
Shared Adventures

I have always wanted a big adventure something that would change my life in some way. And so, when a friend I hadn’t seen for years got in contact with me and asked me if I wanted to go on an adventure, I said sure. Even if I wasn’t entirely sure what he meant by adventure and what exactly that may entail. Sitting here in tavern near the ports with said friend by my side and a soft smiling, short stature man in front of me asking if I had any questions about the application and insurance waiver…. Is not exactly what I had in mind.


Even so, despite being a little suspicious I filled out the application and signed the waiver. Baekhyun, the distant friend that may or may not be sending me to my death is grinning at me.


“So, the ship leaves tomorrow a few hours after the sun rises. I’ll meet you at the docks so you don’t get to squeamish about coming aboard, Kay?” He pats my back and addresses the man in front of us. “Let’s go get his room ready for tomorrow Suho.”


Suho stands up as well and smiles down at me, “We hope to see you soon, and don’t worry it’s not as scary as it seems.”


I look between him and Baekhyun. “Umm, I’ll see you tomorrow then.”


They leave and I get up and leave the tavern to head home and pack. I live in small coastal town. We don’t get many visitors here but it is a very beautiful place to live. Nevertheless I’m not going to miss it much.


I’ve never really cared much about anything really. I don’t get too close to people and I try not to think about how things make me feel. In my opinion having too many feelings are troublesome, but having too little is as well.


Growing up I was always a little different. Unlike the other kids in our small fishing town, I wasn’t interested in going out to sea, or playing in the rolling hills. I would watch the other kids playing rough with each other, laughing, and feel out of place. I spent most of my time reading, or singing songs where no one could hear me.


I did that a lot, hid where no one would find me. I wanted to be alone, yet at the same time I wished that someone would care enough to find me.


That’s how I met Baekhyun. His family had just moved to Lilianica from an inland town. His elder brother had enlisted in the naval army, so his family moved to the coast in hopes of being about to see him more often.  


Baekhyun was often teased for being a feminine and he embraced that fact. He didn’t care that people saw him as a freak, but that didn’t mean that he didn’t just want to get away from it all. If only for just a few short moments.

I was sitting under a tree at the bottom of the hill behind the school, just reading a book and humming to myself. The wind was flowing softly around me ruffling my hair and relieving me from the smothering heat. I sigh and breathe in deeply.




I turn my head towards the hill and see a boy standing with his head tilted staring at me.




I stare back. He smiles, and walks over towards me and plops down, hooking his head over my  shoulder. “ What were you humming before? It sounded familiar.” He pauses, then adds as an afterthought. “I’m Baekhyun by the way. What’s your name?”


I side eye him as I answer. “It’s an old Lunar Lullaby. Jondae, Nice to meet you Baekhyun. Are you new?”


He grins, “Yeah How’d Ya guess?”


“Well, most of the people who live here have since the beginning. Not many people move here. The isolated life of a fisherman isn’t for most.” I told him a little bitterly.


He sits up and tilts his head on his knees. “Is it for you? I mean, I want to go around the world. Travel, adventure, jewels, treasure, damsels-or men- in distress, going undercover, learning different trades, sounds fun doesn’t it Dae?”


I stare at him. How did he know exactly what I was thinking?


“Yeah. Yeah, It does.” I smile softly at him.


His grin gets wider. “Well, since you don’t look like you'll go first. How about I go get an adventure started and then I come back and pick you up. Then you’ll have to go on an adventure!”


I grin back, “Sounds like a plan, Beak.”


He laughs with his head tilted back. “You look like a kitty cat when you grin!”




“Okay, okay!” His smile dims a little. “My brother enlisted in the Naval Army, so my family moved ‘closer’ to him.” Baek sighs.


I close my book and offer my hand to him after I stand. “Well, at least you’ll also be closer to our adventure. When you’re ready you can just stow away one of the ships that pass by here to supply.”


He giggles, and grabs my hand. I hoist him up, “Come on Baek you don’t want to be late to class on your first day.”


As we walk back towards the school building I tell him about my family, and that’s how we became friends.


So, I'm not sure how good of a chapter this was. Sorry, Rae.

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