
Blue Spring Ride


“Your PE shirt.” Taehyung says to Jungkook, both standing at the door of Jungkook’s classroom. “Thanks.”

Jungkook slightly nods.

“See ya.” Taehyung says, taking a step backwards.

“Do you want to attend the festival?”


“Do you already have an arrangement with your friends?” Jungkook asks.

Taehyung starts mumbling. “Not yet.”

“7 o’clock.” Jungkook’s says, voice a little too loud. “At the big clock near the park.” He continues, looking to the floor, voice now a lot softer, as if he suddenly got shy. He looked up, trying to see Taehyung’s expression, with his own cheeks a little flushed.

“Heh?” Taehyung stared at him. ‘What is he saying? Are we going together? Maybe. Maybe not.’ He clasps his hands together. “Erm…I…”

“Hey!” Jackson happily shouts, getting closer to the two boys. “What are you two doing?”

“He was returning me something I had lent him.” Jungkook says before entering the classroom.

“Really?” Jackson asks, still at the door. “That’s disappointing…”

‘That was a promise, right?’ Taehyung thinks, looking through the now half closed door. ‘Or was it?’

“Say.” Jackson continues. “Was that really nothing? Between you two.”

Taehyung takes a step back, his privacy starting to get invaded by someone who he barely knew.

“Hey, let me on.” Jackson continued to press on.

‘Indeed, boys are troublesome.’ Taehyung turned his back and started to walk away.

“Hey…” Jackson started walking after him.

‘Kim Jungkook is an exception.’

“Tell me already.”

‘Only Jungkook.’

“Come on!”

‘The rest are annoying.’ Taehyung clenched his fists and turned to the other boy, catching him by surprise. “Stop it already! It’s annoying!” He said, glaring at Jackson. “This is why I hate boys. They’re just like fools. I just… I hate you all!”

“What’s going on?” Someone asks near Jackson.

Taehyung notices the boy who had just spoke, leaving Jungkook’s classroom with no other than Jungkook himself. Both of them looking straight at Taehyung and Jackson.

‘Did he hear that?’

“Let’s go.” Jungkook says to his friend.

“S-Sure.” The friend replies and both of them are gone in just a couple of seconds.

‘But he knows that he’s an exception, right? He’s alright, isn’t he? Because we… Our eyes really did meet.”




Taehyung’s fingers skim through the small calendar from his schedule book. ‘Today’s the 11th. Sunday. Today’s the festival.’

Taehyung turned in his bed, now facing the ceiling, schedule book stuck to his face.

“7 o’clock, the big clock near the park. 7 o’clock, the big clock near the park. 7 o’clock, the big clock near the park.” He repeated like a mantra.

‘It’ll be fine. He understood. He understood that the way I feel towards him is different compared to the other boys. I’m sure he knows. Even if I don’t say it. I don’t have to especially tell him. It’ll be fine.’




Taehyung got dressed in a flash, light blue jeans and a grey sweater, because although it was summer, that night the weather was a little cold.

He grabbed his home keys, and made his way towards the park.

He arrived there in record speed, walking towards the big clock near the park, just like it was agreed.

‘There’s still ten minutes until seven.’ He observes the hours on the clock and lets out a small laugh. ‘Maybe I was a little too excited.’

He smiles.

‘It will be alright.’



Several minutes passed and the place near Taehyung was getting crowder and crowder. Children laughing and running, couples walking hand in hand, some groups of friends taking photos, elders eating all different kinds of food,…

Taehyung looks up. “Seven thirty.” He mumbles. ‘I should have asked for his number.’

‘Did I mishear him?’ He suddenly thinks. ‘Maybe he said to meet at 8 o’clock.’ He starts scrunching his eyebrows. ‘Why can’t I never hear things straight?!’ He lectures himself.



‘Eight fifteen.’ He looks down. ‘He must have got the wrong idea.’


"They’re just like fools. I hate all guys!"


