Chapter 3

Here Before Me

How hurting it was for Hoseok to love someone who did not love him back. Yet, he kept loving them, unconditionally, and waited patiently until one day, someone would wake up, open their eyes, and appreciate and love Hoseok the way he did to them. Yoongi never felt that kind of pain before. He never experienced the excruciating wounds of loving someone that way. Because his love was reciprocated by the one he loved. Because his love had found its way to his beloved one's heart. And his heart had never broken because of the pain, except for when Jimin left him that day. 

     If Yoongi could hear the sound of Hoseok's heart being broken into pieces, he wondered how loud it could be. But no. He could never hear it. It was not like when a glass fell down and crashed on the floor. It was not like when a rock smashed a window, shattering it all in a brief second. It was not like that and it would never be like that. When a heart is broken, there was nothing but silence. No one could hear it shatters. No one could hear it crashes. And no one would ever know that it has broken until the heart dies and he has become heartless. 

     Yoongi's brows creased with worries at the thought of Hoseok becoming heartless. He was worried at the thought of Hoseok losing his smile forever. He was worried at the thought of Hoseok would never be the Hoseok Yoongi had always known. 

     Looking at the text message Hoseok sent him this morning, Yoongi made up his decision. He swore to himself that he would be the one to pick up every fragment of Hoseok's broken heart, each one of them, and mend it back like how Hoseok had mended his four months ago.

     The door was pulled open, revealing the radiant Hoseok who stood behind it with a smile. Yoongi's lips automatically twitched upward at the sight of him and let the latter in before long. 

     “I got two tickets for us to watch a movie,” said Yoongi the moment he threw himself onto the couch. Hoseok was still looking around his house as if he had not been there before.

     “What movie?” Hoseok then diverted his eyes to Yoongi and sat down on a couch specifically made for one person to sit. 

     “Horror,” replied Yoongi, short and simple.

     Yet his answer gave Hoseok goosebumps, wide-eyed. “H-Horror?” 

     Yoongi hummed in response. 

     “But hyung… I…”

     “It's gonna be okay. They said the movie isn't that scary. You'll be fine. Don't worry.”

     Hoseok's brows creased with worries upon hearing Yoongi. It did not matter how scary the movie was. If the movie itself is a horror movie, it is scary then. At least, for Hoseok. There would be ghosts popping out of nowhere accompanied by the loud, annoying background music. And then there would be a scene when the protagonist was alone in the dark and the camera would move around the place in a slow motion, building up the tense and adding the suspense element much to Hoseok's dislike. 

     “You have to watch horror movie sometimes. It's essential,” Yoongi blurted, deadpanned.

     Hoseok wore his annoyed look. “Why?”

     Yoongi made a low, steady sound like a bee, thinking. “So that your life will be more colourful,” he answered nonchalantly.

     Hoseok was at lost for words for he did not quite grasp it, what Yoongi was trying to tell him. Nevertheless, he still did not like it when the movie they were going to watch later would be a horror movie. Such kind of movie was not Hoseok's cup of tea. He preferred melodrama kind of movie or comedy to horror. Hoseok did not fancy heart-attack surprises in such kind movies. His life was already colourful without it.

     “You'd come here before right?” Yoongi asked, breaking the silence which was about to sweep over them. He shot Hoseok a look and smiled slightly.

     Hoseok exchanged a look with him before he turned away, looking around the living room for the second time. Nothing had changed, though. The house looked exactly the same like when he first came here. Hoseok beamed and nodded. “Yes,” he replied. “Two years ago.”

     “You had a fever back then.” Yoongi began reminiscing the past, back to the days when Hoseok fell ill. He met the latter two years ago because of Namjoon and Jin. The moment he saw Hoseok, he knew he was going to like the boy for his broad smile and the positive vibe he carried around with him. It was awkward at first for the two of them to sit together in the clique since Yoongi was not a talkative person. Furthermore, he was not good in making new friends. But thanks to Hoseok's amiable personality, he could at least make himself talk to the other with ease.

