You Idiot, You're The One I Like!

Cooking for Love

"Seyong!" scolds the teacher. "Kim Seyong, where do you think you're going?!"

Mrs Choi's strict yelling doesn't bring him back, and everyone's puzzled expressions eventually make their way over to my direction. I'm just confused as the rest of the class, but for some reason, my feet begin to make their way towards the classroom's door, which perks up the teacher's attention. At first, she asks me what I'm doing, but then I realise that it’s now or never, so I take off running, dashing away, where the loud volume of her voice, demanding for me to answer her, gradually fades away with the more I move.

I'm sorry Mrs Choi, please don't give me a detention! I swear I'll give you a good excuse for when I come back.

That’s if I come back in time, because Seyong’s just seem to disappear (yet again)?!

Ugh, where the heck did he go?

Just when that thought appears in my mind, my eyes manage to catch a glimpse of someone turning the corner on my right.

"Seyong!" I call out, knowing that it's him. "Get your back into the classroom!"

But of course, he doesn’t answer me, and just keeps running, so I don’t have much of an option, but to continue following him. My frustration begins to build up, as I proceed to chase him, and no matter what I yell out to him, he doesn't seem to want to stop.

"I changed my mind, I don't want to hear anything!" he suddenly blurts out.

What is he on about?!

Ignoring his strange comment, I then let out a groan. "You idiot, come back here!" I order, once more.

This chase somehow leads us both outside of the building, and after leaping over various low benches, we're now dashing across the school's vast oval.

I don't think he actually has a goal in mind, I think he's just trying to run for as long as he can, and the more I think about this, the more annoyed I feel. Ugh, I need to find a way to make him listen to me! And since asking him to stop isn’t working, there’s only one other choice. Looking around the field, I'm glad that everyone is indoors, and I really am hoping that whoever is in the art classrooms right now, isn’t looking outside, because what I'm about to do, might get me into so much trouble, or just look really wrong.!

Leaping forward, I then pounce myself onto Seyong’s back.

The two of us immediately crash down onto the grass, and the harsh fall is enough to stun me for a few seconds. A few too many seconds, because even though I'm on top of him, and should be having the advantage here, Seyong puts up a good fight, by thrashing about, and wailing for me to let him go. I try to shake some sense into him, but he's refusing to listen to anything that I'm calmly trying to say, so I give up. I give up, and start yelling out my frustration to him, but it just makes him wail even louder.

Our screaming sounds like a bunch of gibberish, with how we're trying to out-yell the other person, and because I really have to slap some sense into him, I do it.


"Ow, what the heck was that for?!" snaps Seyong, as he goes to touch his cheek.

I slowly exhale. "You," I begin, through gritted teeth; "Are an idiot."

Seyong rolls his eyes at me. "I know," he bitterly grumbles. "But did you really have to follow me out here, and then practically tackle me to the floor, just to remind me of how stupid I am?"

Unamused, I can't help but glare at him slightly. "I swear, you are so dumb," I mutter, with a shake of my head.

His eyebrows draw together at this, displaying his annoyance; "Can you stop rubbing in the fact that me liking you is—"

"How about you stop assuming things, and just let me talk?!" I harshly interrupt. "You are such a butthead; I don't even know why I like you!"

"Hey! I—" Seyong pauses for a bit, and I watch as his fuming expression softens, where it then slowly shifts into a somewhat confused one. "Wait, what?"

I let out an exasperated sigh. "Honestly, why do my confessions never go how I want them to?" I ponder, out loud. "Gunwoo's one was bad timing, because it was on the same day that he was planning to confess to Minah, and now that I like you, and am trying to tell you that, you run away."

Seyong gawks at me; "Did you just say that you—?"

"Yes," I smoothly intersect. "I actually like you, like how you like me."

With wide eyes, he blinks for a bit. "S-Seriously?" he finally spits out, with disbelief. "You're not playing with me, right?"

"Well, I'm not you, so no..." I sarcastically point out.

Seyong frowns. "Hey, I'm being serious," he informs. "Do you really like me?"

I give him a nod, and then sincerely tell him my feelings for him. With each word, I notice how the look on his face relaxes, bit by bit, melting into one of relief-happiness, and I can't help but smile slightly. But of course, the warm feeling in me is suddenly replaced with shock, as I find myself out of nowhere, being flipped over onto my back. My eyes are now wide, as I blink up at Seyong, who is now sitting on top of me, and before I can say anything, he shows me bright smile.