‘Does he hate me now? Or didn’t he actually ask me out in the first place?’


"7 o’clock. At the big clock near the park."


‘That wasn’t a date.’ He looks down at his sneakers, letting out a small, bitter laugh. ‘But then, what was it?’




“Honey, don’t take too long. If you want to get to beach early you’ll have to hurry up.”

“I know mom!” Taehyung shouts from his room. “I’m almost ready!” He says happily.

“Now…” He continues, with a lower tone, talking once again to himself. “What should I wear today?”



‘Hey, Jungkook…

What did you meant by saying those words?

I want to confirm.

Let’s have a proper talk.’




“Hello, Mark. What’s up?” He answers his phone. “Oh, fireworks display? Humm… Sure. Okay, see you there.”



‘Summer vacation is coming to an end.’




“You have gotten tanner.” A friend of Mark, Jinyoung, says.

“You too.” Mark quickly answers.

 “I got sun burns. They really hurt.” Jinyoung says pouting, making Mark laugh. “I’ve got to go. Talk to you later!”

“Bye!” Mark waves excitedly. “Taehyung.” He calls.

Taehyung, with his head peeking at a familiar classroom, looking for something or someone, quickly turns around.

“Let’s go.” Mark says with a smile.

“Okay.” He mumbles softly, starting to walk away, together with Mark.

“Huh? Jungkook transferred?” Someone nearby asked, a little incredulous. “Kim Jungkook?”

Taehyung stopped and turned around watching two boys talking close to a classroom door.

“I heard he moved during summer vacation.” Jackson, one of the two boys, explained.

“I didn’t hear anything about that.”

“Not even you?” Jackson asked his friend. “No one seems to know how to contact him.”

“You can’t be serious. Did something happen?” He sighs. “I wonder if anyone knows…”



‘Second semester, Kim Jungkook vanished.’




“See ya, Taehyung!” Mark exclaimed.

“See you tomorrow!” Taehyung said, turning around and starting to make his way home.

The sky was grey and the ground was filled with leaves with different colors. Yellow, orange, red, brown… It was quite beautiful but a little depressing.

Just like the weather suggested, soon it started to rain intensively.

“Geez!” Taehyung shouted.

He started running looking for cover. He passed a bus stop as well as a couple of stores. He continued running.

He only stopped when he got to a particular store. A chocolate store.

He made his way to the back and he stood there, once again, hoping for the rain to pass.

Back glued to the wall, trying his best not to get anymore wet, he glanced to his right.

Nothing. He sighed.

‘No way that he could be here.’ He thinks, looking up at the sky.


"It came down all of a sudden, didn’t it?"



“That’s not right. I’m going to say something witty next time.” He says smiling, something in eyes making them slightly burn. “When… When is the next time?” He notices his cheeks getting wet. “I want to see him now.”



‘Am I never going to see you? I like you. I like you, Kim Jungkook.

Mysterious, as though he is fumbling his way around. Still, I like him.

But… Not a single thing started. Nothing at all.

Jungkook. What kind of expression do you have right now?’


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dreamingsyi99 #1
I alreadyread the manga five times so i pretty much knew what going on lol so i gonna read this story when it already alot of lot chapter is that ok with u authornim? Since i a really busy person lol and so are you tho
huwat_tahuw #2
Chapter 4: i wonder whos touma mygoshhh
Pwincessusagi1 #3
Chapter 4: Wow. Ur writing is amazing. Ive never seen anything like it. Its really descrptive, but not too much, allowing imagination to roam wild. It is really captivating. I luv the plot a lot tho :)
Cant wait for the next chapter ^^
Fighting ♡
Hitlar #4
Chapter 4: itt so far
Chapter 3: i like ur story it's so sweet thanks
Chapter 2: Sooooo cute~ <333
afbahrah #7
Chapter 2: Awww they're cute :3
mobina #8
Chapter 1: Awwww my cute vkook^^