     But Yoongi personally thought that they grew closer to each other when Hoseok had a fever that day. It was still vivid in his memory, though, the moment when he came to Hoseok's place to retrieve something and found out that the boy was lying weakly on his bed. His face was pale, his body temperature was pretty high, and he looked poor. Yoongi felt the urge to take Hoseok to the clinic and so he did. Yoongi even brought him to his house, let Hoseok stayed here for a few days and took care of him until Hoseok was fully recovered. 

     A smile spread across his face as Hoseok recalled of what he regarded as a memory he would never forget. Because that was how Yoongi made Hoseok fell for him until today. After a short moment of silence, Hoseok opened his mouth and said, “You took care of me and let me stay here until I was okay.”

     Upon hearing Hoseok, Yoongi fell silent for a while. He observed the smile that graced upon Hoseok's face and later on heaved a breath. Questions began to invade his mind and Yoongi felt somehow bad. Perhaps, that was how Hoseok started to develop feelings for him. Perhaps, that was why Hoseok fell for him without Yoongi realizing it. 

     “Strange,” he blurted out.

     Hoseok shot Yoongi a questioning look.

     “N-Nothing.” Yoongi hastily responded and smiled. “Well, um, don't you think that we should get out and have some fun somewhere?”

     “I…I don't know.”

     “I think we should. Let's go out. After all, we're going to the cinema, right?” And with that, Yoongi stood and headed to his room to get ready. “Just a minute. I want to change,” said Yoongi.

     Hoseok merely nodded in response. Before long, the door to his room shut close and Yoongi was out of Hoseok's sight. Heaving a breath, Hoseok then sat down on the couch. He wondered if Yoongi would be able to figure out his love and affection for him because it was hard. Loving someone and suppressing the strong feelings were hard. Hoseok did not know what did Yoongi think of him, yet he did not want to figure it out for he was feared of acknowledging the truth. The truth which would break his heart again. But Hoseok could not keep on living like this any longer. He could not bear the pain for too long. He had his limit.

     It was then Hoseok recalled his old conversation with Jin. The older one once told him to just tell Yoongi the truth. The truth about his feelings toward the latter. But Hoseok could not. Yoongi was still in pain of losing Jimin and confessing his love for him would only make thing worse. 

     “You have to Hoseok.” He recalled Jin saying that to him when he resisted in doing so. “Or else you'll regret it forever.”

     Hoseok sighed heavily and curled his slender fingers into a fist, his eyes were doleful and heavy, his lips pursed tightly. 

A familiar laughter filled the air, living up the atmosphere. Yoongi shot Hoseok a look, his smile widened when Hoseok cracked up and laughed hysterically at his jokes. He used to dislike hearing Hoseok's laugh because it was too loud and annoying when he first heard it. Yet without he realizing, his loud and annoying laughter now was the reason that made his cheekbones went up so high and his eyes curved into two little crescent moons.  

     The two men lounged around the mall, wasting their time by telling lame jokes to each other, talking about unnecessary things, laughing over it, and eating. There were still some time before the movie they wanted to watch began, so Yoongi bought them popcorns and drinks. But he halted right before the popcorn place by the time he thought of Hoseok. 

     Hoseok was a coward, Yoongi would say. And watching a horror movie with Hoseok while eating popcorn did not sound like a good idea. In the end, Yoongi turned around his heels, heading off to the cinema room where Hoseok was waiting for him. 

     “I thought you were buying popcorns,” blurted Hoseok when he spotted the other with his free hands.

     “Nah, I shouldn't buy popcorn when we're going to watch the horror movie. You know what will happen, don't you?”

     Hoseok grinned sheepishly upon hearing his reply. Sure enough, the latter could fathom the future if Yoongi ever bought them popcorns to be eaten during the movie. It would be a mess, though.

     Yoongi beamed and before long, they entered the cinema room.

     Indeed, Yoongi was right about Hoseok. For a moment, he was contented with his own decision not to buy any popcorn for them because right now Hoseok's scream rang through the air and his hands automatically grabbed Yoongi's arm. There was nothing on the screen, no ghost, not even dark. But still, Hoseok's brows were furrowed. He looked so tense and scared. 

