No Strings Attached, Huh?

Cooking for Love

I slowly skated out of the school gates, and the thought of it finally being a Friday afternoon, made me grin.

Yes, that means I can finally catch up on some sleep during the weekend, laze around like a fat starfish, and then maybe get some school work done! Ah what the hell, there's no option for that, school work is a must, obviously.

As I continued skating, I suddenly heard my name being called out from behind. I stopped at a halt, and slowly turned around to see a spiky-haired brunette male with highlights approaching me.

"Hyeri-ah, you wanna come and hang out with us?" asked Yukwon, as his trademark smile made its way onto his face.

It didn't take me long to decide. "Okay!" I beamed, "Let’s—"


What the hell?

Yukwon and I both exchanged an equally confused look, as we saw thing, charging its way towards us. Actually, I think...wah, I think it's making its way towards me?!

"Offt—!" Something had suddenly semi-tackled me, and whatever it was, it didn't let go, and continued to cling onto me.

When I was able to regain my balance again, I saw that the cause of this was...

"Seyong?" said both Yukwon and I, at the same time. "Uhhh...what the hell—" My sentence was suddenly cut off.

"You're spending time with me today!" interrupted the red-haired, who then proceeded to narrow his eyes at the two of us.

Poor Yukwon looked so confused, just standing there, and— actually, I'm just as confused, what the heck is going on? Why is this crazy thing acting like this?!

I tried to pull my arm away from his grip, but that only made him hold onto me some more. Eh, is this another annoying game that he had recently come up with, or something? Seriously, what part of personal space, does he still not understand?! Aish.

There was a slight pause, until Yukwon broke it. "Are you guys dating or—"

"What?!" I screeched, which made him hold his hands up in defense.

"Um, forget I ever asked!" panicked the brunette, "I'll just...go and tell the others that...we'll all hang out another day, yeah? Yeah!" A nervous chuckle was the last thing I heard from him, before he disappeared elsewhere.

I sighed.

Great...I was actually looking forward to catching up with him and the others. Thinking about it, I was then reminded of why I couldn't go, and turned my attention back to Seyong, who had finally let go of my arm. Thank goodness for that, because it was a tad bit suffocating, having him too close to me like that. The red-head flashed me a smile that was sweet enough to make me puke, as he suddenly held onto my arm (yet again?!) and started to drag me away; my rollerblades making everything easier for him.

"Seyong, where the heck are you taking me?" I asked, not amused by this whole thing.

"I'm taking you out for a treat!" he replied, a little too happy.

"A treat?” I questioned, feeling more baffled by the second, “A treat for what?"

Just what on Earth is going on here?! Seyong, taking me out for a 'treat'?

No really, what is this sorcery?!

"And just in case you're thinking about it, no, there is no strings attached," said the male, breaking me out from my thoughts.

"Nothing at all?" I pressed on, still feeling suspicious.

He shook his head, "Nope! Nothing; I'm doing this because I can."

So he's doing this because he 'can', huh...?

Alright, something is definitely up. You don't just suddenly take someone out for a treat, just because you 'can'! Well, you kind of can, but not when it comes to him...hmm, I wonder what his definition on a 'treat' is?

Pssh, knowing him, he's probably plotting something to embarrass me.


Okay, this is...really, really, weird.

It's so weird, I don't even know if the word 'weird' can define how weird this is!

When I changed out of my skates and slipped on my usual school shoes, Seyong took the bag from me and offered to hold it. He then swooped in, and stole my text book from my arms, and decided to keep it with himself, saying that he wanted to hold it for me. And as soon as we reached inside the mall, he said that I could browse at whatever place I wanted to.

On top of this out-of-character-ness of him, he said that he wouldn't care if there was anything that I wanted to try on, and said that I could take as long as I wanted to. Actually, he encouraged me to do so, which was just really scary, and I was starting to think that maybe the real Seyong is actually tied up in a basement somewhere, and this one was an imposter.

And if he wasn't an imposter, and was actually the real thing, then I'm assuming that he must have hit his head somewhere, and is now experiencing some temporary memory loss of his identity.

You know how it is; this whole thing is absurd so I can't let my guard down just yet!

Or ever.

The two of us found ourselves in an arcade a little later on, and I can't believe I'm really saying this, but who knew that we actually, well...made a good shooting team together?

The zombies in the game didn't stand a chance!

I guess the one thing that irked me was the weirdo giggling girls that watched us play from behind. Well, more like, they were watching Seyong. It was just gross to hear them complimenting him so loudly, and seeing him flirt back to them didn't make it any better. Tsk, you stupid thing, don't do that, because then they'll never leave you alone!

"Oppa, why don't you come and play a game with me?" cooed one of the girls with a loud giggle, "Or you could just play with me instead." Her friends from behind all giggled along with her suggestive comment.

Eww, there are actually people like this in the world?!

Without taking his eyes off the screen, he casually declined the girl's response with a bright smile. "No thanks, I'm a little occupied," he replied, just before getting rid of a zombie on my part of the screen. "And by the way, I thought you were all noonas, no?"

