Conclusion Part 1: The Proof is in the Security Footage

Unwanted Attention

Namjoon walked in the dorm, a couple CDs clutched in his hand. It had been a little tricky to get the security footage from inside their dance practice room, but thankfully Namjoon had a way with words and a good reputation that meant no one really questioned it when he requested them for analyzing dance footage.

His heart was pounding as he stood on the doorstep to their apartment though, and he wasn’t sure it had ever really stopped since the call from Jimin. The hushed voice telling just enough so he’d know what to do before hanging up with a muffled apology for being so brief and a promise to explain more later. Except now it was later and Namjoon wasn’t sure he even wanted to know. The thought of anyone hurting their maknae made him sick to his stomach and fueled with rage at the same time, the last thing he wanted was for Kook to misinterpret any of that towards himself when really Namjoon was one step away from chasing down whoever had done this and making sure they suffered. Funny thing was, Namjoon had never really considered himself a violent person.

With a deep breath he pushed the door open, he wasn’t sure what he expected to see when he opened the door; maybe crying, screaming, or fighting, but instead it was quiet. Taking a few steps in, he shut the door behind him and made his way to the couch where Jin, Jimin, and Yoongi were gently talking to each other above a sleeping Jungkook.

They quickly turned to stare at him as he approached the trio, “Did you get it?” Jimin asked, a hint of nervousness tinged in his voice; not that Namjoon could blame him, if what Jungkook had told Jimin was true-if what any of them had thought was going on was true-these videotapes were going to be hard to get through.

“Yeah, I got the footage from 6 months ago to now, but I figured we’d start with the more recent ones because that’s probably when things umm..progressed past what was already happening.” Namjoon whispered, a careful eye on Jungkook’s features to ensure he hadn’t disturbed the sleeping boy.

“Good, we should probably watch it while he’s asleep.” Jimin told him, but when he tried to gently remove himself from Jungkook’s hold, the maknae just grasped his shirt tighter and his face scrunched. Jimin gave the others a desperate look for help, but they all pointedly avoided his looks and Jin eased Jungkook’s legs off his lap with more success.

“Jimin why don’t you just stay here with Kook-ah for a bit while we start the videos, I don’t think we should leave him alone right now.” Jin told the dancer, and as he saw the protest on the tip of Jimin’s tongue he cut him off. “Besides, you’ve gone through enough for right now, take a break, the videos aren’t going anywhere.”

Jimin pouts a little but settles back into the worn couch, a hand running through Jungkook’s hair as the boy settles back in. The rest of them walk out of the living room and towards Namjoon and Jungkook’s shared bedroom to watch the videos on the leader’s laptop. Once they’re in the hallway, Namjoon suddenly notices the distinct lack of their resident sunshine kids, Taehyung and Hoseok. He turns to look at Yoongi, “What happened to Tae and Hoseok-hyung? Didn’t they come back with you?”

Yoongi looked uncomfortable for a moment, but spoke anyway, “It turns out that Taehyung knew a lot more about what was going on than he was telling us. He found Jungkook on the edge of the roof one night and though obviously everything turned out okay, Jungkook-ah apparently told Tae that he was already seeing someone for help and that Bang PD-nim already knew, and that Tae shouldn’t tell us because he didn’t want the others-us-to worry, not like we weren’t already.”

Namjoon was upset, first at Taehyung for purposefully keeping secrets from the rest of the team when one of their member’s health was on the line, and then at Jungkook for being so clueless to how much he meant to the rest of them. He clenched his jaw, mostly he was just upset at himself for ignoring what now seemed like an obvious problem their maknae was having.

“Joonie, I wouldn’t be mad at Tae though, he was pretty shaken up when he found out the truth. I was worried he might pass out.” Yoongi told him, concern on his face like Namjoon might accidently blame Taehyung for this mess when he was no more at fault than any of them. The lying would be addressed later, but for now none of that mattered.

“I’m not hyung, I’m just upset that any of this is happening at all. I should have done something sooner.”

At this Jin grabbed his arm to stop him, “Don’t put this all on yourself, we all should have done something sooner. Now let’s just watch this tape and help Kookie now while it’s not too late.”

Namjoon and Yoongi just nodded and followed Jin into the room. A few minutes later the computer was set up and the first disc was slid into the laptop, anticipation filling the silence as the video began to play.

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putripdian #1
Chapter 10: please update soon^^
Chapter 8: NOT READY
Chapter 8: the dice has been rolled now. and the truth will get known. i just hope jungkook is okay.
Chapter 6: ah jungkookㅠㅠ my heart feels heavy reading this it just my poor babybunㅠㅠ
Chapter 3: you just got another subscriber! i love how they have their own ways to care for jungkook and there is still many members to come right? def gonna read that and leave comment on that too. waiting for hoseok pt2!!:)
amysuju15 #6
Chapter 3: please update...
i like this story..
it show that his hyungs ready to help him...