     Instead of saying anything, Yoongi merely fell silent and shot Hoseok a look with his brows arched. Diverting his eyes to his arm, Yoongi noticed Hoseok's slender fingers gripping his arm muscle tightly and flashed a small smile. Jimin was like this too every time they watched a horror movie together. The younger one would grab his arm tightly whenever there was a ghost popping out of nowhere or when the background music was getting louder and scarier. The wistful smile on Yoongi's complexion then faded away, only to be replaced by a scowl. He heaved an inward sigh and afterward, held Hoseok's hand as he turned his head back to the screen.

     Hoseok felt Yoongi's warm fingers wrapped around his and soon, averted his eyes to shoot the other a look. Yoongi said nothing. Instead, he watched the movie in silence with full of composure. Hoseok looked down at the pale fingers that were holding his and smiled slightly.

     Hoseok swore that he could die of heart attack if he was to sit there for another two more hours. Gasping for the air, Hoseok personally thought he would faint in any minute from now if the movie did not end. Fortunately, the screen had gone black and the usual credit scene played, marking the end of the story. The boy had gone pale, though. Sweat had dampened his hair and his lung had expanded against his rib cage. Honestly, Hoseok really did not fancy the idea of watching a horror movie today. 

     On the other hand, Yoongi merely smiled at the coward one. The cinema room then turned bright with the lights on and people had started to stand up and leave. Noticing that they were the only two left, Yoongi tapped on Hoseok's back and said, “Let's go.”

     Upon hearing Yoongi, Hoseok let out an audible sigh. He still could not forget those hideous and gruesome faces of the ghosts in the movie. His legs went weak at the mere thought of it. 

     “Come on,” Yoongi said and took hold of Hoseok's hand. He prompted the latter to get up from his seat and so Hoseok did. Soon, they were walking out of the room, hand in hand, until they reached Yoongi's car.

     On the way back, Hoseok kept on complaining about the movie, about the ghosts, and the whole casts who he assumed as stupid for not running away from the ghosts and just stayed there instead. His never ending complaint got Yoongi laughing during the whole ride. In the end, he concluded that Hoseok was just too scared and ended up blurting things out about the movie.

     “You okay?” Yoongi asked as his car pulled up in front of Hoseok's house, dropping the latter off there. 

     “I think so,” answered Hoseok, unsure. His pupils dilated as he said that and later on, Hoseok heaved a breath. “Yeah. I'm okay.” A reassuring smile decked on his face before long.

     Yoongi merely raised his brows at the reply. “If you said so, okay.”

     “Though I hate the movie, thanks for today, hyung.” Hoseok paused for a short second and hesitated. “Well, I-I want to tell you something. I…”

     Yoongi gave a slight nod and waited for Hoseok's to say his next words.

     “I…” Hoseok tried to muster up his courage. He wanted to confess his love toward Yoongi before it was too late, yet the other two words seemed to be blocked by his mind. 


     “Nothing.” Frustrated with himself, Hoseok gave up on confessing his love toward Yoongi. He just beamed at the latter and sighed. Soon, Hoseok opened the car door and hopped out of the vehicle. He turned around his heels and shot Yoongi a look, waving his hand at him in a hesitant manner before the older one left. 

     Yoongi waved back and as his hand held the clutch, he paused. Yoongi knew Hoseok. He knew that Hoseok was lying to him and he knew that the boy was not okay at all. The night had approached and it was getting darker. Yoongi knew that Hoseok was afraid of the dark, particularly after he watched a horror movie with him. Hence, he sped away from Hoseok's house after they had exchanged their goodbyes and later on halted somewhere around the neighbourhood. 

     Yoongi glanced at the digital clock in his car. Hoseok likely would sleep around eleven since tomorrow was Monday and Monday meant another start of his rigid work routine. Being acquainted with Hoseok's lifestyle after spending three months in the latter's sacred place, Yoongi had already acknowledged all the little things about Hoseok. When would he go to bed, when would he usually wake up, when would he go to work, Yoongi knew it all. And he even knew where did Hoseok put the duplicate key to his house if he ever got locked out of it. Therefore, entering Hoseok's house would not be a hard job for Yoongi. 

