Love Me

Love Me




"I love you" are words said from the heart. They are, what people think, words that brings people together; never to be used out of obligation or malevolence.

Love, is such a strong word in itself, taking it's spot as one of the most strongest emotions humans feel. It can bring about life as it can death. It fuels passion. It brings joy. It blinds.

For Haeun, love was in the form of Min Yoongi and his entire being. She was in love with him with feelings like an uncontrollable forest fire.

From his passion for music to his laid back personality. From the glares and disgusted looks to his gummy smiles and cresent eyes. From his broad back to his strong hands that gently caressed her shoulders. From his deep, gruff morning voice to his exhausted, endearing night voice. With each and every little "flaw" there was something that was even greater. She fell for him for the way he was.

What started from a small encounter grew and turned to something more within the years they've known each other.

People may call her feelings an obsession. In truth, it was nothing like that. She was just a girl in love, wanting to be there for her lover. She was patient. She was kind. She was loyal.

She has qualities that are rare in this current society, qualities that are often over looked.

But sometimes, on nights like these, she hated these traits. She didn't have the heart to tell him to come out of the studio, to take short breaks, or to simply give her some kind of attention. She hated to seem like the needy girlfriend. She didn't want to become a bother him because it was work, obligation.

He did it for Bangtan. His second family.

But it didn't stop from making her feel unwanted and useless.

He soon stopped coming over as often as he used to. If he did, he slept and left. The late night calls stopped coming or ended with him claiming to be busy. He stopped texting first. If he replied, it was short.

It was as if he didn't try and it had been this way for three months.

One would think that she'd have grown used to it over the course of two years. The fault in this case is that nothing remains in the same idea as it does in the beginning. The human mind changes perspective over time. Yoongi began to think it was okay for him to work more and that she didn't mind. Haeun began to think she lost Yoongi's attention and he didn't care.

Haeun tried. Every time she went to the studio, she dressed up. He didn't react to any outfits. Her self esteem soon trickled down.

She tried talking to him. He would hum as if he were listening when in truth, he probably wasn't. Her loneliness grew.

Yoongi only ever looked at his computer screen inside the "Genius Lab." At times, she even envied the machine.

This night, she came in wearing a pair of black jogging pants, a black sweat shirt, and a black beanie. The last two of which were his. She wasn't aiming to be cute. She was simply dropping off food for the man she called her boyfriend of two years. She didn't stay too long if he never looked her way so much as to spare a glance.

She knows he eats what she brings... Just never when she was there.

She opened his studio door with a rather loud creak, not needing to knock since he wouldn't have heard it. He sat with his back turned towards the door, seemingly unaware of her presence. His dyed hair was a splendid mess. His shoulders broad and his back noticably straight. She knew what it meant. He was focused.

Pain shot through her heart. The door was loud yet he didn't bother to turn around. He didn't even have his head phones on his ears but, instead, around his neck. It was blasting music but anyone with working ears would have heard the door open.

She began to question herself.

Is everything she did in vain? Was she trying for a lost cause? She didn't know if he even felt the same anymore.

She no longer wanted to sit in the same room as him when he ignored her existance. Quietly, she placed the food on the little table next to the door and closed herself out of the small space. She sat on the floor against the wall. She brought her knees to her chest and curled into a ball.

Haeun muffed her cries, not wanting to heard. Who was even there at this time? It was eleven in the midst of night. The same time she always came when he worked late. No one but Yoongi and a couple others were inside the building. It was never busy at this time of night.

Perhaps it was too much for her to take in. How long had it been since he's said the phrase "I love you?" He said it, but to her, it began to sound like a routine. Like obligation. Not as if he truly meant it.

It hurt. She was never strong to begin with. She had always cried easily.

The sobs slowed to hiccups. She stood up and walked home alone once again.

Maybe he never noticed she stayed and waited.

Maybe, Yoongi truly didn't care anymore.


The bed felt too big to Haeun's liking. She covered herself with the soft blanket. The one Yoongi had bought her a year ago on their first anniversary. He probably didn't remember the date anyways. Lucky for her, their anniversary is during the midst of their next comeback. The tears never stopped falling onto her pillow. Holly's barking was drowned out by her soft sobs.

Thoughts raced through her mind. Was it because she wasn't pretty enough? She wasn't skinny. Yoongi's clothes almost fitted her. It hung loosely enough on her. She wasn't a "pale beauty". She wasn't, what she believed, his idea type.

The cries came out harder as her heart felt like it was constricting. That was another thing.

Love can feel like physical pain. Love can hurt. Love was making her blind.

She didn't know when he stopped loving her and the more she thought about it, the longer she sobbed. The wanted to curse, not the world, but herself for being so weak. She never had the courage to speak up for herself.

If anything, it was always Yoongi who saved her. Yoongi, who always encouraged her to be stronger. Yoongi, who was her back bone. It killed her to think he was drifting from her hands.

After what felt like hours, sleep finally beckoned her. One last tear slipped from her eye before she drifted into a slumber.

