Chpt 1

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The alarm begun to ring in 2 second which mean Now!!!!!!


"who the set this alarm so loud. I will died because of heart attack". said the silver hair. Still her hand hold the brunette waist.

My name moonbyul and  i working as suscessful photographer.well basicly yes because of my family background which my dad have a company which mean one day it will be mine. Who care about that when i already have a beautiful,y and cute girlfriend, solar.. We been in relationship almost 2 year since we finish our mom love her and always ask we to get married soon but i think we still young and i not ready yet..lets have fun..

"why you always mad towards  alarm baby. You know last night you kept bragging about how late you to the work and now you mad because of this".solar

Moonbyul pov

I look at her face.why she look so beautiful everytime she wake up. I kiss her lip and brush her hair , yet i saw how red she was like tomato. Gosh, i want to eat her right now.. last night was to good like i really wanted it more. 

" i love you yongsun. I want you".


Solar pov

Why she look at me like that. Why she always look hot as like that. Why god create a sweet, handsome and beautiful person like this. I will died everytime she look to me like that..the gaze from her eyes full with love and lust.

" you already eat me last night. You torture me so bad like there not another time for us" i laugh at her. Last night was beautiful and i wish we will stay together like this forever and no one will disturb us or be between us.


We laugh how silly we are. I give a peck to her before rushing toward toilet. I know how bad i want her but there are money to make. Well when you have a beautiful girlfriend, you know how hard you want  her to be happy. While i take shower, she make us some breakfast. She a good cook.perhaps but i love whatever she make although only plain bread with still delicious. If she give her full love i think i still full without eating anything.

" why you not eating. Are you sick?" i said when i look at her face. She look pale. Did i give her hard time last night.. I was worried when suddenly she run to the toilet.

" baby!!!!open the door.. What wrong??" what happen. Did she sick. I call my partner, hwasa to tell her that i will not come to studio today. She open the door and look so sick.

" let go to clinic. I will take leave today and we will go together. As i said, she change to simple clothes.

We wait patiently. I held yongsun head to my shoulder for her rest.. suddenly,"yongsun sshi. Please go to room 2" said the nurse.

"Well, i have done some check up on you. There was nothing wrong about your body but".....

Solar pov

Why the doctor look like he going to say something. Are she having critical sick like cancer or mybe gosh amnesia or mybe brain tumor..? No,i cannot leave moonbyul like this.. I dont want..please god dont take my life. I love moonbyul...

" but for this 9month please take care you health... what that mean? I look at doctor with curious look.

"congrat mrs yongsun. You going to be a mother..chukahe and please take care you good food and please do not tired urself. Since it still earlier, i prefer you more take care of it" said the doctor..

I do not

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Chapter 2: it was really good ,looking forward for youre next work.
Chapter 2: In one moment I felt quite bad about Byul, cuz.. uh. she really got scolded.. O.o
But.. with teary eyes and gorgeous smiles in their faces, its ended in a romantic way.. ^.^
Thank you for writing it. :)
foxsky #3
Chapter 1: can't wait chapt 2.. ;P
Chapter 1: Oh, this was a different storyline.. I wasn't expecting for this at all

I'm.enjoying all this fluffy *u*
Please keep writing!
I'm.curious how byul.will propose to solar *0*
/And I'm.curious how u will make.their son/daughter