Take My Heart Back

Love Will Show You Everything

Wendy recorded the music but she's in short with the lyrics.

Irene walks in the room with snacks. Wendy groaned at the sight of the tray she brought.

Irene chuckles as she force the younger to take all the medicines and vitamins after she ate her food.

She focused back on her work while Irene watches her.

Wendy hums the lyrics, trying to choose what sounds best.

"Joohyun" Irene unknowingly smiles hearing the younger dropped the formality again but Wendy's next question taken her by surprise

"Do you love me?" Despite of being surprised, she didn't break an eye contact with the younger.


Wendy chuckles at irene's bewildered expression.

"I love you.. and I'll just assume you do love me back" wendy Continued

"..Just for this song" Wendy smiles writing more to her notebook when she didn't received a protest from the older girl

After her heartbreak last night, she decided to make a last confession through her composition, even herself didn't know where she's getting this confidence from.

The leader still left frozen in her seat.

Wendy taps the pen at the notebook once before stretching her arms.

She clicked some buttons from the computer before entering the booth to record the song but before she close the door she asked Irene to leave the room, the older girl refused to comply but wendy insisted.


"This is for you" wendy smiles at irene as she adjusted her bag.

Irene took the CD, with notes on the case.

To Bae Joohyun

Listen to the Lyrics well, It is written just for you.

From Son Seungwan

With that, wendy left leaving her song for the leader, not expecting any in return. She told the girl that she only wanted to express her feelings.

Wendy submitted the song to the company, but they decided not to include it in the album as a b-side. After a month they released it as a digital single and seulgi was the lucky one to receive the song.

Irene was alone in the dorm again, changing channels. Finding interesting show to kill boredom.

She landed on the Show 'Radio Star', seulgi as one of the guest. She watches like a proud mom as her kid get all those attention and praises as she shows off her dance moves. The MC then talked about the song that she will perform.

"Love will show you Everything" The MC and the other guests cheer on as seulgi climbs up the stage.

 Seulgi - Love will show you everything

Irene landed her eyes on her phone as the intro plays on her television.

Brows furrowed, She checks any message but there's none. It's been almost 2 months since the last message from the composer of the song. She's been contacting her but there's no response.

Irene sighed heavily as she rests her head on the sofa. she lifts up her phone again, browsing through her folders.

Today.. today I bet my life
You have no idea
What I feel inside

The song started to play.. but it wasn't seulgi's voice..

I love you, you love me
Take this gift and don't ask why

She watches wendy in the recording booth as she sing. Admiring how her voice sound so perfect and how it touches her heart. As expected from grandma bae, It took her days before finally learning how to copy the clip from the recording studio's camera.

My love will show you, everything
Our love will show us everything

Irene smiles to herself watching wendy fistbumps the air as she finished recording the song.


"anyone heard from wendy?" Seulgi asks the group when they settled inside the van. Others shook their head in reply.

"I thought you knew where she is" Joy said

"all I know is she went for a vacation, she didn't tell me where"  Seulgi answered placing her bag on an empty seat


Irene went straight to her bed when they got home. Typing wendy's name in the search bar, hoping for new updates.

she found none so she checked the group's instagram account when her eyes caught a comment on a group photo with wendy

redvelvetfan I saw composer son in a restaurant earlier. I think she's on vacation with her friends, she look so happy

purplegirl @redvelvetfan really? Where?

redvelvetfan @purplegirl Jeju. Saw her at Zapata's mexican grill.

Maybe she just really wanted a long vacation, but why isn't she answering my messages? Irene asked herself


The group's Schedule ended late today that knocked off Seul, joy and yeri the moment they jumped in the car.

Despite her tired body, Irene's mind is wide awake. She blankly stare outside the window as their car pass by the almost empty road, accompanied by the voice emanated from her earphones.

"joohyun-ah.. I like it when you call me by my real name, it also sounds nice. Hey.. I may not be someone that you'll like more than a friend.. but.. I promise to stay beside you even when you'll get tired of this face"

The sound of her chuckle can be heard from the recording. Irene managed to rip the audio from the CD that wendy gaved and moved it to her mobile device just for the sake of hearing the composer's voice, Irene Bae's technical knowledge went up from the rating of 0 to 10. 

"I will always Love that dreamy look in your eyes, the way you smile and even the pokerfaced grandma bae.. I hope you'll like this song and please remember this.. I'm always here for you"

then the song started playing.

Today.. today I bet my life

she doesn't remember when it all started, when did she started missing her voice, her smile, her pressence and the feeling when she holds her hand.

Irene always go back to the day she told joy that she doesn't like wendy.. curious on what might have happened if she didn't lie.. that she did feel something but was confused at that moment.

What if.. she insisted her to stay..

What if..

what if..

Irene heaved another sigh before shutting her eyes closed.


The company called the group for a meeting to browse through the songs for the member's solo track on their next album. They already got 23 songs from composers all over the world and the girl group leader suggested to resume by monday.

She only has 2 days to contact wendy, hoping she could ask her to come and submit a song for her. She sent messages but again, no reply from her.

"any news?" Irene worriedly asks her group members.

"I tried calling unnie.. but I can't reach her" Yeri said putting her phone on the side table

Irene sadly smiles

"It's okay.. I just thought it would be nice if I'd be having her song for my solo track"

The group could feel and see the sadness in their leader's eyes.

"We will try again unnie" Joy flashes a cheerful eyesmile as the leader replies with a hopeful smile.


The Group started to listen on the next batch of submitted songs on their list.

Seulgi and Joy already got their choice of song on the first batch and now it will be Yeri and Irene's turn.

Yeri keeps on telling the group that the song is not her style as soon she hears the first two lines from it.

Seuljoy chuckles at the impatient Yeri. Telling her to listen til the chorus. Their manager brings in another set of songs that was freshly submitted for the group

They played another set

It'll be alright
You said tomorrow

Irene shuffles from the sheet music submitted with the sample CDs.

Don't you cry. Don't you shed a tear.
When you wake up I will still be here.

"This song.. " she started

"Her Voice"

Irene lifts up the paper where the lyrics were printed with the composer's song.

Son Wendy

When you wake up we'll battle all your fears. And now I'll...

"Are you going for a sad song unnie?" Seulgi asked the leader as Irene shows interest to the song.

Take my heart back.
Leave your pictures on the floor.
Steal back my memories.
I can't take it anymore.

"More like a break up song.. I think the writer wants to move on" Yeri says as the song reached the chorus which Joy agreed nodding her head.

 Take My Heart Back

Irene walks out the room leaving the girls behind

"Manager Unnie! Wendy! where is she?"

"Uh, she was talking to ceo lee awhile ago but I think she already left"

Irene fishes out her phone trying to reach wendy.
Ringing. Voicemail. Ringing. Voicemail

Irene tried again when she reached the ground floor.

Wendy finally picked up just in time when Irene saw her walking to her car, parked not too far from the building's entrance.




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Chapter 4: 💙💙💙
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 4: Chapter 4 for a happy ending
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Chapter 3: The third chapter for a smile
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Chapter 2: The second chapter with tears, my gosh cry very easily
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Chapter 1: Start with a sweet chapter
GrogersK #6
Chapter 4: Wuhuuuuu, fluffy thing in the end~
Gr33nPow3r #7
Chapter 4: Good job on this story its so cute and fluffy!
Chapter 4: Just wanna let you know that I like it. This story has the right amount of fluffiness >.< I feel like the story has potential to be expanded more but kudos to you for this! Will be lurking around for your future works :)