Set in Motion

If Only It Wasn't You

For the next couple of days Donghae tried to talk to Yoona, only to fail in finding her. She was avoiding him and he knew it. After a few weeks, he gave up. She was being too stubborn. There was only one solution, Hwa Ran. The only ironic thing was that, Hwa Ran was the problem itself as well.

The weeks grew and grew and eventually it was time to give up. Eventually, Donghae’s world became silent again. There were no longer any sounds.

*Two Months Later*

“Yo bro~ you sure you’re okay?” Eunhyuk questioned his friend.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” Donghae looked up and gave a faint smile.

Eunhyuk knew better than that. He knew how his best friend was only giving him a forced smile. He knew his best friend was back in his little cage.

On the other hand, Hwa Ran was frustrated. She thought that by splitting them up, Donghae will notice her more. In the end, he ignored her even more. She wanted him but he refused to even take a glimpse at her. She needed a way to lure him in, but the only way she could think of was Yoona. However, she refused to let them near each other. But how else could she find him at his most vulnerable point?



Yoona looked up at Hwa Ran.

“I have thought about it.”

Yoona remained silent.

“Do you perhaps… have feelings for Donghae still?”

Yoona looked down, avoiding Hwa Ran’s gaze. They both knew the answer to that. They both knew that it wasn’t just simple feelings. The feelings that Yoona and Donghae shared went deeper. It was something that no one could take away. It was like the red string of destiny. They were bound together from the very beginning.

“I have been thinking about it and you know what? I was wrong. You two look really good together.”

Yoona looked up at her sister, confused. What was Hwa Ran doing? What was she planning? She never let the things she wanted go that easily. It’s been months, did she suddenly give up? No, it wasn’t possible. Hwa Ran never gives up until she gets what she wants. That’s just the twisted person Hwa Ran was. She didn’t care as long as she got what she wanted.

Hwa Ran could see the doubt in Yoona’s eyes. She knew that Yoona was suspicious of her. They grew up together; they knew each other inside and out.

“My cute little sister, there is nothing to worry about! I love you and I just want you to be happy. Plus I know that Donghae shares the same feelings. Unnie will cheer for you all the way okay? Just build up your courage and tell him how you feel!”

Yoona still wasn’t convinced, but her loyalty to her sister left her at a crossroad. Her feelings for Donghae pushed her even more. What should she choose? Every possible path had disaster crawling all over. What could she do? What can she choose?

She just continued to look at Hwa Ran. Hwa Ran knew she was slowly convincing Yoona and that was just enough for her. “Remember to tell me when you are about to tell him, so I can cheer you on!” Hwa Ran hugged her sister and gave her a grin.


Hwa Ran is scheming something. She is always scheming something. She doesn’t stop until she gets what she wants. Even if it’s a fight to the death.

“What about your feelings for him?” I questioned her.

She paused. Her face became serious. To my surprise, a second later she smiled at me.  It caught me off guard. She only let he expression slip for a tiny fraction of a second but it was enough to convince me there was something behind her smile. The devil never lets you see past its poke face.

“Oh that? It was just puppy love my innocent sister. A small crush, nothing worth worrying about. I am totally over it. Plus why would I want someone who doesn’t share the same feelings for me in return?”

That’s the thing though. This was the first time someone refuses to acknowledge her. It must be killing her inside. She was be itching to cause chaos.

“Oh… I didn’t know that. I just thought… No, it’s nothing, never mind.” Maybe I shouldn’t doubt her. People change. Hwa Ran can change too.

“Leave it all to me okay?” She sounded determined. I didn’t reply. I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to feel about what had just happened. Was I supposed to feel joy? I don’t. Or maybe I do. I’m not sure. I just can’t shake the feeling that this is the calm before the storm. What storm though? What if Hwa Ran really has changed? I can’t doubt her. She’s my sister. Plus, everyone has a good in them.

Hwa Ran suddenly went silent. I looked up and followed her gaze towards the person that just walked in. It was no one else but Donghae. Her eyes followed him to his seat. It was plain puppy love, it wasn’t just a crush. Hwa Ran’s eyes were screaming in frustration. She wants to claim him as hers and no one else. She wants him as one of her collections.