That night, she didn't call, leave a voice mail, nor did she leave a text.


To say she was surprised to find herself in Yoongi's embrace that morning, was an understatement. Something felt odd about the extra weight over her waist but she didn't expect this. She initially thought that Holly had found a way to get on the bed but, she distinctly remembered putting the pup inside the little play pin after feeding him and before moping to bed.

She didn't move and she didn't let any words slip from her lips. She watched him as he slept. He had an arm around her and the other underneath the pillow below his head. It looked as though he hadn't gotten a of sleep, judging by the bags under his eyes. For a man that loved to sleep so much, it was quite a shocker.

The sunlight which slipped from the blinds brightened up the room. She can recall the first night Yoongi slept over. The next morning, he wanted to buy black out curtains so he could sleep during the day. Haeun had been against it and he had no choice but to comply, after all, it was her apartment. He had just occasionally stayed there.

Her eyes trailed down his relaxed face. His eyebrows weren't scrunched together like they always were and his mouth was slightly gaping. He was like a child when he slept. He looked peaceful.

Haeun caught sight of his two small beauty marks that laid on his nose and cheek. Those were one of her favorite distinctions about him. She remembered how upset she was when the make up artists had always tried hiding it away. It took a while for Yoongi to convince them to lightly put on foundation so it could still be seen for her sake.

Yoongi was handsome, beautiful almost. She had never once thought he would have fell for a girl like her.

Perhaps it was just a fleeting feeling that had been dragged on for far too long. Maybe it was just the mood of the moment that lead them here.

The mere thought of it hurt. What she felt was real. Was this relationship just something that comes and goes? She didn't want to believe it. But, it didn't stop the salty tears from falling.

Haeun attempted to slide out of Yoongi's arms but unexpected, he had pulled her closer using only one arm. Her back was now against his sturdy chest. Yoongi was awake. He had to be. He never moves in his sleep. She couldn't escape from his grasp, thus the two sat silently, laying there, listening to each other breathe.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled against her hair.

His gruff voice gave her chills down her spine. When was the last time she heard his voice this close? When he was at her apartment, he was either sleeping soundly when she's waking up for work or always gone before she woke up.

She frowned. He didn't even know what he was apologizing for.

Haeun tried her best to not sound so broken. "What are you even apologizing for?" She questioned. "Go back to sleep."

"I'm sorry," he repeated.

"Seriously Yoongi, let me go," she tried to wriggle out. "I have to get ready to work."

His arm remained tightly over her. "Haeun-ah," he called out for her.

"What? Just let me go, you're being ridiculous right now," she laughed, trying to sound jokeful. She had hoped he hadn't seen through her lie.

The arm from underneath the pillow slipped between her waist and the bed. He hugged her middle tightly. "Please don't leave," he said softly.

She stopped struggling to take in his words. She thought he might have been talking about having to go to work. "It's work, I have to."

"Haeun," he said. "Its Thursday, your day off."

"Oh," she stated. She had forgotten the day. She stopped struggling away from him, knowing it was futile.

The atmosphere remained silent between the two. The salty tears were streaming but she tried not to make a sound. Yoongi's grip never faltered as he placed a kiss to the back of her head.

"I'm not perfect," he began to say. "I'm far from it. I'm not the best boyfriend either, which is funny because I've been with you for two years."

He took a pause.


She opted for silence. The man she loved and longed for is holding her but yet she was feeling doubtful. She didn't trust herself to look at him. She didn't want him to see her tears fall on end. Soon, he let her go and slipped out of bed. She wanted to cry for him. To tell him not to go.

Then Yoongi appeared right in front of her. He was on her side of the bed.

"I knew you were crying, you've always been a cry baby," he said as came right back into the fluffy mattress. He held her hand this time and traced her figures with his eyes. "You don't have to cry. Don't cry over an like me."

He knew what she was feeling. He was never home, he didn't conversate enough with her, he didn't spend enough time with her. He knew he was in the wrong. He realized it a bit late.

Last night, when he noticed she hadn't been sitting on the small office chair next to him like she usually did, he had a feeling something was wrong.

He always knew she'd sit beside him at eleven each night with food in tow. He'd steal glances while she was on her phone or keeping busy with something. He loved to hear her speak while working, her soft voice always soothed him she was his muse. He took it as motivation to finish up his work as quickly as he could.

It was his bad habit and insecurity, however, that prevented him from finishing in a timely matter. Yoongi was a perfectionist when it came to music. Even if it was marked as finished, he would have his doubts about the song.

It wasn't an excuse to not spend time with this woman here, in his arms, who deserved the world and its riches,

In truth, he was content with having her by his side. He loved her no less than she loved him. He felt as though she silently cheered him on. He listened to her talk while he was working but failed to give proper answers.

It wasn't enough for her and he failed to see it.

Her stays became shorter and she talked less. The food, some nights, was take out instead of home cooked. She stopped dressing up. She always looked tired. She stopped hugging him when she came. Her once loud proclamations of love became soft whispers before she left. Lastly, her nightly texts were shortened to a simple "goodnight."

