I can imagine all the more jaded members being like -_- while her and Ella are like :D about something. It would be funny to see. Also her and Sanha are really cute and I can imagine Sanha barging into the Committee room. 

Anyway, thank you for sending her in! Sorry for the long wait, but she has been accepted. Thank you once again!


Sanha (Astro)




character name

status as of date

face claim here
plotline here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ante nisi, pharetra eu semper at, aliquet at dolor. Aliquam ligula sapien, consequat in nisi vitae, convallis eleifend felis. Proin elementum urna nec enim vulputate ornare. Sed ultricies vitae sem sit amet malesuada. Praesent pellentesque elit vitae tellus lacinia, at aliquam tortor dictum. Integer nec metus eu tellus laoreet dictum eleifend sit amet ligula. Curabitur faucibus efficitur massa quis lacinia.


love int




character name

status as of date

face claim here
plotline here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ante nisi, pharetra eu semper at, aliquet at dolor. Aliquam ligula sapien, consequat in nisi vitae, convallis eleifend felis. Proin elementum urna nec enim vulputate ornare. Sed ultricies vitae sem sit amet malesuada. Praesent pellentesque elit vitae tellus lacinia, at aliquam tortor dictum. Integer nec metus eu tellus laoreet dictum eleifend sit amet ligula. Curabitur faucibus efficitur massa quis lacinia.


love int




character name

status as of date

face claim here
plotline here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ante nisi, pharetra eu semper at, aliquet at dolor. Aliquam ligula sapien, consequat in nisi vitae, convallis eleifend felis. Proin elementum urna nec enim vulputate ornare. Sed ultricies vitae sem sit amet malesuada. Praesent pellentesque elit vitae tellus lacinia, at aliquam tortor dictum. Integer nec metus eu tellus laoreet dictum eleifend sit amet ligula. Curabitur faucibus efficitur massa quis lacinia.


love int




character name

status as of date

face claim here
plotline here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ante nisi, pharetra eu semper at, aliquet at dolor. Aliquam ligula sapien, consequat in nisi vitae, convallis eleifend felis. Proin elementum urna nec enim vulputate ornare. Sed ultricies vitae sem sit amet malesuada. Praesent pellentesque elit vitae tellus lacinia, at aliquam tortor dictum. Integer nec metus eu tellus laoreet dictum eleifend sit amet ligula. Curabitur faucibus efficitur massa quis lacinia.


love int

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Thank you for such a nice review! I think it would be more fitting to call her by her korean name since she's in korea ^^~
You know, so she can get used to it.
I also really loved chapter one! I have a feeling i'm going to be laughing a lot with the next coming chapters xD
Chapter 7: Oh my god chickens XD How the hell did Ella manage to train them so well in just three days? OTL Can chickens even be trained? o.O
Yuta and Taeyong are me though- stealing food from friends OuO
Jahye and Ella kinda' seem similar though. It's like Ella is the hyperactive crazy justice seeker while Jahye is more subdued but also crazy lol Yeah I can see why they would make good friends.
Chapter 3: I AM going to apply ;-;
littlehoe #4
Chapter 7: "WILL HELP THESE CHICKEN FLY HOME!" Yoo that line had me dying LOL those poor chickens
Chapter 3: Oooh yey! Thanks for liking my app!
I think Jinho and Ella are gonna be my OTP XD
I am interested ^.^
Chapter 1: ok, but I rly wanna read Ella's app ლ(๏‿๏ ◝ლ)