Two of Us on the Run


Lillen and Jimin both led misfortunate lives. After both of their packs are destroyed they have only each other and their will to survive. But the men in black are just as determined to get their hands on the two young wolves.


So, this story is actually just a very vivid dream I had when I was little. Originally, the boys name was Taylor but whatever. And yes, it's a werewolf story and I've looked up some facts on wolf behaviour so I'm going to try to make this as realistic as I can.

So for one: wolf packs consist mostly of actual family members (and of course some adopted animals because wolves are softies and like to adopt baby animals. Sometimes regardless of species wow) So you have the alpha male and female (mom and dad) then all the kids.

Two: A wolf will howl for one of two reasons. They are challenging a nearby pack or they've been seperated from their pack member(s). (Of course I've added some human qualities to the characters. They're not entirely wolves!)

Three: Family is extremely important to a wolf. An entire pack will raise one wolf pup. (It's also where we got the saying "it takes a village to raise a child") to be seperated from the pack means certain death especially for a young wolf. Every pack member is necessary and worth fighting (and dying) for. (Oh, and wolves may also howl to mourn! I'm actually pretty sure they do although it's dangerous)

Four: Every pack (and pack member) has a distinct sound. Each wolf will howl at a different pitch to make it sound like there are more of them than there are. It's a great intimidation tactic.

Five: Everyone knows wolves are territorial. But rarely will a fight break out within a pack. They're all family after all. The only time they really fight is when they perceive something as a threat. And when the alpha male is fighting the alpha females role is to protect his neck from the attacking party with her body. 

I'm not really going to include the soulmate thing that's included in most werewolf stories BUT mates will of course be a thing. And a wolf will have one mate for most of his/her life. (Wolves will get another mate after their mate dies, eventually. Alpha females have no choice but to accept the new alpha male if their former mate is beaten or killed by a male challenger)

Anyway, enough with all the damned wolf facts! Enjoy the story!!! Remember, this is just a random, very vivid dream that I had a long time ago. XD

*Also! I named this story ofter a song that I think fits this story very well! It's called "Two of Us on the Run" by Lucius! Check it out! (Sadly, it isn't a K-pop song though) And another thing, if you have any wolf facts at all throw 'em at me! I love wolves!


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