And he left, just like that.

Prince... Charming?


[Donghae POV]

The club was everything I hoped for it to be. Loud music pounding, bright lights throwing shadows in random places, the atmosphere heavy with the sweat, the place smelling of perfume, cologne, sweat and alcohol. The perfect place to get away from the reality of life. I made my way to the dance floor, dragging Kibum with me, and we started dancing.


“Ah, Hae, I'm gonna get some drinks. Want one?”


“You tired already?” I teased, “And sure, get me something. Thanks.”


And he left me on the dance floor, still dancing. I must admit that I felt a little awkward dancing alone, but it was heaps better than cleaning at home.


I kept on dancing, noticing the looks I got from the nearby girls and I couldn't help my confidence boost sky high! I mean, what made Yesung and Ryeowook so much more handsome than me?! I'm pretty good looking!


I was wrapped in my thoughts, mindlessly dancing, when someone bumped into me. At first I thought it was Kibum, but on closer inspection, it was actually a reeaaally good looking guy! Nearly as good looking as me!


“Uh, mianhae.”


“Oh. No worries, bro.”


And he left, just like that.


Hello my sunshines!

So, can anyone guess who it was that bumped into Hae? 

I'm sure you caaaan~ ^^

Comment, subscribe, enjoy! ^_^


- LoveYouGee <3

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kaimatsuda #1
Chapter 41: Unghhhhhhh nooooooo I canttttt waiiiiiiittt no moaaaarrrrr work hawrd awutha number *ryeory mode*
hasti137308 #2
Chapter 6: ya donghae is like cinderella in story korean suju version
SHINeeIceCreamNinjaa #3
okay ill be nice and stop here :3
SHINeeIceCreamNinjaa #4
SHINeeIceCreamNinjaa #5
SHINeeIceCreamNinjaa #6
@ShawolCassieELF: that's right! and now the drama unfolds XD hahaha
morninginmarch #8
And the bad part of Cinderella begins... Ahahaha has you dropped the bacon! Tut tut ...
it's good that you updated....i was bored waiting for my other subscribed story to be made my day brighter~continue...i want to see eunhae in action <3
lol onew and chicken :D
oooh a party