Jieun Kim
kalon / slot one
Name / jieun kim
age / 22
quote / "there was a whole magnificent world burning brightly behind her shy.
benevolent Timid gentle
DOB / May 28th 1995
NATIONALITY / Korean-American
SIBLING(S) / Older brother
LANGUAGE(S) / Korean & English
LOVE INTEREST / Byun Baekhyun (EXO)
SHORT BLURB / Jieun is love wrapped up tightly in two hands. She is everything that is sweet, though, at the same time, everything that is god-foresakingly deadly. The female has spent her life battling her inner desires of what she should be and what her parents wanted her to, growing up in a world where she was to be the proper little girl that everyone adored. Pressure and useless facts in textbooks were all that Jieun knew, all that she continued to know as she grew older and fell into a life of living up to her parent's expectations. Being scouted by MXI was everything her father and mother didn't want, and actually auditioning and getting in was something beyond what they thought was ever possible. The girl who had been confined her entire life was finally doing something she wanted to, but little did she know what twisted life awaited her on the other side.
PERSONALITY / Sweet, soft-spoken and gentle. Jieun is someone who it will take a bit to break through her walls, but in the end it will be oh so worth it. She will always be there for you when you're feeling down, or when you need help with anything. She always tries her best to cheer you up, and will always be available with hugs and candy if you need it. She's one that people come to if they need to rant or just a cuddle, because Jieun is always ready to provide them. She loves to laugh and joke around, but that side of her is usually only shown if the two of you are close. Otherwise, Jieun tends to be very reserved and kept to herself. She's very timid and quiet, oftentimes choosing to be alone then with a large group of people. On stage, she's very charasmatic and almost angelic - easily capturing your heart and keeping it with her. 
Jieun Kim, 22. Born in San Francisco, California. Moved to Gangnam, South Korea at age fourteen.
Growing up in a home where you're pressured to follow in your parent's footsteps can take a toll on you - Jieun, unfortunately, being one of these people. Her parents, both being successful doctors, have worked hard all their lives to get to where they are. They force this ideologoy onto their only daughter, and began doing this for as long as she could remember. There was never the love that so many others had gotten from their parents - instead there was cruelty, harsh words and never ending pressure. She had to be successful, because she couldn't be a disappointment. 
Burying herself into her school work and extra curricular activites, Jieun never really had the time for anything else. It was always school, tutoring, lessons and straight home. She was the perfect poster child for parent's everywhere - sweet, kept to herself and was always respectful. It didn't really help that the female was miserable, though, and she was slowly drowning in her self loathing. Come 2014, and a nineteen year old Jieun is returning home from another lesson when she is scouted. A man approaches her with a business card and a sweet smile, telling her that she should audition and that he has a good feeling about her. She's apprehensive and nervous, because she needs to be back to her dorm soon and this man is messing with her perfectly created schedule. But she listens, and she tells him okay. She doesn't mean to, but she does anyway.
Jieun, behind her parents back, auditons for MXI ENT. She doubts that she's going to get in, and returns back to her daily life. Something changes though, and she can feel it. This was the first thing that she's ever done that rebelled against her parents. It really shouldn't, but Jieun thinks that it feels amazing - no matter how small it was.
Time passes, and eventually she forgets about the audition as a whole. She's back to her normal routine as a university student, and the entire ordeal doesn't really faze her anymore. Fast forward two weeks, though, and Jieun receives a call from an unknown number.
The company tells her that she made it past the first round of auditons, and that they would like to see her again to discuss her future with MXI if she decides that she's still interested. Jieun knows that she should've said no, but something in her loved the idea of actually doing something that she wanted. She loved auditioning and the feeling it gave her, so she agrees and sets up an appointment. Her heart is racing, but she feels more alive with the one phone call than she has in years.
Trainee life
Training was hard, to put it in the slightest. Once her parents found out that she had been going behind their backs with auditioning and then actually becoming a trainee, they had pretty much lost it entirely. Of course, that didn't mean Jieun had stopped - she had already signed a contract, and she wasn't going to not do it either way. Despite how hard it was to juggle both her uni work and her training, she didn't really care. This was the one thing holding her back from actually losing it - she enjoyed the hard work, because she liked what she was doing. If this was the one thing she could actually have a choice in doing, it was the one thing she wasn't going to let go.

She trained for almost three years, and worked harder as each day went by. Finally reaching her debut was something that Jieun would never have thought was possible, but somehow, it was.
ideal type
Jieun has little to no experience when it comes to the foreign land of relationships and boys as a whole. She never really had time for guys in the first place, hence why she could count the number of males that she has been in a relationship with on one hand.
Despite all that, her having no experience doesn't stop her from having little fantasies about having a boyfriend and what her ideal type would be like. The female is drawn to cute boys - boys with puppy-like features and soft voices. She adores fluffy hair and a cute button-like nose. Soft looking lips are high on her list too - ones that she can kiss repeatably and fawn over.
Jieun wants someone that is willing to take it slow and can respect that they won't have within the first months that they meet. Trust is something big for her, so she will need to be in love and trust them with her heart for them to take it to that level. She doesn't really mind age, though she is a bit apprehensive when it comes to them being younger. All in all, she honestly just wants a big cuddle bug that she can shower in affection and love.
/ trxsh /
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Chapter 2: I've applied and here it is. Hwang Haneul.
Chapter 5: thank you very much for the extension. been busy with school but i'm working on the application tonight and will finish it as soon as possible. ^-^