Meeting the Gamer

Oh My SuperMa-…Nerd


Miinah Pov

Soon enough the stares and glares were on me. Heechul grabbed my shoulder and pulled me closer to him and we made our way through the courtyard. There were a couple of gasps and whispers; I rolled my eyes could these people get any more dramatic. I’m guessing everyone was being dramatic because Heechul was holding me close and Heechul was the No.1 diva Kingka and you don’t mess with the No.1 Kingka. Once we were in the middle of the courtyard Heechul yelled “Listen up you little sh*ts, if anyone and I mean anyone s with my younger sister KIM MIINAH, Geng and I will personally beat the out of you!!”

The bell went off right after his little speech, and everyone made their way into the school and it was chaos there were so many students, everyone was screaming and running up and down the corridors there were even guys playing football. I felt myself being pushed around and soon I lost Chullie and Geng Oppa in the sea of students.

Soon enough I found myself alone in the school hallway,


I furrowed my eyebrows and set off to find my class. I first had Korean history, I made my way down the hall only to hear shouting from the computer lab “Yes sir!! No sir”. I looked into the computer lab and saw this amazingly cute guy on the computer. I coughed “Who’s there” I heard him shout. “Uhhh Hi” I stuttered. He looked up from the computer “What do you want?” he asked obviously annoyed. “Could you give me the directions to classroom GLA 169” “go down the hall turn left and it’s the first classroom on the right now go away” I nodded and muttered and thanks and walked to my class.


Now I felt annoyed, I had no idea what his name was and why the hell was he acting like Chullie Oppa. I wonder if those two are related. I finally got into my classroom and walked in, everyone stopped what they were doing and starred at me and some female students glared. I rolled my eyes and went to the teacher.

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