He was blinded by his passion. He didn't know how much he impacted her. How much he needed her beside him.

Not until last night.

"I love you."

She felt her breath catch. She heard the sincerity in his voice that she yearned for. It had been too long since a moment like this. It caused the pools in her eyes to overflow.

"Hey, hey, hey, that wasn't supposed to make you cry," he chuckled, wiping away the water from her face.

"That's not it, and you know it isn't," she hiccup.

She was crying because she was happy.

If those words were enough to make her cry, he knew she hadn't been feeling so sure about them.

He hadn't meant to hurt her.

But he did.

"I know," he told her, with a heart of guilt. He to his back, sacrificing an arm for her head. He allowed her to throw her leg over his. She was comfortable like this. This much, he knew. He put his free hand underneath his own head and stared at the popcorn ceiling.

It had been too long since they had just laid this way.

He had forgotten how much he loved this.

Laying next to Haeun without a care in the world.

That was the way it should be.

"Ah, really. I must be a terrible boyfriend," he proclaimed loudly. "My girlfriend is crying because I told her I loved her and meant it. What should I do to make her stop?"

She took a glance at him. He was looking up at the ceiling. A coy smile playing on his lips.

"Wah, she must really be upset. She didn't even say she loved me back. I guess I'm horrible," he added.

This time he earned a soft chuckle from the girl in his arms. "Yeah, you're an ," she said quietly. She had sniffled a bit from the crying.

"I heard that."

"I meant for you to hear it," she mumbled.

"I love you, Haeun," he repeated. "I love all of you."

He picked up her hand with his from under his head and brought it up to his lips. He pressed a kiss against her smaller hand before lacing their fingers together. 

"You're beautiful, intelligent, loving, and absolutely wonderful." He then gave a bitter smile. "It was my mistake to make you feel the way you did. What we have is seemingly tragic. A bitter story with an ending that hurts."

The tension in her chest grew as her frown became prominent. Where was he getting at?

"I'm terrible, Haeun. I'm so painstakingly horrible. I feel so guilty when you try so hard. I'm not a good boyfriend to you."


"But I'm going to be selfish, Haeun. I will never let you go because at the end of the day, you are my light at the end of the tunnel. I never fell in love so deeply until you came into my life."

She sat up to look at him, only to see his beautiful coffee brown eyes gaze sofftly into hers. His hand cupped her cheek. He was still lying down, adoring her. Her heart skipped a beat at his next words.

"You are my everything. I want you to remember that," he said.

He took in her features. Even if she had been crying, she was beautiful to him. There was never a moment she didn't capture his heart. She carried herself with dignity and a strong facade yet, she was also fragile and emotional. She spoke with intelligence but occasionally says and does goofy things. She was his flashlight that shown in the dark of night.

Drops of salty tears ran down her face. The overwhelming amount of emotions felt her. She felt stupid for crying so much but Yoongi had told her it was okay to do so.

When he sat up and pulled her into his embrace, her sobs became a little louder. He whispered apologies and I love you's into her ear, giving her a soft kiss to the temple of her head.

He pulled back once she began to calm a bit and cupped her cheeks.

He kissed her eyes that cried.

Her cheeks that puffed out.

Her nose that was red.

Her forehead which creased.

And lastly, her lips that gave out soft whimpers.

"Tell me what to do," he begged. "Tell me what I can do to make you to stay."

She pressed her lips back against his, her fingers grasping at the hem of his shirt. She was able to taste his strawberry chapstick. It was faint yet it filled her heart with the sweetness she had missed for three months.

She withdrew, their noses faintly touching at the tips. She saw a single stream fall from his eyes that looked at her with longing. That was all she needed.

"Love me," she whispered. "All I need is for you to love me. That's all I want."

"I never once stopped, baby."

"You're all I have."

"You're all I need," he responded. "I love you. So, so much."

"I love you too, Min Yoongi."





Author's Notes

My first posted fic is a kind of long one shot.


Excuse my typos and trash writing.


If you read it to the end,

I thank you so much and I hoped you enjoyed it!


(Gifs, Images, and Videos do not belong to me! Credited to the original owners!)

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Urghhh, i still canttt ㅠㅠ

I love how your story showed yoongi’s and the girl’s side. Like tbh there’s always more than one side in a storyyy
Chapter 1: I FOUND IT! ㅠㅠ i’ve been trying to find this in my stories subscribed, I just had tooo much stories that I have read but i’m so happy I found it again!!

I just want to say my view on it before never changed! It’s still one of the best stories I’ve read.
Thank you sooo muchhh<3
Chapter 1: Why... why is this so beautiful my heart hurts and my head hurts im- :"""""""""""

Thabj you for writing this anazing storyy :"""
Chapter 1: This needs more love TT TT
This is like my 193838 times reading this but its still my favourite sugaxoc one shot
strawberryhosh #5
Chapter 1: A very nice well-written story.I love it.Keep up the good work! :)