Chapter 2


It's a fine day at the university but for our little dramatic character here?? Naah... It's just another bully day for sure.

"Yah, Amber?"

And here it goes for the first.
Kai, the ultimate bully of their school appear and immediately grab her collar.

"Wha-what do you want?" Stutter? Obviously. Kai's in front of her. She's scared as heck!

"Well we just want to thank you for covering us up yesterday." He said smirking to her and smiling evilly to his mates that are at the back of him.

"Oh? Yeah? Well I wanted to thank you also. Because of you I got scolded by the dean and got to sweep the entire soccer field!" She angrilly stated. Kai then didn't like how she speaks infront of him. 'O-oh... wrong move' Amber then thought.

"You dare to talk back to us? Haha guys, look our little Amby is mad" He teasingly said and laugh along with his friends. "Your mad? Maybe this one will ease it" And Kai just pour some red liquid at Amber's head. It flowed down all the way to her face down to her uniform. She didn't move not even a flinch. She just stand there with a calm face. Yes, calm. Even if they did that, she still can't fight back. She can't get mad cause her unnie will not gonna love it. And her appa will never gonna love it too. 'Amber-yah control yourself' She take out a deep and long breath and said...

"Your done thanking me? If so, will you please excuse me? Cuz you know I have a class later. I need to go and get change." Still with that poker face of hers.
Kai didn't hesitate to give way to the poor kid but still laughing hard at the site his seeing. Amused by what he did.


Amber's POV

Life's really wonderful. Wow! I can't imagine that a person like me would be bullied just like that! But whatever, unnie says everything will be alright.

As soon as I finished changing I imediately ran exit and go straightly to our classroom. Damn it I'm late again.


"Liu! Seems like we're late again." Our homeroom teacher greeted me. Seriously? Even when I ran like some cheetah just to get here on time still not enough.

"Sorry Sir." I said in a low voice. My head tilt down facing the floor.

"How many times were you late this mon- Ahh wait let me rephrase that. How many times this month have you come on time Liu?"

"3 times sir"

"3 times... that means YOUR LATE FOR THE ENTIRE MONTH!" He angrilly said. I didn't respond to him. I just remained silent on the entire scolding, ashamed at the whole class. I'm not really listening to him until...

"Bring me your parents"

"What!?" I quicky averted my head to him. Shocked at what I've heard. I can't bring my parents here. My mom's dead, my dad's .. well I can't bring him here. I promised him that I will be good at my university days. And if ever, they can't know that ugh..

"But sir I can't bring my Appa here. And omma's dead" I dejected.

"I need to talk to your appa. End of discussion. Unless you wan't yourself to get detention it's fine with me. But this time it will be 1 entire week!"

"I'd rather get detention" I weakly said

"Detention? Alright then. Our utility personells are not around for the entire week. It just costs if ever we'll hire someone so instead, you will be the one doing all, what the utilities are supposed to do. Clean everything. EVERYTHING. Starting from the main gate up to the back gate. EVERYDAY! UNDERSTAND!" He loudly said. Don't you think this is too much? Why are you so cruel to me sosaeng-nim???

"UNDERSTAND!" Sensing that I didn't make a hint of agreement he repeated it. This time it's much more louder than the previous one. I then just nodded in response. Satisfied already. He made me sit in my desk and continued his lesson.

After a boring hour of discussions finally it's lunch time. I gotta go feed myself up. This day is starving me.



"Hey Llama what did your teacher do to you? Why are you on detention again?" Shann asked me immediately as I sat on their table.

"Seriously dongsaeng..." Taeyeon unnie said face palming herself.

"It's not my fault to get late at his class" I defended.

"Do you love detention that much huh?" Chen said.

"Yah! who would love detention huh Chen? You know what? I don't wanna talk about this. Can't we just eat?" I said whining at them.

Suddenly our gazes averted to where Chen is looking. Oh. the goddesses are here. Tiffany unnie, Jieun and ofcourse the ice princess Soojung.

"Aren't they beautiful?" Chen dreamingly said. Plastering a creepy smile on her face.

"Ofcourse! They're a beauty!" I nodded in agreement. Ofcourse they're like Goddess. Especially the mini-ice princess. Yes, you heard me and read it right. Why mini you ask? Well it's because she has a sister who possesses the most cold attitude of all. Well, that's what I've heard from them.


"Fany-yah!" Unnie and Tiffany unnie hugged as soon as they reach each other. Wait they're close? Hey! What's with the naming? And kiss? on the lips? Something's fishy here...

"Yah!" Chen said shockingly. Mouth slightly open and eyes are as wide as the owl.