"Say it again!" he happily demands.

Slightly puzzled, I slowly mumble out what he wants to hear; "I like you...?"

But it doesn't seem to be enough, because he then places his hand near his ear, and then leans down a little closer to me. "I can't hear youuuu," he sings, in a mocking tone.

I frown, but decide to cooperate with him anyway. "Seyong, I like you," I say, a little more sternly this time.

"Huh, what was thaaaat?" he teases, with a little snicker. "Come on, speak up!"

A frustrated huff comes out of me, as I feel myself snap. "Listen carefully, you butthead, I like you, and only you, okay?!" I yell, somewhat hoping that it would burst his eardrums.

Highly amused, Seyong just laughs at this, looking as happy as ever, and watching his stupid lively smile, manages to ease me up once more.

When he stops, and then then returns his gaze back to me, the amount of affection that I can feel from it, makes me quickly avert my eyes to the left.

But even when I do that, it doesn't help prevent me from nervously swallowing, or feeling that stupid heat from creep up on my cheeks.

"You have no idea how happy I am," he tells me, rather gently.

Seyong’s change in tone of voice, now much softer, is enough to coax me, into turning my head back to face him. His hand then reaches out to dust a few pieces of grass from my hair, as I just quietly observe him. My heart suddenly swells, as I go to think of how much he has always looked out for me, even though he showed it in the weirdest ways. And the more I let this feeling of happiness continue to pulse through me, the more it makes me understand that warm look in his eyes, because I can feel it.

I can feel this fondness, influencing my facial expression, by turning it into a tiny heartfelt smile.

When Seyong's had enough grass-dusting, a grin then appears on his face. "Now I can do something that I've always wanted to do!" he cheerfully says.

I tilt my head slightly, wondering what he's talking about, until he gives me a wink, and then leans in a little closer.

"Except this time, it won't be accidental, and that you won't be thinking of it as 'nothing'," he murmurs.

My answer is soon found, when he inches forward a little more, closing the rest of the distance between our faces, to softly kiss me.

And unlike the first time when this happened, I respond, by wrapping my arms around him, and just allowing myself to melt into this sweet and tender exchange.


A/N: I've taken the whole dramatic-kiss-in-the-rain idea, and kind of fused it with that whole dramatic-chase-at-an-airport, to turn it into this...uh...dramatic-school-tackle-crash-kiss thing, since these two can be quite rough and...uh...yeah?

Okay, that sounds weird, LOL but ANYWAY, hahaha, now we can all celebrate!!!!!!! ^__^

Silly Seyong and crazy Hyeri are finally together (after many, many odd moments), so the next (and final) chapter, will officially tie these two weirdos together, for as long as your imagination lets you.

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I can't help but imagine Seyong and Hyeri of Girl's Day here. Idk if they had interactions or whatever but they look good together. For me, at least. :> :> And I really like Seyong and I can barely find any MYNAME fics in here so I am looking forward to reading this one! :D
Chapter 42: I feel so sad thst I finished reading.this stoy because it's so cute and funny n.n!

Like I already told you; I love MYNAME and I think more people should write about them :o.

I really enjoyes this story so much! You did an amazing job :D
Dagmar #3
Chapter 42: Sad it's over! :( such a good story!
Chapter 42: Daebak! :D
Chapter 42: It's reaaaaally good! Another seyong? ♡ ;')
i like it :3
write another Seyong fic?
I'm a mess sobbing (that may also be because I just finished watching a depressing Bollywood film) and all the cute make me sqeal and cringe at the same time xD
That lemon fight was just amazing LOL
Thanks for writing such a cute story <333
Chapter 42: So happy you didn't give this up!
It is such a sweet yet funny story it made me laugh and made me feel all fuzzy at the same time!
Thank you for writing this - it is one of the less MYNAME stories that acually worked on me ^.^
justwanttoread #9
Chapter 42: its over????ohh...i really like this fic..
its full of love, friendship, love, fluff, love
hahhhaha... i love seyong n hyeri here!!!
its cute!!!
n auwwww~~~~ cant get enough of them, especially towards the end..
n i glad that u didnt give up on this fic..
thank you for that ^^
*two thumbs up*
hey! new reader here and your fic is interesting :) will be reading the chappies now. :DD