The girls gasped, probably offended by him incorrectly guessing their age.

Oh wow, don't tell me these girls are those fifteen year olds that look like they're twenty five or something.

The one who called him over quickly regained her composure. "Oh, well we can be noonas, if that's what you prefer~" she said with a coy smile. The way she twirled her hair flirtatiously made me cringe.

Come on Seyong, you know you want to. This is the part where you put the gun down, say yes, and then leave me to go with them, right?

But Seyong shook his head. "Nah, it's okay. I don't like older women," he stated nonchalantly. Putting the gaming gun down, he then took me by surprise, by taking away my own.

"Hey, I was just about to—"

"Come on jagiya, let’s go~" he butted in, making my eye automatically twitch.

Dude, did he just call me—

"Hurry jagi, I'm hungry!" pouted the red-head, which shocked me even more.

I probably had this really traumatized look on my face right now, because he went and picked up my bag along with his own, just before steering me out of the place.

“She's not you're girlfriend, stop lying!" pouted one of the girls.

Seyong laughed her comment off, as he merrily waved his goodbye to the group. I would have agreed with her statement, (and probably shoved him back towards them) but nothing would come out of my mouth when I went to open it. As soon as we were outside, Seyong acted as though nothing had happened, as he asked me what I wanted to eat.

Um, excuse me, but you can't just go and call me a really gross word and—

"Yah, what's with that look on your face? Flattered that I called you my honey?" teased Seyong, with a smirk.

My eyebrows arched together. "No!" I exploded, "I'm horrified! I never want to hear you call me that ever again, it's disgusting!"

He carelessly waved his hand in a dismissive manner, "Pffft, I know you liked it."

"No I didn't!" I shot back, "The only person who can call me that is—!" I quickly stopped myself from saying anything more, as the memory of him pointing out how delusional I sounded with my crush towards Gunwoo, reappeared in my mind.

Ever since that happened, I had been thinking about it, and strangely...I think the -head's kind of right.

My infatuation does make me a little too overwhelmed, where I sort of end up reacting more than I should, which is a little stupid. I've decided that if I want this to work out, then I'll approach it the 'normal' toned-down, sort of way, and just be more...well...casual, with it, I guess? I wonder if Gunwoo always saw my giddiness as something really...weird. Or crazy, even? Wow...that would if he did. But even so, I'm still a little upset about Seyong's outburst.

Because calling someone who is very in-like with someone 'crazy', is just plain rude!

"So what did you say you wanted to eat again?" asked the butthead.

"Oh, um...anything's fine, really. Actually, I'm kind of in the mood for some pancakes but—"

"Pancakes it is then," confirmed the male, as he began to lead the way.

As I watched his back move further and further away from me, I narrowed my eyes at him.

Are you really not planning anything that will humiliate me? It's just hard to believe that there's no strings attached this time. Maybe he's actually trying to make an effort to get along with me or something? But why the heck would he do that now, after picking on me for so long? I let out a sigh and shook my head. Seyong really is one strange cookie, that's for sure. It's a shame that we clash a majority of the time, because I think we could be really good friends if we just set the arguments aside.

Oh my God, did I just really think of that?

"So do you want pancakes or not?” snapped the red-head from a few meters away, “And why the hell are you all the way back there?!"

Ugh, scratch everything that I had just thought of a few seconds ago.

"It's because you smell!" I retorted, which made him blink back at me.

He sniffed himself, and then the air around him. "I do not!" he responded, and then gave his forehead a slap, "Aigoo, just hurry up, I want to eat!" 

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I can't help but imagine Seyong and Hyeri of Girl's Day here. Idk if they had interactions or whatever but they look good together. For me, at least. :> :> And I really like Seyong and I can barely find any MYNAME fics in here so I am looking forward to reading this one! :D
Chapter 42: I feel so sad thst I finished reading.this stoy because it's so cute and funny n.n!

Like I already told you; I love MYNAME and I think more people should write about them :o.

I really enjoyes this story so much! You did an amazing job :D
Dagmar #3
Chapter 42: Sad it's over! :( such a good story!
Chapter 42: Daebak! :D
Chapter 42: It's reaaaaally good! Another seyong? ♡ ;')
i like it :3
write another Seyong fic?
I'm a mess sobbing (that may also be because I just finished watching a depressing Bollywood film) and all the cute make me sqeal and cringe at the same time xD
That lemon fight was just amazing LOL
Thanks for writing such a cute story <333
Chapter 42: So happy you didn't give this up!
It is such a sweet yet funny story it made me laugh and made me feel all fuzzy at the same time!
Thank you for writing this - it is one of the less MYNAME stories that acually worked on me ^.^
justwanttoread #9
Chapter 42: its over????ohh...i really like this fic..
its full of love, friendship, love, fluff, love
hahhhaha... i love seyong n hyeri here!!!
its cute!!!
n auwwww~~~~ cant get enough of them, especially towards the end..
n i glad that u didnt give up on this fic..
thank you for that ^^
*two thumbs up*
hey! new reader here and your fic is interesting :) will be reading the chappies now. :DD