     Inside the car, Yoongi sat there still, staring at nothing. The light from the lamppost where the only source of light he could find in this dark and quiet neighbourhood area. Instead of worrying about the monsters which might be lurking in the darkness, Yoongi let the silence swept over him as he contemplated on the situation he was in.
     Sometimes, Yoongi questioned himself if he could reciprocate the same feelings toward Hoseok. If someday he did love Hoseok, Yoongi wondered if the love kindled in his heart because of his sympathy for Hoseok, not because he truly and genuinely love him. He did not want to love Hoseok out of sympathy. He did not want Hoseok to feel bad. If he could, Yoongi wanted to love Hoseok the same way he loved Jimin. Yoongi wanted to return Hoseok's feelings the same way he returned Jimin's. Yoongi wanted to give Hoseok the same love he had given to Jimin all these years. Yet Yoongi wondered if he could ever do that to Hoseok.

     Yoongi heaved an inward sigh. During this kind of situation, the one he would turn to was Jin. Well, it was always Jin. It had always been Jin. Yoongi picked up his phone and was dialing the latter's number when he remembered Jin telling him not to call him at night because he was busy. Yoongi let out a mild grunt and threw his phone into the passenger seat next to his. Ever since Jin worked at the new company, he had been busy every night. Said that he got lots of paper works to be done, emergency meetings, and all that, Yoongi scarcely could find the proper time to ring the latter up. Only when Jin called him did Yoongi know that the latter was free at the moment.

     It had already passed eleven. Yoongi hopped out of his car and strode off to Hoseok's house. Craning his neck forward, Yoongi found the house dark. All the lights had been turned off, but one. Yoongi spotted the dim light coming from Hoseok's room and stood there still with his eyes fixated, gazing at the particular spot. 

     Yoongi crossed his arms on his chest. He knew Hoseok could not sleep. He knew Hoseok was afraid to be alone. After all, he was the only one living in the house. Before long, Yoongi slowly and carefully opened the small gate and walked into the front yard of the house. He then bent down to grab the duplicate key hidden somewhere inside the shoes rack and prudently unlocked the door so that he would not make any noise and alerted Hoseok. 

     The moment Yoongi entered the dark space, he seized his phone out of his pocket and the flashlight, lighting up his way to Hoseok's room which was at the front before he put the light out. In an instant, he found himself in the dark. A lot of things were going on his head, yet Yoongi lifted up his fist and before long, knocked his knuckles on the wooden door.

     “W-Who's there?” He heard Hoseok's voice from inside the room, stuttering a bit.

     Instead of answering, Yoongi twisted the knob and pushed the door open, revealing himself to Hoseok whose eyes widened at the sudden presence of him. “It's me,” said Yoongi, at last.

     “Y-Yoongi hyung? H-How—”

     “You're still awake,” retorted Yoongi, cutting off Hoseok from asking his question. 

     Hoseok fell silent for a short while and replied, “Well, I…I can't sleep.”

     Yoongi merely hummed in response. The dim light from the bedside lamp softened upon Hoseok's face, making the latter visible to Yoongi's sight. “I knew you're scared.”


     “I'll sleep with you tonight.” And with that, Yoongi advanced toward Hoseok and took up the empty space on the bed which was right beside the latter. He then pulled the duvet up, covering half of his body. 

     “Hyung, what are you doing?” Hoseok asked in astonishment.

     Yoongi diverted his eyes to the puzzled Hoseok. “Why? Never share a bed with a guy before?”

     “Not that I haven't—”

     “So, what's the problem?”

     “Nothing,” he replied almost immediately as he locked his eyes with Yoongi's. Hoseok fell silent and merely watched Yoongi as he lied down on the bed, next to the nervous Hoseok. 

     “Turn off the light,” said Yoongi, pulling the duvet up to his chest. “You won't need it anymore since I'm here.”