"Close your mouth kid!" Taeyeon unnie said smirking. Are they an item or something? No maybe they are just-

"Yah! I'm not a kid. And why are you kissing in front of us? I may not be a kid anymore but please... spare my innocent mind!" Chen said. She made a pray sign and bowed repeatedly at Taeyeon unnie. Haha so funny scene.

"Yah! Haha! Oh... mianhae Chen the 'innocent' haha!" Taeyeon unnie said tapping Chen''s head and messing her hair like a dog while laughing. We couldn't contain ourselves and laugh as well, even the ice princess smiled! Whoah... she... smiled.

"Yah! I'm not a dog! and why are you all laughing? I'm not some kind of clown here!" She angrilly said looking at all of us. Everybody then stoped laughing when she gave her glares. Oh, I didn't know she has this side of her. So scary.

"Mian! It's just that... ugh!, Okay. okay. we're sorry!" I said to her but still slightly laughing

"Mind some explaination unnie?" I said as I averted my attention and looking sternly at her.

They all sat comfortably at our table. Then unnie told us that her and Tiffany unnie are in a relationship thingy for quiet a while now. They are together for more than a year. Yeah great at keeping something unnie. They said sorry to us for not telling us about them and ofcourse me and Shann are very understandable person so we just shrug it off.

"Krystal!" Hell yeah the jerk's here again calling my princess. Did I just said 'my princess?' 'MY PRINCESS???' I'm an idiot I know.

"Hey baby!" I froze. B-b-ba-by Baby? He's her baby?

"Why are you here? with this idiot?" Kai said pointing to me.

"Yah! My cousin's not an idiot jerk" Chen stands and defended me. Stop it already. It's true that I'm an idiot.

"Oh the captain's defending the idiot haha" And all of his minions laughed. Yup! Chen's the captain of the girls basketball team here.

"And for your information this jerk (points to himself) is the most hot boy here and the one and only prince of the beloved goddess here" He said lovingly towards Krystal and peck her lips. Krystal giggle at the connection and I can see her cheeks heating up. She's happy

"Cheesy" Krystal cutely answered squizing his cheeks

"Only for you baby" And another peck. I sighed. Will there be any good that would happen to me today? Will you please stop tearing my heart apart?

"Yah! Oppa, will you please stop being so lovey-dovey there? And quit making fun of Amber unnie! I saw what you did to her earlier." Jieun who was being silent anoyingly said. Wait she saw?

"Yeah I've seen it too!" Now Chen's throwing some glares at him. Chen too? I thought we were just alone that time. I can see him tensed up and Krystal loosen his grip to him.

"What did you do? You know what Amber to me is right?" What am I to you princess?

"I didn't do anything-"

"LIAR" Kai got cut by Jieun and Chen's voice. Kai's fuming in anger now. That means I'll be more trouble if I didn't do something to cover him up.

"What are you talking about? Kai didn't do anything-" I tried to talk but got cut by Taeyeon unnie "That's why your late, that's why you got detention. Right?"

"Unnie, No ofcourse not."

"I saw it hyung. Kai pour some red liquid on your head earlier... Wait!" Chen then stopped her sentence. We all looked at her as she's doing some thinking gestures.

"After that, you went to the toilet to change. That's why your late. That's why you got detention! I solved it Yes!" Chen finished her sentence in one go grinning like an idiot giving high 5 in the air.

"Idiot!" Jieun mumbled rolling her eyes away from Chen.

"Guys seriously, he has nothing to do with my late and detention thing. That's totally my fault" I said not even looking at them.

"Ofcourse it's your fault stupid. And stop making issues about my boyfriend!" And with that my bestfriend rolled her eyes at me and walk away from us dragging his Kai with her. I just sighed. Now I know what am I to her.



Hey guys! What do you think about this chapter? oh, and I have put some imaginary character hehe .

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GEoRuth #1
Chapter 1: Hi there. Is this still on hiatus
GEoRuth #2
Chapter 13: Why can't Amber fight back? What is it with her father?
Illamadork #3
Chapter 13: Continue please if I were amber I punch that kai a totally a jerk and a bastardized. I hate always hate kai for taking our princess to Amber whose taking care for Krystal for many years argggggghhhhhhh HATE YOU KAI
kris214 #4
Chapter 12: Continues please, ill follow this story till the end.
AmberK #5
Chapter 11: i cant wait next chapter...please updated faster......sob sob...good luck
nanny00 #6
Chapter 11: Kaistal....ish ish ish
AmberK #7
Chapter 10: Please updated soon....I cant wait to read next chapter...please hurry....sob sob....
Chapter 10: ohhh nice update author ^_^
Maryrosehalma #9
Chapter 10: Yessssss i like this story so much..thanks author :)