I pulled myself from my thoughts and looked at her.

“Go talk to him again.”

I stared at her. I could feel my expression going blank. Talk to Donghae after all this time? Was it even possible to mend things? I walked away from us. Can I walk back? Will he accept me again? Donghae, I miss you. I miss the silence and peace you bring to me. With Hwa Ran I have forever been wondering on my own in an empty maze. When Donghae appeared, he didn’t show me the way out, instead he joined me in the maze. Walking with me step by step. We were in no rush, taking our time. We’ll get to the end when we get there. It was us against the world.

“Yoona, go.”

I still didn’t reply to Hwa Ran, unsure of what I should do. I am sure that Hwa Ran has something up her sleeve but what if she really changed? What if finally things are going to start looking up?

“….” I remained quiet and got up. Each step towards Donghae seemed so loud, so heavy. I felt my heart tracing, pounding in my head.

I stopped in front of his desk. He didn’t notice me approach him as he was too busy staring out the window. I can tell his silence has engulfed him again. He couldn’t hear anything. He couldn’t even hear me approach him. I have hurt him to the point that he had locked himself up again. Similar to the day I put my walls back up, Donghae has locked himself away from the world again. He was consumed with silence, a silence only he understood.

“Donghae.” I could barely hear my own voice. It came out almost breathless and barely audible. I called him again, my voice shaking, begging for him to hear it.


I didn’t hear her voice at first. It was so quiet that I couldn’t differentiate it from the silence that I lived in.

Her voice sounded so scared. She was so quiet I didn’t even feel her presence.

I tried to force myself in believing that it was an illusion; that she wasn’t really there. I knew deep down that it was my wishful thinking, my yearning. I was only hoping to hear her voice once again. It wasn’t real. She won’t return to me. Even with all these reasons I couldn’t help but to look up anyways. That tiny hope was enough for me to fool myself that maybe she really was back.

When I looked up, I felt my body freeze. I thought that I had gone so mad that I was imagining her in front of me. I thought I had lost my mind completely. How can I lose my sanity in such a short amount of time?

“Donghae…” she repeated my name again. This time I heard it clearly. Was she really standing in front of me?

“Yoona…” I wasn’t sure what to say to her, still believing that it was just a figment of my imagination showing me a reflection of her.

Then she smiled. She gave the faintest of all her smiles. That was what convinced me that she was really there. I recognize that small smile. It is a painful smile that I will always recognize. No one else is capable of such a tragic beauty.


As you can see, I am finally back. DID YOU MISS ME?! <3 i missed you guys and i'm sorry you guys had to wait so long. It's just so many things have been happening in my life. It was like hell then crap, like i said in my authors note. But i am officially out of highschool! Yay for that ! :D

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--Moonie #1
this was cute!
sujusone24 #2
Chapter 21: This so interesting!! Hwa Ran had to get into YoonHae couple!!! Nooooo! Please update soon^^
omg hope you update soon! :D
yoondeer #4
finally u come back...
i hope u update soon!! :)
I'll wait for your update! Take all the time you need to get your motivation back! :)
snsdyoonaislove #6
hey please update soon! D:
Hehehe, it's an old reader from winglin and I really loved this fanfic.<br />
Even printed it out to read. Anyways, since you say you're going to start this fanfic anew,<br />
I guess I'll go back and reread it. And because it was always amazing<br />
in the first place so I didn't mind rereading it. Love it. <333
MaxForever7 #8
hwa ran is just so evil. how can she do that to her own sister!?! I love the way your story flows, it shows the characters' feelings really well :) Thank you sooooooo much for finally updating~~ ^^
yoonkyu-yoonhae #9
Errr I'm confused because sometimes it's in the past then it's the present then sometimes it's dream hmmph :/<br />
Ps YoonA pls be strong :/
Gah!! Hwa Ran!! I Really wanna kill you..!!!!!<br />
Poor Yoona.. She lost her beautiful hair.. T-T<br />
<br />
Thanx for the update.. ^^<br />