     And so Hoseok did. In a split second, the entire room went pitch black. The only well-lighted spot was the window where the moonlight filtered through the curtains and then fell on the floor. Hoseok lied down on the bed, right next to Yoongi. Tongue-tied and dumbfounded, Hoseok did not even dare to steal a glance at Yoongi for fear if the latter would hear the sound of his heart beating rapidly. Therefore, he turned to the right, facing the wardrobe and tried to calm himself down.

     Yoongi, on the other hand, noticed Hoseok turning away and giving him his back. Yoongi reached out his hand to touch Hoseok's shoulder but halted shortly. Pulling his hand back to his chest, Yoongi merely stared at Hoseok. “Is there anything that you wanted to tell me, Hoseok?” he blurted out, breaking the silence.

     Hoseok flinched slightly at the sudden question and “What?” was the only thing that he could utter at the time.

     “You wanna say something to me before you got out of the car, am I right?”

     Upon hearing Yoongi, Hoseok remained silent and tightened his grip on the duvet. 

     “I knew it. I knew it, Hoseok. I knew what you're going to say to me.”

     Hoseok widened his eyes at Yoongi's words. “Y-You…did?” he said in a low mutter.

     “Yes. I knew everything. Every secret you are hiding from me.”

     Hoseok's pupils dilated in worries. What was it that Yoongi knew? Did he know about his feelings toward him already? Did he know that he was going to confess his love before he hopped out of the car? His anxiety grew severe when Yoongi said that. Clutching his duvet even tighter, Hoseok took a deep breath, calming himself down and getting ready to accept the rejection. 

     “Hoseok,” Yoongi said after a short pause. “Why you don't say it?”

     Hoseok's brows furrowed as he listened to every word that fell out of Yoongi's mouth in silence. His hands clutched the duvet in nervousness. 

     “Why you don't say it, Hoseok? Those three words. Why did you keep quiet? Why did you hide everything…beneath your smile? Why must you lie to yourself, to your heart, to me?”

     Silence ensued after Yoongi's last word for Hoseok said nothing in response. Entirely speechless, Hoseok froze on his spot. Yoongi knew it. He had known his true feelings for him already. Yet there was nothing Hoseok could do even if Yoongi knew that he loved him. His eyes went heavy, a poignant look on his face. Hoseok sighed and after a moment of silence, he opened his mouth to reply Yoongi. 

     “Why? Well, because you loves Jimin. Because you can never forget Jimin. Because you can never move on from Jimin. Because no one can ever replace Jimin. And because I am not Jimin. I am Hoseok. Just Hoseok. And Hoseok can never be Jimin. Not even if Hoseok tries for hundreds of years. Hoseok can never be Jimin, the one you love forever.”


     “I just want you to be happy. If I confess to you, I'm scared that I would ruin your happiness.”


     “You deserve to be happy. After all of these things you have gone through.”

     Yoongi heaved a breath. “No,” Yoongi replies firmly. “You deserve to be happy more than me, Hoseok. After all of these s you've gone through.”

     His reply got Hoseok speechless once again.

     “Hoseok, I don't know anything about you. I thought I knew you, but apparently, I only knew the idea of you. Because of your smile, your laughter, your bright personality. I didn't know that they were all a lie. To someone blind and deaf like me. You were hiding it all, Hoseok. Everything. And you made me forgot that you can also love and get hurt.”

     Tears began to well up in Hoseok's eyes. He had no idea why he was being a crybaby now. He had no idea why he was tearing up at Yoongi's words. Pursing his lips tightly, Hoseok frowned as he deterred himself from making any sound that could be heard by the other.

     “You stand before me with your brightest smile, when your eyes and your heart spoke of love words toward me. But I was blind, too blind to even notice the stars in your eyes. And I was deaf, too deaf to even hear the serenade of your heart. You are always beside me, but I never noticed all that. And I never…noticed you.”

     A fine drizzle sprayed from the sky before long and the soft rhythm of the cold droplets hitting the roof filled in the silence. 

