Chapter 03

Daily Lives of College Boys

“Okay, here are the rules. All phones need to go in this basket. First person to grab his phone has to pay for everyone’s dinner.” Jinhoo said as he placed a basket in the middle of the table.

The ten college students had agreed to study together in one of the study halls in their dorm building. Exams were coming up in just three weeks and everyone was so busy preparing for the musical that they almost forgot about exams.

But of course, Jinhoo didn’t forget.

“But I need my phone as a calculator!” Xiao complained as he waved his phone around. Hwanhee quickly grabbed the other freshman’s phone and tossed it into the basket.

“I have an extra calculator you can borrow.” Wooshin handed Xiao his extra calculator and opened up his History textbook. He and the other juniors were going to focus on studying for their History class since the coverage of the exam was so broad.

“Gyujin hyung, can you help us with Biology? I can never understand Professor Heo’s lessons. He’s always mumbling.” Hwanhee asked as he brought his seat closer to the sophomore’s. Xiao also moved his seat to be on Gyujin’s other side.

“Okay, just tell me if anything doesn’t make any sense.”

Jinhoo smiled at the sight of the freshmen studying with Gyujin. It was an advantage for Hwanhee and Xiao to have friends that were upperclassmen because they would be able to have help with all of their subjects.

“Are we going to study for English?” Kuhn asked Jinhoo, who nodded in reply.

“Yeah, I remember how horribly you did last time on the English exams so I think we should focus on that.”

“It’s only because I couldn’t concentrate! That class never had a working air conditioner so I was always sweating. I didn’t attend half the time because I hated how hot it was.”

The group of friends quieted down as they studied. Even though they still had three weeks before their exams, they wanted to start studying early.

Sunyoul and Changhyun were already starting to feel exhausted due to the musical. Gyujin had already finished his sketches for the background and was in the process of building the set with Kuhn. They worked nearly every night to put everything together and it still wasn’t complete.

Wooshin had finished the costume design for all of the characters, but making the costumes took a very long time. He had help from Hwanhee, Xiao, and a few other students in the Fashion Modeling department, but he was nowhere close to being finished.

In short, studying for exams was a much needed break from preparing for the musical.

“So, if this guy was the King of the United Kingdom, why did his brother take over?” Changhyun said as he stared at his textbook. He wasn’t quite sure why he was forced to study European History.

“He was king for almost a year before his abdication.” Sunyoul replied as he highlighted a certain part of his notes.

“His what? Abduction? He was kidnapped?” Wei said and he scanned his textbook, trying to find the answer.

“No, Sunyoul said abdication, not abduction. Abdication means that he was relinquished of his authority. Like when a president is impeached or asked to step down.” Kogyeol said as he showed Wei his notes. Wei read through the notes and let out a loud groan.

“I hate this. I always hate exams.” Wooshin mumbled as he kept staring blankly at his textbook. He had read about ten pages and his brain was suddenly not cooperating.

“You do pretty well at your exams though.” Changhyun said as he poked Wooshin’s cheek.

“That’s because he stays up all night before his exams and studies. All night! He never sleeps during exams.” Wei said. Sunyoul sighed and pointed his pen towards Wooshin.

“I told you to stop doing that! It’s no wonder you go into hibernation after exams. But you should really stop doing that. It’s bad for you.” Sunyoul said.

“It gets the job done though! I’ve managed to pass all of my classes because I do these al-nighters.” Wooshin just smiled and returned his attention to his textbook.

“Don’t do that next year though. You’ll need your sleep when you’re a senior. Think of all the volunteering you’ll have to do. Also, you’ll have your thesis next year.” Jinhoo said from across the table. All of the juniors let out a loud groan at the thought of having to do their thesis.

“Hyung, what’s a thesis?” Xiao asked as he peeked up from his Biology textbook.

“You’ll have to complete a thesis when you’re a senior in order to graduate. Jinhoo and I are going to start ours after the musical.” Kuhn replied.

“It sounds scary.” Hwanhee said as he closed his textbook. His eyes needed a break.

“It is scary. I’m worried I might not do a good job.” Jinhoo chuckled nervously before glancing at his watch.

“We’ve been studying for almost two hours now. Do you guys want to stop for now? We can study tomorrow for a couple of hours as well.” Jinhoo continued on as he also closed his notebook.

“Sounds like a good idea. Sunyoul and I have to go to practice for the musical later.” Changhyun said as he reached into the basket to grab his phone.

“Let’s see who has the most missed calls and texts.” Kuhn chuckled and grabbed his phone as well, turning on the screen.

Everyone reached into the basket as well, grabbing their phones to see who has had the most missed calls and texts.

“I have three missed texts and one missed call. All from my mother.” Kogyeol sighed and started to reply to all of his mother’s messages.

“I have two missed texts from my younger sister and one call from a freshman I’m tutoring.” Jinhoo quickly read through his messages and texted the freshman.

“I have a missed call from Professor Kang. It must be about the musical.” Sunyoul said.

“Professor Kang called me too! It really must be about musical.” Changhyun said as he started to pack up all his stuff.

“No one called or texted me.” Gyujin said, causing everyone to laugh. Gyujin didn’t have that many friends besides them. He chose to keep his circle small because he didn’t want to stand out too much.

“Hwan-ah, your younger sister called me. Did she try to call you?” Xiao said as he looked through his phone.

“She called me… seven times. She’s so attached to me.” Hwanhee sighed and texted his sister.

