In the morning

Oh My SuperMa-…Nerd

Miinah's Pov

I woke up bright and early at  the sound of my alram clock only to whack it and fall asleep "Owwwwwwwwww Kim Miinah gets your off the bed and get ready for school" I heard my so called alarm clock Kim Heechul scream. I smirked "How abut I Smack the snooze button again" I replied. An irk mark appeared on Chullie Oppa's Head "I dare you" he replied back My smirk grew even wider "Alright!" SMACKKK. I looked at him with a grin on my face, his face was red he then screamed "WHY YOU LITT-" "STOP!!" Heechul Oppa and I both looked towards the door and saw Hangeng Oppa in a pink frilly apron with a wooden spoon in his hand. "BWAHAHAHAHA Opp- HAHAHA" i laughed my off. I then looked at Geng Oppa again with tears running down my face, His face was as red as Heechul's "BABO!" he yelled and chucked the wooden spoon at me, I smirked and ducked. SMACK right in Chullie Oppa's face. 

I then burst out laughing once again. Hankyung's went from red from anger to pale from worriedness in a second. He ran to Chullie Oppa "Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Baby, i didn't mean to hit you" he said while stocking Chullie Oppa's face and giving it heaps of kisses. "I need to vomit" i yelled at the two of them and walked to the bathroom before having to see the two of them make-out. I shuddered at the thought of it. Once i finshed cleaning up and putting on my new school uniform i walked downstairs to have breakfast. 


Once i reached the kitchen, i felt the vomit come up again. Geng and Chullie oppa were feeding each other. Did they have to be so freaking affectionate it was only 7 in the morning. "Yahhhhhhhhhh Oppa, Can you atleast stop being lovey dovey when im around, I mean seriously It's only 7am" I yelled at the two love birds. Heechul looked up and he looked pissed "FINE, lets go to school now" he said and tossed me an apple "Thats your breakfast thats all your getting especially after this mornings incident" he added. He pulled Geng Oppa out of his chair and pulled him towards the door. I followed after them. Once we reached the door my stomach grumbled, Geng Oppa leaned over and whispered "Don't worry i bought some extra food for you" I smiled Geng Oppa was so nice unlike PMSing Chullie Oppa. We then made out way out of the house and walked to school. "So is my baby ready for her first day at SM high" he yelled and pulled me closer towards him. Geng Oppa and I sweatdropped. His mood changed very easily. "I guess, I don't really care" I replied. Once we reached SM high i was in a state of shock. 



My mouth was wide open. "Yah close your mouth flies will get in" Geng Oppa said. He then closed my mouth and let out a chuckle. I nodded and followed the two of them into the courtyard. 

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