love Again

Love Again

the clock striked 1:05pm but still I kept on staring out of the window.the fresh air was just so perfect to smooth down the eagerness inside of me.yes,I was eager to meet him after two months of departure.

at 1:30pm finally my eyes were heavy.I closed the window and went to sleep(ring ring ring)my alarm clock rang at 5'0 clock I woke up as soon as I realized finally_finally iåm meeting him after 2 moving my feet and arms I opened the closet chosen a one piece of baby pink colored and fixed my hair.I was satisfied with my dress up so I slipped my leg on boots and took my sidebag and ran out of door ignoring my mom screams.

I was on the bus but I felt something strange.I felt as the boy  sitting right next to my row was someone I knew.he had wore a cap so I couldn't see his face but it doesn't matter if I know him or not coz he is non of my business.the bus came to an halt ofcourse,the destination jas been reached.the boy also walked out of bus so,his destination is same as mine I dunno why but I gave a shy I standed up from my sit many thoughts ran how much I have got left to talk with much he mutual have happy we will be finally see......"ahhhh~" I let a scream as while roaming in thoughts I slipped near to fall but was safe as someone grabbed me and pulled me near him.I was saved totally fine but my heart still raced fast why?was it coz I was near to fall or because of the boy.we were too close to each other.I slowly lifted my head up;his haND was still on my hip.I saw the boy from the bus I had weird feelings about him"I have seen u somewhere"I wishpered but a reply came to fast"huh" WHT the he heard heart was beating more faster.he gave a smile;did he heard my heart beat not ofcourse.the moments I snapped out of thoughts I realized he has let go off his hands from my hip.I tried to look at him the second time but he lowered his head and went away

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