“I had no missed called or texts either.” Wooshin said. Everyone that he talked to was sitting right at the table.

“My cousin texted me. Oh! He got a new car. That’s cool.” Kuhn quickly replied to the text any everyone’s attention was now on Wei.

  1. got three missed calls from my partner for a Game Design project and five missed texts- Oh no! The deadline for the project is tonight and I forgot! I’ll see you guys later!” Wei hastily threw everything into his backpack and ran off in the direction of the computer lab. His friends laughed as they watched him run off.

“Where are we going to eat dinner tonight, Xiao? It’s your turn to choose.” Hwanhee said as he put his stuff back into his backpack to leave.

“Are you guys going out for dinner?” Gyujin said as he stood up from his seat.

“Yeah! Wanna come with us, hyung?” Xiao wrapped his arms around Gyujin and hugged the sophomore tightly before getting pushed away.

“Sure. You guys better not leave me to pay the bill this time though.”

The last time Gyujin had agreed to eat with Hwanhee and Xiao, the two said they needed to use the restroom. After ten minutes, they hadn’t returned so Gyujin checked the restroom and found it empty. The two freshmen had left Gyujin to pay for the entire bill.

“We won’t! I promise.” Hwanhee smiled and Gyujin just flicked his forehead in response.

“Mind if I tag along? I’m hungry.” Jinhoo asked as he placed his arm on Hwanhee’s shoulders.

“If Jinhoo hyung is going, so am I.” Wooshin said, also joining the group.

“Okay, that’s half of us. Are you guys coming too?” Gyujin asked as he looked over at the other juniors and Kuhn.

“Changhyun and I can’t go. We have practice.” Sunyoul pouted slightly and Changhyun nodded as well.

“I’m going to have the pass. I skipped my workout this morning and I need to make up for that.” Kuhn smiled and patted Gyujin’s head before heading over to the direction of the gym.

“My mother was texting me because she wants to meet up with my tonight. I’ll eat with you guys next time.” Kogyeol smiled apologetically and waved his hand as he walked back to his dorm room.

“Where are we going to eat?” Xiao asked as he climbed onto Gyujin’s back, forcing the sophomore to carry him. Gyujin didn’t really mind because Xiao reminded him of his younger brothers and he was used to treatment like this.

“Anywhere with meat. Meat. Meat!” Hwanhee chanted loudly. Wooshin quickly covered the freshman’s mouth to keep him from yelling.

“Let’s just head to the usual place.” Jinhoo decided and everyone agreed.

“Okay, last one there has to pay!” Xiao jumped off of Gyujin’s back and ran off in the direction of the restaurant where they usually ate. Jinhoo sighed and ran after him, determined not to be the last one there. Gyujin and Wooshin quickly followed after the senior, leaving Hwanhee to process what Xiao had actually said.

“I couldn’t hear what Xiao said! That’s not fair! Wait for me!”

Exams are always a pain. But dealing with a thesis is even worse!

YeojaUiMongsang! I’ll be sure to include your request in the story. A trip will be included after their exams and the musical. Thanks for your request! I really like it.

Please forgive any spelling or grammar mistakes! And thank you to the people that subscribe and comment! You make my day! J

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Fatin96 #1
Chapter 4: please please update :)
cardcaptorluna #2
The identification cards are really cute! c:
lovelyhana #3
I love it. Please make more
Chapter 2: Oh wow, really! Yo, I was just like doing it for fun and didn't really think I would of gotten them all right, but, awesome! The problem with this though is that when I do get stuff like this right, I never know or like prepare myself for the prize lol. Just gonna request something simple here (at least I hope it's simple) I would love to see the boys like go on some type of extravagant trip. Maybe like a little road trip or vacation trip to like a beach or something during a school break, is that alright? I don't really mind what type of trip or to where, I'd just think it be nice and cool to read about some type of trip with all of them.

Anyway, continuing to enjoy the story here, and it's even giving me some inspirational vibes for school related fics too! I just like the flow of everything, where it's like, just a group of these guys who are all friends and their daily lives through college. It's really nice to read fics like this, and I always feel happy when I found one because I tend to like them a lot. Also, I like how all of them just so happened to come together to work on this musical, what a coincidence.
Chapter 1: Ooh, I'll admit, I was already kinda finding this story interesting when I first checked it out the other day. I haven't read much U10 in a while but everytime I come to find a story to read, none really catch my attention, and there's also the fact that there's not many stories about them which (want to help work on that). I saw this with it's description and character profiles on the boys and thought that I just might have stumbled upon a good one here, and that feeling has grown stronger after reading this first chapter. So, I'm looking forward to more in the future, because this seems pretty promising.

Anyway, about the dialogue at the end, it was really tough and I had lots of difficulty trying to distinguish who might be saying what, because I feel like multiple peeps could have been saying a similar thing, but one person could of stood out more and all that. This is the best that I've come up with. Some I feel certain about while others, I don't even really know, but oh well (in order of each thing said): Bitto, Kogyeol, Hwanhee, Xiao, Wooshin, Wei, Kuhn, Jinhoo, and then Sunyoul. If I atleast got some right, I'd be content with just that lol.
Chapter 1: Nope. No clue. ;-;

And don't worry. All Up10tion members are quite a bit younger than me as well. ^_^;;
Chapter 1: Love it! I am going to guess Kuhn said the last part.
Can't wait for this! I love up10tion and love your stories!