     “Hoseok, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything.” And with that, Yoongi gently placed his hand on Hoseok's arm. He was hoping that Hoseok would turn and look at him in the eyes because he wanted to ensure that Hoseok was fine. He wanted to ensure that Hoseok was alright. But Hoseok didn't. The latter merely remained silent in his position, no words had been spoken. Disappointed, Yoongi heaved a sigh and after swallowing the lump in his throat, Yoongi muttered, “Goodnight, Hoseok.”

     The moment Yoongi placed his hand on his arm, Hoseok closed his eyes tightly. Tears had already streamed down, wetting his pillow. Now his heart ached and Hoseok could do nothing about it but cry. Though he had predicted this kind of situation, though he had fathomed out what Yoongi was going to say, his heart still ached by the time Yoongi said sorry to him. Hoseok pulled the duvet up to his face and covered his whole body with it. Along with the drizzle, Hoseok cried quietly in the dark.

The sound of the alarm woke Hoseok up. Monday had arrived and it only meant one thing. Work. Hoseok shut his puffy eyes open and looked to the other side of the bed. He remembered Yoongi sleeping there last night and he remembered every single thing that happened as well which had resulted in his puffy eyes. Yoongi was not there anymore and Hoseok sighed heavily. 

     He stood up, staggering on his feet, and went to wash his face in the bathroom. Walking out of the room, Hoseok then smelled something from the kitchen. The aroma that wafted through the air drew Hoseok in and before long, he found himself at the dining table. And Yoongi was there as well. 

     The older one was brewing some coffee and as he was about to bring the teapot over to the table, he paused when he saw Hoseok. A genuine smile graced his features and Yoongi greeted the other. “Good morning.”

     Tongue-tied and dumbfounded, Hoseok was at lost for words. 

     “I…um, made you breakfast. I don't know if it tastes good or not, but at least it's edible to eat,” Yoongi said, grinning.

     Hoseok twitched the corner of his lips upward and approached the dining table. Yoongi cooked him fried rice. The colour was kind of pale and there were not many ingredients in it. Yet Hoseok was more than contented to be able to eat it. Yoongi took a seat across Hoseok and smiled slightly as he handed the other a cup of coffee. 

     Sweet. The coffee was sweet, just like Yoongi's smile. After a short while, Hoseok had a spoonful of the fried rice Yoongi made and raised his brows. “It's good,” he commented. 

     “It is?” Yoongi shot him a look of disbelief. Soon, he had a spoonful of his own fried rice and thought to himself, ‘Not bad.’

     “Thanks for the breakfast, hyung,” Hoseok said and continued to eat. 

     Silence swept over the two of them for none had spoken and Yoongi found the situation awkward after what had happened last night. Stealing a glance at Hoseok, Yoongi noticed his red, puffy eyes and little did he know, the boy cried last night quietly. Yoongi put down his spoon, shot a look at Hoseok, and reached out his hand to hold Hoseok's.

     Hoseok halted when Yoongi's warm skin came in contact with his. He diverted his eyes to the latter, wide-eyed. 

     “Hoseok,” Yoongi began. “I want to hear it from you yourself.”

     “H-Hear what?” Hoseok asked, baffled.

     “Say it, Hoseok. Those three words you've been trying to say to me. I want to hear it.”

     Hoseok's eyes went even wider. What did it mean when Yoongi said that? What did it mean when Yoongi asked him to say those three words to him? Hoseok tried to figure it out but to no avail. He felt the squeeze on his hand and Yoongi was looking at him straight into his eyes. “I…”

     Yoongi arched his brows, anticipating for the rest two words.

     “I…I l-love…you.”

     And with that, Yoongi's expression went subtle.

     “I love you, hyung,” Hoseok reiterated, this time in a low mutter.

     Yoongi curved his lips into a smile. Yet he still did not let go of Hoseok's hand. “Thank you, Hoseok,” he replied suavely.

     But Hoseok did not seem happy. He looked away instead, planting his gaze to the plate.

     Noticing the change in Hoseok's expression, Yoongi squeezed his hand gently and said, “Hoseok, if you ever think that I am going to reject you, please, don't.”

     Hoseok immediately lifted his head up and shot Yoongi a look full of hope.

