Just the Start

Love Will Show You Everything

Wendy silently watching cars pass by as she comfortably sits at an empty bus stop, Lost in her own thoughts drafting lyrics on her mind.

11:01 - Nothing. Not even a line finished, she's been lacking inspiration for a new song she's working at.

She was deeply in her own world when a loud thud pulls her back from reality.

"Are you okay? What happened?" wendy kneels on the floor helping a stranger picks up bottled water and stops some apples rolling away.

"Uh.. yeah.. it slips off my hands - thank you"

"Manager Unnie?" wendy exclaims when she finally realized who the stranger was

"Hey wendy!" The other girl smiled as she gets up and holds the grocery bag firmly

Wendy insists on driving the manager of the soon to be voices of her new song (if ever she finish on time)

They arrived at the company's entrance and up to the practice room.

11:40 wendy checks her watch, surprised that the group of 4 is still up practicing for their comeback's title track.

The manager called out for a break and the group immediately runs to them wearing a small smile, tiredness shown on their pretty faces as they greet the unexpected visitor.

Seulgi with the orange ombre hair can't help but ask wendy again about the song as they enjoy their snack, the girl seems more excited than the rest of the group since wendy is a known composer and her close friend.

"I'm just excited and happy that we're working together in our comeback"

"Sorry, I've been spacing out lately"

Seulgi taps her shoulder assuringly telling her that it's okay and she's sure wendy will come up with something soon.


"wake up!" Seulgi hits sleeping wendy's back that startles the latter.

"We're going to the radio show remember?"

Seulgi suggested to the group and their manager to let the composer tag along their schedules for her reason that it might help her finish the song.

Lie. Seulgi knew that wendy has a crush on their leader Irene. She thought this will be a chance for her friend and her unnie to get to know each other well.

Wendy was excited but nervous with this idea. She's excited to see Irene almost everyday but she's also nervous that she might scare irene away when she finds out her feelings for the leader.


Weeks passed and the idea didn't seem to be helping wendy, She's distracted. Her eyes couldn't help but to admire irene's beauty and be hipnotized by her charm.

"hey unnie.. i need to ask you something" joy whispers at Irene pulling her back, slowing their pace so the others can walk past them.

They're currently filming the last scene in their music video in an empty road in the middle of the desert.

"Is composer son hiting on you?" joy curiously asks the shorter girl that earns her a slap on her arm. The younger girl pouts rubbing her forearm.

"No! and even if she will.. you know I don't swing that way" irene shakes her head and pulls the taller girl to run and catch up with the rest.

Since then Irene has been spacing out and has trouble sleeping.

Glancing at the digital clock every 15 minutes. Unable to sleep again, She cursed joy in her mind.
'Why does she have to bring that up?'

She's not naive. She noticed how wendy always insists on doing things for her, taking care of the group and her acting like she's the group's manager that is in charge of their wellbeing, especially Irene.

She sighed as flashbacks keep playing in her mind

Irene catching wendy's eyes staring at her, how she flashes a charming smile or laugh whenever she would tell a lame joke and how she would hold her hand or arm when going up or down the stage.

She's brushing them off.

But now joy brought it up, she's bothered.

Half of her face covered with scarf with a coat to cover her body up to her knees, she went off for a walk.


Irene wandered off the streets peacefully, trying to clear her mind. She looks around a park for an unoccupied seat and noticed there were 2-3 homeless person lying down on public benches. She was about to pass another one when she noticed a familiar coat and bag.

"Wendy?" she exclaimed as she moved her body to face her.

Wendy is a mess, the smell of alcohol is strong on her and she's lying there with a bleeding cut from the right side of her forehead above her brow. There were visible abrasion scratches as well on her right cheek.

"I fell" Wendy groggily stated even before she was asked. She was trying to open her eyes wide amuzed by the street lights as the cab makes it's way to RV's dorm.

Irene planned to take wendy to the hospital but the latter refused. Mentioning every news channel she knew. She's drunk but she still can make a good point. It might be an issue, Nowadays the media can twist everything about them.

Idol's complicated life.

Defeated, she called a company doctor to clean wendy's wounds and give her meds.

She decided to let wendy sleep in joy's bedroom since seulgi is not at home.
It would be better if there's someone to look after her, the leader said which Joy agreed.

Irene checks up on them from time to time that annoys the younger girl

"Unnie.. if you're going to peek on that door every 20 minutes, might as well stay beside her" 

"Let's exchange room for tonight" Joy walks out from the room before the older girl objects.

Irene slid inside the blanket slowly, careful not to wake the sleeping brunette.

Irene shifted, facing wendy. Lightly tapping and rubbing wendy's hand on her stomach, hoping to stop her groan in her sleep and it worked.
Soon tiredness took over her and she gives in to slumber.


"Joohyun" Wendy whispers. she's been awake for the past 20 minutes, Trapped between Irene's arms. The older girl's chin lightly touching the crown of wendy's head.

Irene hum lazily 
"You're calling me by my real name now?"

"Uh.. I just wanted to hear how it sounds, Did I wake you?" Wendy tried to move back, but Irene places her leg above the younger.

"it's sounds nice, Seungwan. and yes you did, so let me sleep more"

Wendy smiles, she liked it. A lot.

Irene made her wait on the dining table while she's busy cooking for their breakfast. Joy and Yeri bid goodbye before they left for an early schedule. 

Wendy took the time to think, to manage her own thoughts. Replaying flashbacks how she ended up drunk in the streets.

"That's why I told you.. the group knew about it and you don't.. I don't want to be unfair to you" wendy listens silently on the phone, Seulgi hangs up knowing that she wont hear a reply from her friend.

She expected this. She knew from the start that their story will probably end up on a one sided love. But hearing the truth, it hits so hard than she expected.

It's burning inside..

She found her way to a bar to cool down. She tried almost every drink in the menu. It's her first time in such place, so she made the most out of it.

"Seungwan, are you okay?" Irene cups her face to look at her. A worried look on her face

Wendy draws a small smile nodding at the older girl. She's happy with the concern and care she's receiving but she knew there's nothing more to it.

Irene asks the younger what happened to her last night. Wendy said she fell from the stairs trying to catch the composition notebook that slipped on her hand.
Irene wanted to hear from wendy why she got drunk, hoping it wasn't because of what she said. She knew they'll eventually tell her but she do care for the composer, she's worried that it might break her and she's right.

They settled in the couch, finding something interesting to watch.

"Joohyun unnie"

Irene was surprised with the sudden formality of the younger.

"I Think I can finish the song now" wendy flashes a smile but Irene saw how sad her eyes are.

"Can I stay and finish it here?"


They made their way to a small studio inside the apartment. 


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Chapter 4: 💙💙💙
Favebolous #2
Chapter 4: Chapter 4 for a happy ending
Favebolous #3
Chapter 3: The third chapter for a smile
Favebolous #4
Chapter 2: The second chapter with tears, my gosh cry very easily
Favebolous #5
Chapter 1: Start with a sweet chapter
GrogersK #6
Chapter 4: Wuhuuuuu, fluffy thing in the end~
Gr33nPow3r #7
Chapter 4: Good job on this story its so cute and fluffy!
Chapter 4: Just wanna let you know that I like it. This story has the right amount of fluffiness >.< I feel like the story has potential to be expanded more but kudos to you for this! Will be lurking around for your future works :)