     “But it's not a yes either. I…still don't have an answer for that yet.”

     Upon hearing him, Hoseok wore his lopsided smile. How stupid he was, thought Hoseok, for thinking that Yoongi would accept his love that easily.

     “But Hoseok, please remember, that if we are not meant to be together, I would always be here for you. And when your heart broke, I would be there to pick up every single one of them. No matter how sharp the edges are. Okay?”

     Hoseok merely nodded and exchanged a brief look with Yoongi before he turned away. “Thank you,” he said after a moment of silence. 

     Yoongi let go of Hoseok's hand afterward and smiled. 

     It was then Hoseok's phone rang, indicating an incoming call from someone. Hoseok halted and rushed to his room to answer the call. Yoongi looked on blankly. He could not clearly hear Hoseok's voice nor the detail of the conversation since it happened in the room. Therefore, Yoongi just shrugged it off and merely hoped for good things. 

     Hoseok placed his phone on the bedside table soon as the call ended and sat down on the bed, pondering. Pulling the drawer and retrieving the white envelope, Hoseok peered onto it and questioned himself if he should let it go for once and for all, this time. But Yoongi's warm hand and words had tugged at his heart and it felt like a new wave of hopefulness had washed over him. He saw the light through Yoongi's smile and eyes and Hoseok simply could not leave it all behind. An audible sigh escaped from Hoseok's lips before long.

     Yoongi stood at the doorstep, exchanging a look with Hoseok. Everything felt lighter now. Everything seemed brighter today. Though Yoongi was still in doubt with his feelings toward Hoseok and the love confession from the other, Yoongi meant every word that fell out of his mouth previously. 

     “You look troubled. Are you okay?” Yoongi asked the moment he noticed Hoseok's expression. It was not the usual expression Yoongi used to witness. Hoseok looked anxious and kind of confused.

     “I'm okay,” Hoseok quickly replied and beamed. “Thanks for the breakfast again, hyung.”

     Yoongi reciprocated the smile. “I'm glad it didn't taste like a , though.”

     Hoseok giggled at Yoongi's response. After a while, he shot Yoongi a look, mustered up his courage, and asked, “Hyung, can I hug you..once?”

     “Hug me?” Yoongi tilted his head slightly to the side, quite surprised with Hoseok's sudden request. Nevertheless, he smiled and said, “Sure.” And with that, Yoongi spread his arms wide, inviting Hoseok for a hug. 

     Hoseok advanced toward Yoongi in a hesitant manner and threw his arms around Yoongi, taking the older one into his embrace. Though he was not sure of his decision to leave, Hoseok thought it would be best for both of them. After all, he wanted to start anew and accepted the fact that his relationship with Yoongi would just stay friends and only friends. 

     “It's been so long since I felt this kind of sensation,” Hoseok blurted in a low mutter.

     “What? Being hugged?” Yoongi asked.

     “Being loved. Though we're just friends.”

     Yoongi fell silent for a brief second upon hearing Hoseok's reply. 

     Hoseok broke the hug later on and smiled.

     “Hoseok” was what Yoongi could utter at the moment.

     They exchanged a look with each other for what felt like an eternity. Hoseok took a step back, his wistful smile was still plastered across his face. It felt heavy, somehow, for Yoongi to move from his spot. Something in Hoseok's eyes was telling him that he might not able to see Hoseok again after this. Yoongi shrugged the negative thought off of his head and urged a smile on his face. Slowly and reluctantly, he turned around and walked away from Hoseok.

     Yoongi closed the small gate as he walked out of the front yard of Hoseok's place. He noticed Hoseok waving his hand slightly at him. Yoongi heaved an inward sigh before he waved back and left. 

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Chapter 4: This is beautifully written. :)
Chapter 4: Awesome but they should have kissed i was waiting for like a peck on the cheek or lips. Anyway good job!!!
Chapter 4: aww this was really nice i loved it!!!!
Chapter 4: I dont usually read yoonginand hoseok fic but this one is good.. Really.. I love it.. I hope that you could make a new story, an epilogue for both of them